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Friday, October 31, 2003?
Im online and nobody's online!! Except fer Dicky. Sighh.. OKie, just realized i used da wrong conjuction. Conjuction rite? And and or and all.. No, not all. .... *slapsface* Rite. SOrry. Lemme start again.
Harlow! Im online BUT no one's online! Except fer Dicky. It's okay! As i typing this, Aspho's saying heyyyaaaz. Ignore her fer a min. Cuz i dunno i reeli haf no mood to chat. Prolli cuz i just woke up.. Not reeli.. I mean, i did slept. Till 4. Thn got woken up by gramps who dragged me off da couch to buy sardines fer buka. Break fast i mean. Yeh. Sigh. Walked lyk a zombie sia. But totally perked up whn i saw this cute guy.. lOl... *slapsface*
Last day of skool.. Dammit sia. I feel so bad. Cuz Nana wasn in a good mood this morning. And wad Aspho and i did? Practically nuffin to comfort her . Instead both of us crapped wit Sadako and Sakura. And again i feel bad cuz i gues we were pretty nasty wit Sakura; teasing her and pissed her off.. Welsh... SIghh..
Last day of skool. Sux. Din went home wit Nabz cuz she was nowher in sight. Tot of waiting fer her. But thn.. Cud haf waited. Cuz frm wher i was standin just now in da canteen wit NurOol, Bro Sri, Aspho and NurOOl J, i got a perfect view of ethan guy. lOl.. heshOoocooL!! !!!
Feeling betta already! Went home wit Aspho and Sri. We waited fer da nuRoOls at first. Waited and waited. Dammit.. Hated da way Hannan looked at me whn he and Muhd walked past . From far, cud see his toothy smile. Thn when got near, he was lookin at me, thn glanced at Muhd. Thn back at me. Know he cud tell i din get him cuz i gave him my best crab meat. ... I mean, my best crap look. Thn he pointed at Muhd and gave me a look wit a capital L. Dammit.. Was he....? Thn i was lyk shakin my head vigorously, 'no, no. no...' lOl. I can tell muhd was pretending he din see anyfink. He was lookin straight ahead.. HesHoOocutewitatsweata!!!
Uhh.. yea. OKie. Got back report book. Yep. Full stop.


Thursday, October 30, 2003?
You got me lifted shifted higher than a ceiling and oOh wEe its da ultimate feeling. You got me lifted feelin so gifted suga how u get so fly...
Okie.. Tht represents shawty me, sishta nuRoOl, AunTy AsphO and Nana.. lOl.. cute ehh? lOl... yea, dun hafta tell me tht..
Actually i planned not to go to skool today, me and Nabz. lOl... We were lyk, 'tmr, we all ponteng skool.. wahh, ponteng skool.. lOl...!! And Salmon was lyk, 'Dun la.. thn i alone wit nurul..' lOl.. Okaesh, im crappin.
Was in skool too early. Sharks.. NurOol finally replied me lettie.. Letter la deyy. lOl.. And Mumsie Tabby replied mine and she folded da paper in a really unique kindarf way. Stressed my guts out tryin to fold it back.. lOlsh... Yea.. Thn we had this model making [??] thingo usin recycled stufies; Twinz, NurOol, Aspho, Liang Jimm, Dicky and Kyle. And me also la.. At first we tot of duing a tissue box but ended up makin a lucky draw boxie. Oh welsh.. I fink we did pretty good. lOl..
After tht.. after tht.... I dunno wad happened.
Had this tour thingie. Goddammit. We were all so restless and so . lOl.. And da non-malays all were drinkin and we all malays were lyk, 'dammit, *beep* off!!' It was so humid and we were all sweating and all. Was lyk, 'Can i just stay here and die?!!' Went temple and thn church.. Church was pretty ok cause they had air con. And ther were loadsa cute kidds! Da four of us locked arms and we were lookin weird. lOl. Yea.
After tht. After tht... Changed back to our skirts. We nearly break fast! Cuz we were so weak and thirsty!! Thn nuRoOl tot of goin to da lib. Started makin plans wit Aspho and Nana. I was sittin by lookin dumb. I had other plans. Wanted to go straight home and sleep. But in da end, ended up followin em. Went to sembawang lib at sun plaza. In da bus, we slept. In da lib, we slept. But woke up again and crapped. I had fun. Tho it was goddamned freezing.. And i met Ashraf's mom and sish. Tot of avoiding them cuz... yea. I dunno y. But tht terserempak wit thm at ntuc. lOl... It was nuffin scary actually..
Went back home wit nuROOl at 5.3o. Reached home at 6.15? yea.. welsh... hmm. I dunno. Uhh.. tmr last day of skool. Tho we'r meetin again on mon and stuf. Gotta go reply nuRoOl's and tAbby's lettie. lOl.. lettie.. cute sia!!! Sighh. Haf 2 electives durin da hols. Yea!! HUrray!! Pistol thingie and ice skating!!! *shiverss* CooOOlllld.. brrr..


Wednesday, October 29, 2003?
Was online in da afternoon. Was blogging. Halfway. And thn he was online. lOl.. I got off cool, wit a simple hi. Bcuz damn i waited fer him to start the convo but he din say neefink! So i took da initiative, tho Mumshie, Vanessa and nUroOl reckoned i shld haf waited. lOl. I said hi. No reply. Urmph. Thn i went lyk, 'Hey yo!! You haf da guts to add me to ur contact list, but no guts to say hi??' lOl.. thn immediately almost instantly he went, 'hi.. huh? i got add u meh?' Gawd, his eng is so goddamned broken. And thn i kept on denyin tht i added him and insistin tht he added me. lOl.. And he was lyk, 'is u add mi..' and i 'is u add mi?' ernest, 'is u add mi' i 'is u add me??' 'is u add me la!' 'i dun get u la!!' lOls!! Can u believe it? IS U ADD MI??????
Ernest's a cool chap. Ehh, i mean . Yea.. lOl. He's farnie. Uhh.. Kindarf.. he lyks to put this ugly smiley -> -.-''' No, not a smiley. But hell, it's so not cute. Blagh. lOls.. He tot i was his online game flends, thts y he din say hi. lOl.. Play games. Sec 3. Omg. Hans, do u play games still?? Dart-guy? Eyy?? lOlsh..
OKie. i aint gonna talk abt our convo. Not lyk u guysh r interested or anyfink. lOl.. nuRool sure was. Initially she was waitin fer me to blog finish [wth blog finish????]. I mean, finish blogging fer today! Cuz she wanted to take a nap. Hah kau. Yea. Thn i told her i was gonna take pretty long. So she shld jus go.. Thn semangatnyer we all lyk 'bye' and stuff and thn suddenly i said, 'he said hi!!!!!!!!' And NurOol was lyk, 'thnn?? thnn??!! Wad u tok abt? Tell me! Copy and paste herr!! Copet oeii!' lOl.. But eventually she logged off =))
Nana wasn in skool today. So was Ernest. Said he overslept. Played too much games i reckon. Sighh.. Nana got diarrheoa. lOl.. Dammit, im almost envious. SHldn haf come to skool too. Cuz today was a drag. As usual. But thn again, if i hadn come, thn i cudn wish nuRoOl her bdae =) And i wudn haf seen Ethan. lOls. Saw him!! Yea. Wit da All Star bag. He's not bad-looking actually.. lOl~! Neeone has his email addie?? lOl... He gelled his hair only at da side.. so yea. lOl. his trademark probably. lOl..
Went home wit Nabz and Salmon. lOl.. Salmon ransacked my bag.. lOl.. and came across a pair of socks. Whoich i nvr knew i had.. hmm.. and we were all laughin out loud in da bus... And ther were this 2 guys and we were lyk 0.0... no, not cute. But damn their voices were lyk real lOoow. You noe wad im sayin. lOl.. and we were imitating them. lOl~!!! SIghh. After Nabz left, Salmon got my dicsman and listned to it. She got hooked to Michelle Branch. lOl.. And both of us were bobbing [AaaAahhHhh!! Ernest's online!!!!!] our head and she pretended to play drums and me strumming my guitar. lOls!!! So cool. Salmon and Nabz rawk, behbee!!!! lOl..

Got this one off Meishie.. =)) Goddamned tru. Try it out, gush!!! guysh i mean...

The Big Five Personality Test
Extroverted|||||||||||||||| 66%
Introverted |||||||||| 34%
Friendly |||||||||||||||| 64%
Aggressive |||||||||| 36%
Orderly |||||||||||||| 52%
Disorderly |||||||||||| 48%
Relaxed |||||||||||||||| 62%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Practical |||| 20%
Take Free Big 5 Personality Test


Tuesday, October 28, 2003?
lOl.. thtssoqewt..
Neeways!! Damn, did i take a nice nap just now. Fuuh yoOoh!! So now i forgotten wad to blog abt.. hMm. Nuffin to blog abt actually. today was a drag.
*gasps* Dammit, was late!! And da sec 4s and 5s were lyk not ther and ther was this heee-uge empty space.. and i got lost. lOl.. i was lyk, 'walk front??? no! behind!! no, asshole, in front!!!' Oh welsh.. shld haf come later.. dammit!! Okie.. ehh. lOl.. Emy called me 'hot ass'. lOl~!! No, i dun haf a hot ass, sadly. lOl.. No, she darsen mean the donkey tht ass. lOl. She tried to get horny wimme juz now during one of da talks. Obviously, she got aroused. lmfao~!!! Initially i was sitting on this spot and i shifted place cuz she got close and stuf. And she was lyk, 'wahh! who sat here, man? so hot!!' And i was lyk, 'shawty me!' 'my ass is burning!' 'yea. ive got one hott ass!!' lOl.. damn.. she cracks me up, tht .
Hmm.. went to da com lab.. thn lib. thn needlework room. oOh yea, ther was this remote control thingo. lOl, damn cool.. hMm. In da bus juz now and saw this familiar looking guy. Wanted to say hi but it seemed lyk hans was in Dream Land. lOl.. Hans, if ur reading this; hi, hans!!! lOl.. damn, wads up wimme?
Cudn stop farting!! Help me!!!! Damn, talk abt big. these smileys are lyk shOo huge and my fonts are sHooO shmall! HmmM. My aunt got pretty amused cuz i vandalized my ankle.. i mean, i drew 'shawty' on it and she was lyk, '' Yea, no kidding. Mom darsen even say a word, and shes lyk so.. arrggh. wait, whoa. hey yo.. im fasting.. wad am i doin. Kaesh, i noe shes concern [......~] abt me and stuf. Neeway, it pen ink and can b erased if u put it udner running tap... so why worry, dawg?? im dozing off gaian. again i mean. too lazy to correct it. yea.. hmm. okiedokie.
oMg, saw ethan guy juz now! at leats i fink shoO. Hell i dunno how he looks lyk now.. nvm tho.. lOl. okie, why did i lol whn its nor evn farnie? Sighh..
SumBOdy'S tuRninG 14 tMr!!!!!!! lOl.. Luv ya loads, nurOool!!!

Got this one off VaNeSsA who got it off jAsMinE.. lOlsh~
I AM: Shawty.. yea.
I WANT: to sleep..
I HAVE: grEat wonderful frenz and a shawty mommie to look up to.. =)
I WISH: i wud still b in da same class wit my 2e1 fwensh!!!!
I HATE: gettin pissed. X| So dun ever try to piss me, cuz i hate it whn i got pissed.. i get all nasty and ugly. ugh, not nice.
I MISS: Amelia.. =( and eating while watchin SPIN! lOl.
I FEAR: fear itself.
I HEAR: Dido blastin off da radio.. =) And my gramps readin da Quran.. Whoops, not supposed to listen to da radio too loudly..
I SEARCH: for some leftover ice-creams for dessert later.. lOl.
I WONDER: why i fart alot today!!??
I REGRET: fer not being ther fer my fwenz.. =| and fer bein insensitive to my mom.
I ALWAYS: daydream lyk nobody's business.
I AM NOT: evil.. lOl.. iM nice!!!
I DANCE: evrytime im alonein ma room.. evrytime whn i hear s club frm da radio or frm my dicsman.. evrytime whn i see my gramps dance!! lOl..~ my gramps rawks!!
I SING: in da shower..
I CRY: during touching movies,during times where i've hurt people's feelings, especially mom's.. =|
I AM NOT ALWAYS: appreciative.. i tend to take peepo fer granted.. horrors.. one of my weakness.. X|
I WRITE: alot!! o cours.. imma budding novelist.. lOl.. LMAO~
I WON: this certificate fer being a pain in da ass.. ehh. yea.
I LOSE: my cool whenever i got pissed.. and thn i get nasty and sad and reeli reeli ugly. >:|
I CONFUSE: my maths formulae all the time.. my math sux!! lOl..
I NEED: to eat... lOl.. naw.. i need my dad...
I SHOULD: probably log off now since nobody is online.. lOl... i shld go find out why i keep farting today!!
MY FATHER THINKS I AM: my father has always tot imma.. i dunno. too bad he din live tht long to tell me.
MY MOTHER THINKS I AM: a bad influence on my sibs. lOl...
1. my sense of humor? yea.. ;)
2. my sense of humor..
3. my sense of humor... lOl... u said 'OFTEN'.. lOl.

I BLUSHED WHEN: they call me summie!! X)
WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY: seeing my loved ones happy =)
WHAT UPSETS ME: whn i make peepo cry or whn i hurt their feelings and i dun even no it.. sumtimes tht freak me out X|


Monday, October 27, 2003?
First day of Ramadan. lOlsh.. i din eat much. As a matter of fact, i diN EaT At aLL. Not hunrgy. i drank lyk 3 glasses of water; one glass of milk, one glass of plainwater and this other drink which mom insists un on drinking.. remember, da one i mentioned tht wud help remember math formulas all tht kindarf stufs? yea, tht drink. Yuck, grossh. its lyk chocolate flavor but its yucky. i dun even fink its chocolate! Its jus chocolatey brown in color but aint choco. cuz i noe choco whn i taste one. Yupp. So. i drank 3 glsses of water. thn after praying and stuf, i went back to sleep. Went to da loo to empty my bladded lyk 3 times in one hour.. Scary!!! 3 tims in one hour! thn the third time, i cudn sleep no more. was wide awake cux whn i entered da loo, ther was this lizard and it jus freaked me out... So here i am.. blogging. or els i wud still b asleep rite now. =) Lemme tell u wad happened to me yesterday. Was HUNK-struck twice.. lOlsh. Nice. One was da pizza delivery guy and another one was this other guy hu delievered us da gerbil cage. lOl.. even gramps said he was 'hensem'. Can U BEliEve iT? U must believe it!! Cuz my gramps said so! sHe nvr said a guy is 'hensem' b4.. she nvr compliment her own husband, u shee... so yea. its a reeli beeeeg deal. Hmm.. must ask shawty mom wher his shop is.. so mayb i cud work part time ther durin da hols.. X| Was bored outta my shits yesterday. Shit, i said shits! ... ughhhh~ Lemme reprase again; i was bored outta my.. my... I WAS BORED. yea. i was bored yesterday. So i sent an SOS to hannan... was goin lyk, 'HANNAN! DEAR FREN! im so bored, i cn kill myself..' And yay, he was bored too =) And thn he asked me this reeli qn which got me lyk 0_#... He asked if i fink he looks lyka GiRL.. Okie. Mom and sish went out cuz sish got sick.. yupp. so she aint pose. btw, she has her periods. so yea =)) At first i tot of goin out... thn changed my mind.. sigh. Great, im bored again.. Hey, i haf an idea! lets do another quizzie!!

omarion is..
Omarion is your babydaddy!

Which B2K member is your babydaddy?
brought to you by Quizilla

OmaRion rUlz!! B2k rawks!!!!


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

i hate da sound of tht.. tht last sentence.. urmph.. lOl..


Sunday, October 26, 2003?
Good morning..~ Juz came back frm visiting me dad. Dad's grave i mean. lOlsh.. visiting dad.. sounds X|.. =) Believe it or not, we got lost in the cemetery. Err.. lemme rephrase tht one. We din reeli got lost inside the lim chu kang cemetery. We just dunno wher da heck is dad's grave. lOlsh~ And i cud still laugh!
It was just the 3 of us ther; me mom, me gramps and me shawty me. And we were lyk in the middle of the centre... :s lOlsh.. we were looking round and trying to find dad's grave! you see, da last time we went ther to visit was 2 months ago. so we kindarf forgotten XP Damn, i sound ridiculous aint i? We FeLt riDicuLous thEr!! looking high and low, murmuring lil apologies as we accidentally stepped on others graves steps. lOlsh.. thn ther was this guy hu i guesh, worked ther in the cemetery and he helped us looked for dad's grave.. mom was in the verge of crying. i was crying too. for laughing too hard. okie, fine. i din laugh out loud. lOlsh.. i was trying not to. Dammit... now tht ive mentioned it in my blog, i feel totally embarrassed X|
Okie. MaY i NOe hU dA heLL iS tomwelling$ux? on 2nd tot, if ur reading this, lemme tell u I dun wanna ruin my morning by agonizing abt u. so i guesh.. yea =) gOod mOrniNg, ShAwtIz!!! ~

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

hie!! im shOo bored, i blogged in again.. tho thers nuffin to blog abt. whers evrybody??! =( it's 5 pm.. and... oh welsh.. WahHAha~ Im Dory! Tho i tot i wud be lyk, i dunno, nemo? X)) Nuffink can make me sad except mayb rejection =)) okies. another quiz cuming rite up.
Ugh, sumbody stop me!!!

ur the total girl-next-door type, evri1 loves u coz ur a nice person 2 b around. ur fun and friendly and like 2 make jokes but u kno not 2 go 2 far, u would neva hurt n e 1n
ur the total girl-next-door type, evri1 loves u coz
ur a nice person 2 b around. ur fun and
friendly and like 2 make jokes but u kno not 2
go 2 far, u would neva hurt n e 1ns feelings on
purpose and ur a great all rounder, good on ya!
u r most like mandy moore.

what kinda person r u and what celebrity r u most like? (4 girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

*demure smile =))* lOlsh~ okie. enuff fer now.. buh buaiz.. yupp, and i mean it.


Saturday, October 25, 2003?
The down-to-earth girl
The down-to-earth girl

Which girl stereotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Good morning!! lOlsh.. manipulate me?? WheeheeHees.. okies.. its still early.. so shawty aint gonna blog much. okie dokie? okie dokie.. =))
Stole this off of Tanya's..

Spell your first name backwards - alel run ... ehh.. lets try shawty. ytwahs. lOlsh.. weird.
Are you a lesbian - nuh uh..
Where do you live - singapore..?
Wallet - orange.. da one aspho bought fer shawty bdae.
Toothbrush - orange.. lOlsh.. wuv orange.
Jewelry worn daily - Does wearing a hair band on your wrist count? lOlsh.. i wear da anklet nana bought fer da 3 of us =)) Aint takin it off till death do us apart..
Coffee cup - Don't have a coffee cup. dun drink coffee X|
Sunglasses - i dun wear sunglasses.. i dun go out in da sun much.. lOlsh.. but i haf one. stolen.. lOlsh.. its kindarf cute wit this tweety bird sticker..
Shoes - uhh.. skool shoes? lOlsh.. and this platform ones, da ones i wear which got me look taller.. much taller thn aspho X))
Handbag - handbag???~
Favorite top - This red,plain top, kindarf old and baggy.. and faded. its one of my fav bcuz i vandalised da shit outta it. lOlsh, i mean WE vandalised it, me and my sibs.. we scribble all over it X))
Cd in stereo right now - Pink!! lOlsh..
Tattoos - none! i wanna get one, tho. a temporary one.. my kuzzie has this henna kit.. and its major cool X))
Piercings - One in each ear lobe.
What you are wearing now - lOlsh.. da red top i mentioned and shorts..
Hair - in a mess X))
Makeup - i dun do makeup.. lOlsh.. but my sib has this cool eye liner [is tht wad its called??] and i wear it once. lOlsh..

Who or what (was/is/are)

In my head - ehh? dunno..
Wishing - That no one had to go to school, and that we could be born with information already in our brains, so that we would all be equally educated.
After this - gonna take a nap.. lOlsh..
Talking to - No one. aint online.. X))
Eating - Nothing
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason - tom welling's wifey. lOlsh! i wan tom welling!!!
Famous and shouldn't be - I gotta think about that one.
Person you wish you could see right now - this ethan guyy.. ive forgotten how he looks lyk.. kindarf vague.
Is next to you - nobody..
Some of your favorite movies - loads.. i wuv rundown.. cuz seann william scott is cute.. lOlsh.. but my fav is finding nemo!!! mayb cuz its one of da only movie i ever watched wit my mom =)) And we had fun!!
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - eh? da month of Ramadhan.. =))
The last thing you ate - A sandwich..
Something that you are deathly afraid of - Death. X|
Do you like candles - uhh..
Do you like hugs - Yupp! Hug me!!
Do you like the taste of blood - o.0
Do you believe in love - WhAT iS LOvE?
Do you believe in soulmates - It'd be nice. But I'm not sure.
Do you believe in love at first sight - love at first sight? mayb crush at first sight, yea.. *L*
Do you believe in heaven - Paradise.. Syurga.. yeap.
Do you believe in forgiveness - forgive and forget.. yeap, i do believe..
What do you want done with your body when you die- I want to be cremated and then grown with marijuana so that all my friends can smoke me out and I can appear and chill with them! lOlsh~~
Who is your worst enemy - Dun haf..
If you could have any animal for a pet what would it be? - i haf my two coolest cats!! but.. id luv to haf a tiger.. or a vixen.. no, an owl! Swell~
What's the latest you've ever stayed up - 4.30 am..?
Ever been to belgium - lOlsh.. no.
Can you eat with chopsticks - Yeah. But I haven't mastered how to eat rice correctly yet. lOlsh~
What's your favorite coin - 50 cents!! lOlsh..
What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - San Francisco, New York, Manila, Berkeley, and yeah I dunno. Pagsanhan ? Sipocot ? Yeah, Sipocot. Definitely.
What are some of your favorite pig out foods - Burgers.. fries.. chicken wings. All that bad, fatty stufs..
What's something that you wish people would understand - That we're all different and thts wad makes us beautiful... lOlsh, or issit da other way round? And some prejudices are unfair to make. We should start from scratch when we meet someone new, not with a set of prejudices that we assume of them. AND we haf no rights to judge peepo. Only Allah can. There. =)) Feelin so good..
What's something you wish you could understand better - Why boys act the way they do =))
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - HMM... AMELIA~!! I missed her lyk shit! And muhaimin.. wher r u???!!


Friday, October 24, 2003?
HaPPy DeePavAli!
And Im as bored as can be. lOlsh... add in a couple of cliques. cudn find nee nice nelly cliques. not tht nelly aint nice. nelly ish hott!! lOlsh..
Mumsy has a bloggie! WheEehEehEe..! reeli tabitha-like. lOlsh =)
My house is lyk reali crowded. lOlsh.. Lyk wer celebratin deepavali too. i haf my door locked, bcuz if i dun, my irritating lil cute kuzzies will burst in and out lyk as if they owe the place or sumfink. Cute.
Bought this lil cute magnetic frame.. real neat. And i put one of the pic of nuRoOl, aspho, nana and me. the one we took yesterday.. lOlsh.. mom saw it and she commented all my frenz r gorgeous X)) But my sis aint fink so. she said aspho looks lyk the fierce type.. she said she has seen nuRoOl sumwher on tv.. she said nana loOks phat.. *gasps* I got real mad.. 'u always haf negative remarks on other ppl. thts not nice, u noe..' i said defensively, cuddling the lil magnetic frame [lOlsh]. and wit tht, she added i look retarded in the pic X| Well, cant argue wit tht.. my hair was a mess. nuRoOl reckoned i shld haf clipped my hair up neatly. shucks.. do i look lyk sumone hu cares? lOlsh.. X|
Mom bought a pair of jeans for herself. Wooha [quote this frm dart-fart]!! SHe has lost sum serious weight. Neat!
p.s.//the ryan phillippe clique aint working! X| BuMmer.. ryan's hott.


Thursday, October 23, 2003?
WhEe!! Lotsa things happened todae!! Kaesh, firstly.. had post-exam activities and stuf. Din get to play.. =( lOlsh, not tht i wanna. bcuz we started off pretty badly. No, wrong. Our players were fine. But the opponent team was better! Yupp, so we needed realli tough players.. Whoa, dawgs and dolls, i aint under tht category. im more the sort who'd rather sit one corner and cheer lyk shits. i still remember cross country this year. was it? Yeahh, me and sher din run. we kindarf jog and sang alonng. And we cheered fer the HaWkerS who passed us X)) lOlsh.. Ehh, wher was i? OoOh yea. Tough players.. Sharul and YY got smacked in the face wit the ball by this 2a2 asshole. Gosh, shld haf seen sharul. his specs just flew off! 2a2 was real... touGh! They played lyk real peirceans. lOlsh, cant believe i said tht X)) But, yea. They were awesome! salmiah was great. lOlsh. She jumped on nuRoOl!! And nurOol was lyk, wad the...???!! They played, we prayed.. they scored, we cheered.. but in the end, we got the fourth position. Yay! 2e1 rox!! lOlsh.. hey, 4th is gOod, okae??! Im so proud of u guysh!! Whn we were against 2e2, and justin was da goalie, theodore and wen hao were lyk juz behind him! lOlsh, bet they were distractin da shit outta justin! OKay.. after the games... we 'gathered' one corner, thn chengz appeared and evryone jus went lyk, 'mr cheng!!!!' Evryone missed him. i missed him too, but aint as enthusiatic as thm. aspho and i were just standin by, arms folded and stuf.. cherlene was juz above and she took a snap. dammit.. my hair was a mess.. =X lOlsh. okie. Thn. suddenly felt so naked. realized i was still in my shorts. Thn i got to my bag to get my skirt. AnD HE WaS FREaKen TheR! Just beside me! I was bendin and saw a familiar lookin shoes [ahem, i stared at tht same shoes back at the camp and i stared and stared and stared!!] -shrieks!! hes not cute.. lOlsh. i dunno why ASPHO [;)] and i have a crush on him. lOlsh! thn. went back to clas.. thn had recess. rite? ehh, forgotten. we were sitting wit twins. no, actually THEY sat wit us. lOlsh. And ther was this buncha guys near us. one of the twins called out sumfimk lyk, 'beetle!' and this cute-looking guy [sortaf] responded. Wahhh.. he has great hair. not curls.. but not so bad lar.. X)) was observing him. then all of a sudden syahidah was lyk, 'ehh, ethan [i tink thts da spelling]!' he turned. sadako pointed at me and said 'this girl lyks you.' I was so stunned and embarrassed.. i was lyk, 'noooooOO!' and covered my face. nana and qah were laughin their asses off. i nearly cried. lOlsh.. thn rite tht moment... i fink i haf a crush on this ethan guy. his name's 'e' too. lOlsh. naww.. jk. i dunno. wahahhaa.. see first. lOlsh. THN had banner wadeva shit. it was fun..? Yupp, evryting's fun whn ur wit ur fav 2e1 peepo!! I din do much.. durhs. lOlsh.. i stole the orange crayon. lOlsh. i luv orange! Oh blardy hell. i FreAkeN StOle orange crayons?! gawd.. i steal weird stufs.. lOlsh. dammit, after i actually vOweD nvr to steal?! Uh, i mean, not tht i even steal anyfink.. =X Wher was i? Hell, whnvr i talk abt sum stuff, i wud always end up tokin abt other stuf. WahHAhaha~! Okie. Uh.. yea. okie. I was actually zoning off to sum other things, thn meishie suddenly leant over and smudged me cheek! i was lyk, 0.0??? her fingers were all blue. and argh, i had just got blue thingie on my cheek. was pretty cool at first. thn told meishie to gimme another smudge but wit orange. and meishie lyk, u fer real?? Wahahaha.. uh. okie. thn. nuRoOl and i took a tour in the canteen, class evry class. HE WASN TheR! both him and ethan guy. shucks. lOlsh. thn.. after skool went town wit nurOol and da three of ush.. ate at BK. met this cute guy. Awwsh, so cute! But his lips were lyk... lOlsh..! shld seen da way nUrOol, aspho and nana imitated him!! wahahaaha! but, hey, hes real cute. lOlsh.. eventually, we left.. thn walked. and walked sumore. to this bookstore place, forgotten the name. lOlsh. this cool pen wher u can used to decorate ur nails. neat! but expensive sia. lOlsh. nana had the urge to do her thing, thn went to get to da loo, she kindarf... u noe. refused to. =X lOlsh. thn went to take picture.. had fun!!! whee!! X)) Ermsh. thn went home. listened to stacie orrico wit nuRoOl in the bus. we were quiet for some time. mayb we were tired? Naw, i wasn tired.. but nuRoOl was. i fink. Wahahhaa.. not fer long tho. thn we started to crap around, doin tht west-side thingie.. lOlsh. yupp. we sang Stuck. and my butt hurts sia. Butt aches.. whn we passed TP, saw nilam and frenz AnD Yi XiAN! wahahaha.. thn nurOol left. alone. Lonely.. stacie was beginnin to bore me out. lOlsh.. uh. yupp. so i took out da pic and juz gawked at it and smiled to myself... hope nobody saw me, cuz i was grinning lyk shit..
p.s.//Hans, thankiew fer all thosh lil infoes..~
p.s.s//nuRoOl, aspho, had fun just now!! shld do it more often. on one condition, no shopping and MoRE pics!!! lOlsh..
p.s.s.s.s//umairah has dengue fever! lOlsh... As FiT aS a FiDDle:quoted by the e gurl!! lOlsh...
p.s.s.s.s.s//lOlsh, wad did i rite tht one fer? Neeway, can u count how many 'lOlsh' ive written? winner will get his/her surprise ;)
p.s.s.s.s.s.s.//nEefink i missed out? tell me, nuRoOl/Aspho!! whee!!
p.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.//dun wanna stop.. wahahhahaa.. lOlsh.. [this lOlsh aint counted] lOlsh.. [and so is this one and da following] lOlsh!!!~~


Wednesday, October 22, 2003?
Returned back to school today!! So cool! I missed u guysh!! I was kindarf late, tho.. Juz as i predicted, Twinz and Nabz din cum to skool today. Welsh, lucky them.. Wed was a draAag! We all assembled in da hall.. it wasn his duty this morning. Bummer.. thn uhh, ther was this quiz...? Yeah.. and all the 'chinese scholars' were called out and stuf. This joanathan/dexter look alike [??] was suddenly callin out 'ernest, ernest!' and i was lyk, 'huhhh???' thn nuRoOl, meishie, mumsy and sher were lyk, 'summie!!' WeeHeehEees... but to my utter disappointment [cehwahh~], he was referrin to freaken ernest hu. AaaRrgghh.. AGoNy... =X Lolsh. Neeway.. GoT BAcK OuR pAPerS!! It was creepy.. especially whn lim gave out math, science, eng paper 2, geo.. oh welsh, all da freaken papers X| But, hey, im feelin pretty good abt my results. Especially wit my eng.. wahahahah~!! alhamdulillah~!! thank gawd!! X)) Hmmm, me and aspho, our marks are kindarf arNd the same.. wahahaha.. neat, eyy? NuRoOl sish was goddamned nervous abt her results. i let her squeeze me. my arm, i mean.. she was lyk reeli shivery and all! Dun feel so bad, okaesh? U passed!! *huggs!! Had sum dumb talks juz now.. boring. and during da talk abt neck wadeva shit care, nuROoL and i had our less thn 15 min beauty sleep. NuRoOl and i crapped all along.. I taught her this lil cute sign Emy taught me back durin da good old camp days.. wahhahaha. thn we were.. welsh.. crappin and larfin our asses off. Okaesh, here i am typin all along. Still wearin my uniform, lolsh and my socks.. wahahha.. Oh yeah, psst nurOol, shyt sorry i din reply!! X| Wahhahaha.. give u a song lyric tmr too, okaesh?? Oh yea.. have mumsy's letta to reply too! gawd. i read my entry yesterday. Dawg, wad did i crap abt? X| Neeway, Dart-guy, thnx a load fer all ur advices!! ;) Ill keep em in mind.. =)) Damn, he was in bus 855 juz now.. shucks.. lolsh.. gawd, im hungry X| Wahhaha.. tok to u guysh later, yea? Buaizz!

What's your brand of sexy?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're kitten-like and sexy. You don't need
expensive rocks, you're so classy you overpower
your gems. You tend to put glamour before
comfort, but it doesn't take much for you to
look glamourous anyhow.
Men beg for a chance with you, and you can take
your pick because, frankly, you're too good for
almost all of them.

Which female sex symbol are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited,
energetic, and childlike personalities in the
aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful,
sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life
purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun,
and to help heal the planet.

What Is Your True Aura Colour?
brought to you by Quizilla
Christina Ricci
You're Christina Ricci. Beautiful.

What sexy girl are you
brought to you by Quizilla
innocent kiss
innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Tuesday, October 21, 2003?
A lil prayer for a lil fren, Zhi hao. May you rest in peace. God bless ur soul. To his parents, hell i noe how it feels lyk to lose sumone u loved.. indeed, his death has made us stronger.. I received news frm my gramps. SHe told me my other gramps, as in my gramps nyer sista, passed away yestie. Inna lillahi Wa inna-ilahi rajiun... "Ya Allah, anugerahkanlah kematian kami dengan kematian ya baik lagi mulia, lancarkanlah lidah kami mengucapkan kalimah Laailahaillallah... semasa Sakaratul Maut menghampiri kami... amin... amin... amin... ya rabbal aa'lamin... "
This whole thing abt death and stuff, kindarf reminded me abt wad happened 2 yrs ago. I was 12. No wrong, i hadn reach 12 yet. I was still a freaken 11, young and innocent. Ive nvr tot of death in the family b4. Sure, i noe wad death is. But it nvr crossed my mind tht it actually happened on me, my family, my dad. Until 5th of March 2001, da day he left us.. It was scary. He died of high blood pressure. ANd he died rite ther in front of my eyes, our eyes, sistas, gramps and my mom. my mom, she was goddamned devastated. distraught. u shld haf seen da state she was in.. It was scary. It was the eve of hari raya haji, and peepo were havin kenduri jus downstairs.. So my siblings, they just ran da heck and called for help. cuz we were helpless.. totally.. sighh, why am i tokin abt this..?? He was buried the very next day. damn, i cud nvr forget da stufs i did wit my dad. I still laugh whn i remember those times we played monopoly together.. i was da banker and he kept on stealing money frm the so-called bank. wahahhaa..~ thn in the end, we weren' playin monopoly but this game 'hu gets to steal the most money wins' X) Dad always perked us up. He was always the one with the wild ideas. He took me out nearly evry fri after skool, to TP, to J8 and all those places.. Wahhahaa.. i still remember he bought me my very first Game Boy at j8.. I got lost in j8 and hell i cried my eyes out!! Ever since thn i got scared whneva he wanted to take me ther.. But i was young, arNd 8?? I dunno.. Wahahha, imma daddy's lil gurl.. at least i was.. Dad made me the person i am now. He was an artist and i heard he had this own band.. neat. he was the vocalist and guitarist. Wahahhaaha.. my dad was a rockstar~!! mom still keeps his electric guitar sumwher.. if only he were alive rite now, ill haf my own guitar wit my own signature on it... shawty rulz!! And dad too.. X)) Below is a song by S Club 'Let me Sleep'.. dedicated to my dad.. cuz this song kindarf describes how im feelin rite now =)) Rest in peace dad.. May Allah bless ur soul. Love u..

Shadows on the wall
Forming outlines of your face
I reach out to touch you
Through time and through space

In my dreams I'm always with you

So let me sleep
Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh
In my dreams I'm with you
Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh
I'll always be with you

Oh oh

I dream that your here with me
Lying by my side
This wont last forever
Let's catch the sands of time

I don't want ever to end

So let me sleep
Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh
In my dreams I'm with you
Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh
I'll always be with you

Let me sleep
Let me sleep
Let me sleep
Just let me sleep

Oh yeah

So let me sleep (oh)
Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh
In my dreams I'm with you
Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh
I'll always be with you

Let me sleep for a while let me dream of your smile
In my dreams I'm with you
Let me sleep for a while let me dream of your smile
I'll always be with you

[Repeat until fade]


Monday, October 20, 2003?
Baad morning.. WOke up, red stain on my bed.. $#!T, my fav bedtime underwear.. urgh. Sister took off to sentosa wit her frenz. And i hadta clean da whole room myself. BlarGh. Ate burnt toasts. and tht was da last bread. And its raining.. hey, its raining. which probably means my sister is gonna cancel her plans. and soon shes gonna walk thru tht door.. and shucks. juz whn i tot of havin da whole room to myself.. Suddenly i tot... wudn it b nice if its a school day? Thn rite now.. we r probably in class, sayin the plegde? yea.. oh welsh... Actually if Mumsy Tabby hadn smsed me and told me tht we are backin off [da talentine thingie..], i'd probably be having big breakfast at macs first b4 goin to skool.. wit nuRoOl or sumfink. Okae.. wad am i saying... neeway.. it's still morning... so mayb i shld juz stop feelin all so pathetic and sad and depressed. ((= For all i noe.. for all i noe... nelly and murphy lee mite cheer me up and shake their tail feathers at me =0.o= shrieks!! *bangs head hard against the wall* WHaT HaS GoTTeN inTO Me????


Sunday, October 19, 2003?
Good mornin, good mornin, good mornin.. good morning.. GooD mOrNing.. GOoD MoRniNG!!! Wahahhaa.. guess wad time i woke up. A freaken 4:30! Took a half an hour morning, cOld shower. Thn my uncle, my aunt and my kuzzies we all went jogging together... They came over yesterday and spent a night herr. They always cum over, not tht i mind. I dun. Luv their company. Wahahahha.. Noizeh buncha peepo. But whn they spend a nite herr, things sumtimes get awkward X| My kuzzies slept in my room so last nite i slept wit my mommiee! Wahaahaha.. thnk goD mommie din haf nee nightmares. da last time i slept wit her, she was havin nightmares and was lyk screaming and waving her arms abt... Its not funny. Its scary.. ... Neeway. I slept wit my mom.. Cudn sleep. Bcuz da lights in my room were still on. Cud hear they all turnin on da radio, playing Pink. Then heard laughter. They were havin fun. No fair.. So i joined in. ANd regretted it, sia.. They were all gawkin and laughin at my CLAss PhOtO!! Thn one of em asked, 'so which guy has a thing for my lovely cousin?' LoVely? U shld haf seen me!! Hair all stick out in weird angles.. I was abt to tell her sadly, and surprisinly, no guy finds me lovely bcuz guys in class r sumwat dumb and blind whn my sista started pointin out randomly, 'this guy. and tht one ther..' 'tht one girl laa!' 'sorry!! this one, this one.' 'waah, two guys r crazy over lela???' I was lyk -_-".. 'Not two," i said, juz playin along, '3 la deyy...' Thn my sista made puking noises.. i flashed my significant finger at her, which shut her up.. wahhh *evil grin* But only for a while. Thn she asked me sumfink which kindarf got me stunned for a split second. 'muhd wher?' Wanted to ask how she knew but thn again, evryOne kNew. WhahaHAha.. And thn all nite long, me and me kuzzies all tok abt boys. I wuv my kuzzies, they all a buncha cool peepo. tho already reach their twenties, they haf a reeli 'the typical teenager' mind. This was wad i learnt last nite... To Be POPulaR iS nOT wHen bOys FInD u pReTTy. iTs Da GUrLs. WHn GurLs fInd u PreTTy, theyd 'WoRshiP' u.. tHey wAnNa b Ur bEst FreNz, WaNNa b juZ lyK U. WhY prEtty FEr boyS? boYs r dUmb.. bUT rEmEmbEr, b prEtty And NIcE. noT PrEttY And BItcHY.. Welsh.. i ReEli DUnnO If ItS even hAlf tru.. i dun fink so.. but i agree da last bits. being preety and nice, not pretty and bitchy.. yea.. Ahahaha.. gurls, tell me wadcha feel, yea? Neeway.. aww, my thighs hurt!! nvr go jogging, sekali go cAN DIe! Kaesh.. stIll waiting fer nurOol's call.. im dyin to noe how it goes!! mayb.. I'll call Her instead.. ahahhaha.. X) WahahHAHa~ My gramps juz came along and asked me to help adjust the back of her bra thingie.. the hook, yea, the hook. wahahhaha, she cudn reach. WAhHAHahah~ my gramps' shOo cute X))


Saturday, October 18, 2003?

Are you RACIST?

Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com

X) neat!

How DUMB are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com


How SLUTTY are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com

not tru!!! -shrieks shawty may b lil but loose but shawty am not slutty! X|

good morning.. shawty early. dinno why.. :) Slept lyk early yesterday nite, tho its a fri. Din stay online fer long. shawty DUnNO whY.. Suddenly msn not so interesting and fun neemore. Cuz NUrOOl aint online!! Listened to Hannan playin on his guitar last nite. it was soOo neat! especially whn he played this slow, sentimental tune.. haizz... shawty's Mom had fun listenin too. she said it was nice =) Hannan was over da moon. Wahahahah. Asked mom if she wanted to hear summore but she was lyk, 'No need, no need. I needa sleep...' Wahahaha..~ nuRoOl, teach shawty me howta play!! shawty wanna b as good as Hannan! no.. even betta! Thn shawty can kick his arse.. weeheheehez... Real cute whn playin halfway, and thn cud hear hannan's mom calling him, to eat or sumfink.. wahahhahaha~~ Hannan's muffled reply was lyk, 'hm-mm.' wahahhaha!! Lucky shawty me shawty's sistars r all alseep, or elz they wud b lyk real noizeh.. wahhahaha... Shawty aint gonna blog again later. Probably goin online.. but not so sure. fink shawty gonna juz take a shawty's nap lyk shawty nvr slept b4. kaesh. shawty.. over and out.

What are you

=eating= hash brown frm macs.
=drinking= nuffin fer now.
=thinking of= if thers any leftovers fer me still... and finkin of him... did he shower this morning? X|
=wearing= sleeveless top and shorts. wit towel arNd wet hair.. juz taken a bath.
=listening to= this new song by britney spears and madonna.. wads da tit??

what were you doing two

=weeks ago= Mugging.. wahahhaa...
=days ago= finishin art research... which i din managed to. of cours. ahahhaa.
=hours ago= bathing.. and singin my lungs out. cleanin up my cats' poop.
=mins ago= yawning...


=clothes you bought= uhhh... clothes Shawty ME bought? wahahhahaha, da class tee?? wahahaa!! no $$$. even if i do, i wun spend it on clothes.. shawty's mom da one hu buy me clothes..
=CD you bought= stacie orrico...
=person you talked to= shawty mommie.
=person you got to know= uhhh? Lemme shee.. i dunno. Simone, sher's fwen.
=place you went= da washroom/toilet/bathroom/shower
=shoes you bought= north star shoes, aka my handsome shoes [da one sish nuRoOl and BrO Sri had.. wahahaha..] a couple of mOnths ago. STill not washed.. wahahhahah.. i dun wash school shoes..
=accessories you bought= beats me.. i dun buy accessories. unless i got da cash and unless i reeeli, reeeli wan em..


=friends= my diary.. not tht i dun haf nee real human frenz =) Frenz sumtimes can b a real disappointment to u. but i wuv em all da same *mwacks!! Nana, Aspho and nuRoOl, mUmshie Tabby, Nabz and Twinz...
=talents= i can crap till U drop.. dead


=restaurant= fast food restaurant counts?
=cafe= i dun haf fav cafes.. i dun do favoritism..
=shop= nuh uh.
=family member= HOW MANY TIMES MUCH I TELL U???
=font= I DUN DO... wait. i wuv this font.. wad font is this?
=phrase= Neat =)
=hangout= my room?
=number= i wuv no 38 and 14.. and 7. and... =)
=colour= orange~

What is the 1st thing you look at when ?

=you look at an opp. sex= i wanna say his smile, but guysh dun smile so easily. so i guesh.. their hair? Yea, their hair.. and da legs if theyre wearin bermudas or shorts... X|
=you go to the washroom= see which cubicle ish da cleanest.. dun reeli care if my hairs a freaken mess.
=you wake up in the morning= look at myself in da mirror and go lyk, 'alhamdulillah, im still alive and kickin..' but i always laugh b4 i manage to say tht... i look all weird-ed out in da morning XD
=you reach school= make sure principal richard chew's not standin by da 'pathway' lyk sum statue.. if he ish ther, id make sure my shirt is tucked and my socks r high enuff to reach my knees..
=you are in your classroom= Id glance at theodore.. if he catches my eye, he wud gimme tht 'theodore-look' which will crack me up X)
=you are in the bus= look out fer cute guysh..

what makes you

=laugh= my buds, nana, aspho and nuRoOl!!
=cry= whn i lay in my bed and sardenly realize how cruel this world is.. whn i reach home to find my cats missing. whn i see my loved ones cryin.
=smile= whn i see my loved ones happy =)
=sigh= When i feel lyk sighing.. aahahha, whn chengz gave us pressure.. which i wun now cuz he aint teachin us no more.
=sing= whn im stark naked in da shower.. i sing my heart out... =X
=dance= Groovy music..
=pissed off= whn sumone tries to piss me off... and manages to.

Do you

=secretly admire someone= yea..
=secretly hate someone= hell yea.. but nuffin serious =)
=at the same time admire and dislike someone= oOoh yea. muhd..
=like animals= WUV EM~
=like being alone= sumtimes. but whn i am, i wud feel achingly lonely at da same time..
=wish you can be someone else= nope
=wish that you are smarter= ahahahhaa.. naw..
=wish that you are richer= yea. but very rare.
=wish that you can be friends with someone in
particular= yesh.. =)
=miss someone= yea!!

Have you

=two-timed before= 0.o
=toyed with somebody's feelings before = o.0
=tried to do something but failed= Yea. lotsa times.
=broken the law before= *gulps* Yea..
=gone for a blind date before= Uhhh, no.
=made someone cry before= Yeahh.. Mom =(
=cried for someone before= I nvr cry fer neeone. no one's worth my tears. but ive cried bcuz of sumone.. is tht da same qn?
=been punished infront of the school before= Lol yea.. it was creepy. but i survived.
=been laughed at before= Yea.. lotsa times.
=laughed at someone before= yea... lotsa times!!

Are you

=an optimist or pessimist= Optimist.
=tall= asshole, im not called SHAWTY fer no reason
=happy being yourself= totally =)
=friendly= Yea.. imma nice shawty X)
=sensitive= depends on da situation.
=in love= wad iS love??


Friday, October 17, 2003?
It was already dark whn i reached home, arNd 7.30 pm. My hands were shaky as i slipped my house key thru da lock. Pushin open the door, i peeped inside. My mom was sitting in our green sofa, da one which got invaded by cats scratches and probably my sistas dried-up mucus. As soon as she saw my sweaty head, she got up, approached me and gave me one tight slap. The impact was great. My head snapped sideways. "You're grounded, Lela!!" I gawked at my mom. We fixed glare. SUddenly we were not mother and daughter no more. we were more lyk... da peepo frm Rundown. Me as Beck [the Rock] and mom as Hatcher [this other guy in da movie.. hes da bad one] and i was lyk goin, 'i dun wanna fight wit u...' But mom was giving me tht 'i challenge u' look. ANd so i did...
"Grounded??? Mom!! Tht is sOoo american!"

WaHhh, did i sound lyka future famous writer? Bet u guys probably tot tht was wad reeli happened.. Cuz i did reached home late. Yeah, around 7.30. Cuz da freaken 76 bus was sOoOo s-l-o-w!!! ANd in da bus, i did a lil typical mly tv series in my head [wher im playin da role of courz], 'as soon as i step into da house, mom's gonna slap me. and thn i wud go all teary and thn pushed my way to my room wher i lock myself up. Thn Nana and qah wud cum to my rescue wher they call up my mom and say its not my fault but theirs actually.. and thn mom wud go all teary herself and begs fer my forgiveness. i forgive her and thn we all have a happy family picnic at da beach wit my two buds, nana and qahqah!'

Okaesh.. enuff abt tht one.. Woke up late this morning. Art not finished. Tot of goin to skool early to finish it up. Thn was abt to leave abd 630 am whn nana called me, tellin me to bring CloTheS. Noo.. i mean as in home clothes bcus she said 'we'r not goin round wearin our uniform r we???' Thn i was lyk, 'WaAadd???' So i wasted lyk half an hour searchin fer sumfink nice to wear. It was 7. so i grabbed my cLass Tee and ran off. Thn in da lift, felt my pocket. My wallet.. i was goin shyt. Thn raced back home, which got mom pissed bcuz i was so forgetful. Thn was so happy whn i met up Nabz in da bus =) Tot we were late, we werent. bUmmEr.. Thn [not gonna tok abt ArT..] da three of us and sher and novi, we had lunch. thn sher's fwen, simon came along lookin neat and took sher away.. thn da 4 of us took 132 to... four seasons hotel. Bcuz... long story *sigh* It wa raining cats and dogs. my handsome shoes got all wet. Dammit. Thn Qah and Novi were lyk wavin their hands around, tryin to hail a cab. WHich we managed to, which nana paid fer da ride. thnx doll =) BuT ThE FreAkeN driver dropped by at this grand hotel wher we embarrassed ourselves in frnt of sum president. ReEli! I aiNT kiDdiNG!!! It was creepy. I mean, there was this red carpet and ther were polices and CoOl cars and all those VIP stufs. and then a mob of bald dark guys came floodin out of da hotel doors. KNow wad We DId? We jUs crossed em lyk we were part of them!!! ANd It was ReAlly scary. embarrassing, thts an understandment... thn met sher and simon. they were plannin to watch Rundown. Tht was da only interesting movie so we all watched tht too.. It wAS hiLariOus. The RoCk iSh shOo cuTe. and so is da Travis guyy. wads his name, uh?? And tht portugese [??] fighter. fUyoOoh! I mean, he looks reeli small and but he took off his shirt, oMg!!!!!!!!! *drools* But he got killed. Awww... Okaesh. After da movie.. went abt shopping. CAn DIe shopping wit nana and qah!! As i stood one corner lookin bored, watchin them as they took out, put back roxy tops and shorts, i was goin, 'shopping is so not a shawty thang..' I dun do shopping. sorry qah, nana. I juZ caNt. its in my genes. my mom aint da type who shops also.. X) and sumore, da roxy shop was lyk so empty [as in no cUte GuysH!!!]!!! IT was borIng!! But hey, i had fun witu guysh ;) NANA BOUGHT DA THREE OF USH AN ANKLET!! thnx, doll !!! Muacks!!!! it cost 12 bucks. and its neat!! tho i prefered da other one.. cheaper. but no stock. but hey, its her money :) THnx doLL!!! Showed my sistas. They were gawkin at it, their heads a few inches away from my feet. as they observed da anklet, i vowed to myself, if they give any negative comment, im not gonna hesitate to kick them!! Surprisingly, they din. They were lyk, 'wahhhh!! so rich arh ur fren?' And my gramps was lyk, 'girl or boy?' "GIRL LA DEYY!" waahhahaa.. okaesh. OMg, i din mentioned we took photo!!! yeah, we did. and *aherm* i look cute.. wahahahhaa -_-" Naw, actually we all look cute. No. I LOok cute. da rest look GorgeOus :) Qah, din mean to insult zurin, honest!! =)) NuRool, ill reply u ASAP!!! wahahha.. aww, tummyache.. oh yeah, met carisa and xin ying... thn meishie, gh, roy and lucius.. meishie was at da top floor and we were below and she ran all da way down juz to say 'summie!!!!!' wahahahhaa, how shweet!! feelin bad bcuz i din wish noratiah happy 14th bdae!! [her bdae's 15 oct!!!!!! ugh!!] Sorry, doll!! But u said u werent online too, so i guesh.. =) But happy belate bdae =)) LUv ya!!
HApPy bElAteD bDae, norAtiaH Larry!! WuV U!! FWenz fer Life!!


Thursday, October 16, 2003?
Wahh.. am havin a bad headache. Mayb its da weather. or mayb bcuz been hangin out wit nabz and salmiah wAy tOo muCh.. yea, i fink if i spend another HoUR wit them juz now, i'll mite xplode into tiny [but even cuter] monsterous man-eating shawTy. wahaha, babblin X) Feelin kindarf excitin despite these headaches. Mayb bcus tmr is our lAst PaPer!! WeeHeeheee!! And i feel betta abt my math paper 2. Managed to finish em! Yay!! Paper 1 was shyt, dawg =Xx So scared.. Home econs was fine..? Din do nee revision fer tht. Itll b a miracle if i turned to b da top kid for h.e. cause lotsa peepo din study much fer h.e. Wahahha.. Sighh. Wad to do fer art??!!! 8 sketches, omgsh.. broken or hardware?? Aarggh~! Neeway, im listenin to stacie orrico rite now. all her songs rawk! welsh, if u lyk stacie-orrico-kindarf-music. wahhaha.. Instead is one of da songs i find kindarf.. neat =) Nvm if u dunno howta sing it. Read da lyrics... its cool.

I saw him shaking his change in a coffee cup
Asked for a dollar but I told the man to give it up
Said he's hungry I don't think that it's true
I bet my dollar he'd just spend it on booze
I turned my back on him and began to walk away
But then I heard a little voice inside me say
What if it's really true what if he's hungry
What if it's not for him, does he have a family

How'd you get here
How'd you end up on the street
Where did it go wrong
Wonder what I'd do if it were me

A new point of view
A walk in your shoes
I wish I could get inside your head
To see what you see
When you look at me
Cause I could've lived your life instead

It was 90 degrees in the summer heat
She was veiled in black all the way down to her feet
This is America doesn't she know
Somebody take her shopping, buy her some clothes
She came up to me, I didn't understand a word
I was about to leave than another thought occured
She might be really lost , scared and frustrated
I should try again to see what she's saying

How'd you get here
How'd you get so far from home
What was it that made you leave
Wonder what I'd do if it were me

A new point of view
A walk in your shoes
I wish I could get inside your head
To see what you see
When you look at me
Cause I could've lived your life instead


Wednesday, October 15, 2003?
lil survey thingo... XP im juz bored sia

>1. Starting time: 4.33 pm
>2. Name: Shawty. Ugh, kae fine! D name's lela...
>3. Best frenz: My diary X)
>4. Sexiest fren: Ehh..?
>5. Funniest: Shi Hui, mother of all assholes X)
>6. Smartest: D Twinz r smart. wahhaha..
>7. Dumbest: =D
>8. Shyest: Uhhh.. Shy? Sherri's kindarf shy.. wahahaha i dunno?
>9. Most boring: Nobody. Evryones fun.
>10. Who do u get advice frm?: SiShta nuRoOl!!
>11. Height: wAhhHAhaa!!! 152 am.. X) *proudly*
>12. DOB:05july!!
>13. Righty / Lefty: righty!!
>14. Eye Colour: brown?
>15. Shoe Size: uhh.. 5.
>16. Shoe brand: north star.
>17. Do You Crack Any Body Parts: crack my knuckles..?
>18. Pet: 2 Cats and 3 gerbils..
>19. Siblings: none.. [i wish!!!! X)]
>20. E-mail: lilshawty_001@hotmail.com
>21. Boy Friend / Girl Friend: X|
>22. Crush: -shrieks!!!! u noe hu..
>23. Liked a Teacher: Nahh..
>24. Killed Someone: ...
>25. Laughed So Hard You Peed Your Pants: not yett..
>26. Ate A Tub Of Ice-cream: once a week. wahaha~
>27. Ran Into A Glass Door: Ran straight into da see thru doors thingo at TP whn i was young X| ouCh. thts y i hate goin ther...?
>28. Went Into Rotten.com: ooOh yea! creepy!!!
>29. Gone Skinny Dipping: ... in eng plsh.
>30. Gotten Hit By A Car: wahahaha??
>31. Ran Into A Parked Car: Hmmm.. not tht i remember such incidents.
****Girls Fill Out About Guys****
>32. Boxers or Briefs: Up to them laarh. wadzat gotta do wimme?
>33. Tall or Short: =D
>34. Does Size Matter: This i can answer. SiZe darsen matter. but thn again, if u meant lyk, da size of ur share of pizza or sumfink, thn it does matter. WahHAaha, crappin.
>36. Body or Personality: sighh... cant make up my mind.. personality?? Naw.. body. yea, definitely.. naw, i dun care realli.. X|
>37. Ear Pierced or not: Yea~!! tht wud b cool..
>38. Sporty or Outdoorsy: Same thing wadd..
>39. Good Guy or Bad Guy: Good.. :)
>40. Light Hair or Dark Hair: dark..
>41. Hat or No Hat: HAT????~
>42. Tan or No Tan: darsen matter.
****Which One Is Better****
>54. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi..? yea.
>55. KFC or McDonalds : Mac.. Im lovin it!!
>56. Cats or Dogs: Cats. Imma cat person
>57. Coffee or Tea: Lemon tea.. wahaha!! -_-' Lol..
>58. Sour or Sweet: Sour= MaaSaRm.. wahahaha.. Yupp :)
>59. Vanilla or Chocolate: choco person.
>60. Cake or Cookies: cookies!!
>61. Day or Night: nite. thts whn all da good programs r on tv.
>62. Lights On or Off: On. im scared of da darkk. wahaha!
>63. Summer or Winter: Wahaha, u mean sunny or rainy? wahahah!! uhh, rainy!!
>64. Food: =D
>65. Animal: Tigers.. gorgeous creatures
>66. Holiday: HOliDay?? Nvr had one.. thers no such thing a holiday herr..
>67. Quotes: tragedy whn i fall. whn u fall its hilarity. cute, wuv tht quote. taken frm shafiq.. wahahha~ u roOl, pik!!
>68. radio Station: 98.7 fm!!!!
>69. Place: rite here.. home :)
****In The Future****
>70. Will You Believe In God: will i believe? Im already believing =)
>71. What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: A cat specialist.. a writer? yea :)
****Random Questions****
>72. Define True Love: U tell ME..
>73. You Born: in toa payoh hospital kat singapore.. maner lagi kau nakk???
>74. Hugs or kisses?: Huggies!!! *big hugs
>75. Favourite Day Of The Week: I wuv tue.. and fri..
>76. Who Was The Person You Received Mail From : Ehh? Mumshie Tabby, da most!!
>77. Bedtime: Always in bed b4 midnite xcept on mon and wed.. but thn no more smallville!!! UggHH!!
79. Endingtime: WahHAhahaha~!! 5.20 pm!!!


Tuesday, October 14, 2003?
science was -shriekss!. undescribable. wahhahaz, is tht da rite spelling? =X but im glad its ow-ver!!! hehez... CudN fiNd my GiVEr bOok. Die. howta revise? But lim said therz nuffin to revise fer lit, juz go thru da notes and stuf. Welsh, da prob is i haven read da book yet and i dunno wads da endin of it.. X| I hate lit. Math paper 1 tmr. wahahha? Bought flexicurve juz now. tHnk gawd i stayed fer a while wit nabs or elz i wud totally forget abt it!! NaNa, damn sorry i din remind u!! u left already.. X( Went home wit nabs. we took a longer route to da bus stop. darn, shldn haf agreed. caush all da mud and puddles had ruined my handsome shoes X) Whn nana, qah had left, it were jus me and nabs. and hannan. and jAmie.. oOoohHh.. ahahahaz!! [of course ther r sum other peepo ther. but hu cares?] And tokin abt SUM peepo, i saw hIm!! tHnk gawd i stayed fer a while wit nabs or elz i wudn haf seen him. Actually, seein him made me kindaf remember to buy da flexi. i dunno.. AHhahaz.. oh welsh. wanted to 'stalk' him but *sighh* change of plan. nabs went berserk caush she lost her notes wadsoeva. so hadta help her look fer it. turned out it was wit salmiah. wad a waste of time. Nabs is always interruptin me. wWhahahaz. naww.. jokin. X) FRenz cum furst. after tht thn bOys. wahahahaz.. mann.. In da bus i was sittin in front of this malay couple and they were lyk, groanin and moanin and stuf. not in pain, mind u. more lyk.. 'aahhh, oooOohhh' Shudders.. Wth?? WahahAz.. thn went we dropped off da bus, nabs told me da girl is actually a girl frm peirce. and i was lyk, 'o.O Hu??' caush i din notice how she looks lyk. durhz, coursh not.. i cant juz turn round and look at them while they were oooh-ing and aaahhhhh-ing. WahHAz.. thn nabs told me shes da sec 1 girl hu mr rahim said has a fiancee/fiance. and i was lyk, 'OooOOohhHHh!!!!' and thn 'NoOo wayyyY!!' ... freakky X| neewaysh.. my sis juz came back frm macs. She DOesN wAnnA ShAre hEr friEs WimMe!! Evil sishta.. urmph.


Monday, October 13, 2003?
hieee!!! tmr science exam. wahahhahaz... wish u guysh loadsa luck cuz science results ish gonna get u to ur nxt yr's class. Yuppz.. wad am i tokin abt? Uhh yeah. u noe wad i mean X) Yes. DIn see him this mornin. hhaizz.. Aspho reckoned he took his shower. yay? Yay.. was in skool too early today. hhaaizzz... dammit. was kinda moody and stuf bcuz its a mon n i din get to see him whn i passed his class. thn meishie kindaf cheered me up wit her usual perky 'SUMMie!!' WahhAHaz.. neat. thnx, meishie. oh yeah, remember my favor? WahHAhz.. must tell me da first thing in da morning. weehehehez.. uhh. lim is markin 3e4 paper 1. busybody aspho =X [gahahahaz, jk!!] asked lim abt his compo and stuff [?]. Hahahaz.. hey, must remember im da one wit a crush on him!! WahhHAahz... unless u lyk him too, aunty aspho. weehehehez~!! X) during science, i bet jeya ish gonna scribble in her lil cute diary tht da peepo in class asked fer her autograph. wahahhAHz... she was so engrossed signin da peepo's class photo, she completely ignored aspho hu was askin her sum science qn!! urmph.. =X Lit.. nurOol slept in class. lim din seemta mind tho. damn, shld haf take a nap while i cud. ahahahaz..~ ermsh.. math. We'R gOnNa miSsh CheNGz!! im gonna. im so gonna regret this but math was fun X) sighh.. last lesson wit chengz... awwsh man!!! chengz pwetty sweet u noe.. but he can b unreasonably stupid at times [psSt, stupid in my dic means farnie and nice... reeli!!!] Went home alone. so lonely. was abt to take da bus wit twnz whn aspho pulled me back.. oh welsh.. sum peepo wud haf ignored her and juz go up da bus. bcaush im nice, i stayed. WahHAhahaz X) mad at my sish hu said my granddad looks betta thn tom welling. growls. well, not tht my granddad looks ugly or anyfink. in fact hes pweety... not ugly. WahHAahz.. why issit my sish and i nvr agree on anyfink??! she doesn lyk da music i lyk, she doesn lyk da tv programs i lyk.. isshit bcaush shes not supposed to lyk wad i lyk becaush shes my sister? naww, thts jus a theory. it sux to haf a sista hu finks da opposite of wad u fink X|


Sunday, October 12, 2003?
hiiii~ wad am i duin so early in da morning???!! beats me. Tot i was da only soul online. but nuh uh!! NuRoOl's in da house! Wassup nuRoOol~~!!! Bloggin rite now caush aint bloggin later tonite. Not goin online caush i wanna practise ma math. yesh. Uhh.. this is reeli surprisingly. i mean, i woke so early today evn after sleepin so late yesterday, lyk around 2? yarh. i guesh.. Had debate session wit hannan-the great. Which taste betta; pizza or prata. WahHAhahaz.. it all started whn wit a lil crappin. and i mean, really crappin. we tok crap. we played wit da smilies/emoticons and whn i put da pizza icon and said 'prata', he was lyk, 'i dinno prata looks similar to pizza.' ANd i was lyk, 'yaa, it 's round and flat and taste yummy' and he argues pizza tastes betta. which is tru. but i juz wanted to play along... okaeshh.. still haven had my breakfast. hungry..


Saturday, October 11, 2003?
Your peach!

??What icecream flavour are you?? (NOW WITH PICTURES!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

last book you read: Uhhh... 6 reasons to stay a virgin. Its wit sherri now.. X) An awesome bOok!! 2 teachers, Chia and Ng, were goin lyk O.o whn they saw me readin da book.
last movie you saw: Finding Nemo...
last person you called: NurOol..
last show you watched on TV: POwerpuff girls.. X)
last song you heard: Shake Yer Tail Feathers!! Nellly's HoTTtt~~
last thing you had to drink: This yucky drink which mom says will helps me remember math formulas... WahHAz..~
last thing you ate: 2 oreo cookies..
last time you showered: dun wanna say.. Whahahahaz~
last time you cried: last wed..
last time you smiled: rite now. this is a dumb qn, seriously.. bcaush i smile evrytime.
last time you laughed: another dumb qn.. wahahhaz~..
last person you hugged: ehhh... not sure? my cat?
last thing you said: 'last thing i said?'
last person you talked to online: hannan.. still tokin. WAHhAHz..
last person you talked to on the phone: Nabs..
last thing you smelled: my cat's poop...

tired of revisin math and studyin science so.. yea X) hmmm.. changed my blogskin liaox!! jealous? jealous?? BwAhHAHhAaaz~... dumdedum.. la diduh.. went out juz now wit my mommie!! bought sum stufs using my $30 popular voucher i nvr knew i haf. And its due today!! WHoooaa~! frm 11 april till 11 oct. Talk abt lucky!! GahHAhaz~ Yeah, honest!! I fink i got it frm.. speech day? yeah, ive got top fer mly i guesh. WahHAhaz... must work harder this yr, thn get another voucher!! WeeHhehezz..z. Uhh.. dunno wad to blog caush nuffin happened today. Studied lyk i nvr study b4. which is tru.. WeEhehes.. Finished revisin all science chptrs. now all i gotta do ish.. go thru my notes. WahhH!! So happie!! din go math supp. juz now. It was rainin and kindaf feeling lazy. X) Wonder hu went.. Missing himm...~


Friday, October 10, 2003?

My crappy little elf name is Leafwind Horsebeard.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.

ClAss PhOTo rAwkS!!

Yeppz! Gort our class photo. FiNallieeeee~~~!! WaAHHAHaAz.. NeAt! Lykeeiit!! SHi Hui lOoks ShOo cute in da candid photo.. as usual =) So ish MeiShie!! WaHAhaz... im studyin da photos now wahHAz.. studyin. WahHAhahz... appropriate word to use X) OoOh yeah. Gavin's cute XP He has da 'im high wit druggs baybeee!' looK. GAhAHhaz~!! GoOfy GaVin. Dora ish shOo shWeet. WahHAz~! TWinz loOk identical herr. AbbIe looks lyk sadako!!! GiNny looks muscular.. Mumshie Tabby, ur shOo sweet!!! WaHAhaz.. Sri Biskut, u rule!!! WahAHhaz~ I juz noticed, Akmal, Rasheedi and Gavin are lyk surrounded By GuRlz while da rest of da guysh r at da back row. WahHAhaHAz!! Akmal and rasheedi were lyk smirk smirk.. GahHAhaz.. Kyle's cute X| And sho ish all da rest of u guysh ;D Lim needs to sMiLeeee~~~!!! They all [u shld noe hu.. urmph] said i look lyka bride..?? Hardie har har?? WahHAhaz, actually yeah i did. i look lyk one in EvRy pic i took wit em. WahHAHaz.. X) Showed my gramps da picture and she was lyk, 'maner kau dapat [wher u get it frm]?' GahAHhahahaz~! uHh.. not funny, not funny. but it was farnie whn she said tht! Uhh nvm X| UhH.. goin to math supp. tmr wit SisHta NuRoOl, meetin her at amk central bus stop 0730 and round-round around amk. amk's not reeli an exciting place to go round-round aimlessly.. but hey, evryfinks FuN whn u haf ur fav sishta best fren !!!!! NuRoOOl! sorry din reply. Was kindaf bz yesterday. Actually i wasn. i was feelin too pissed fer sum reasons .. //?? Reply u a LoOOng oNe tmr ey? Yea =)) Uhh.. mami jarum boring sia. YawN!!!! Durin eng, lim was tellin us our conduct grade. i've got an excellent. ThNz, mr. rahim!! Mwacks!!! ... uhhh.. ewww..??!! [...] NurOOl has got a good???! Was kindaf shocked, especially whn lim told her she was caught fer LoW SoCKs??! NuRoOl insisted she nvr. And suddenly i was lyk 'low socks.. oH nOoo..' bcaush if im not mistaken, i was da OnE keNa cAUgHT fer LoW soCks By My OWn gRandMa [ex, actually..] Din wanna tell lim bcaush later my conduct wud go down to very good. Thn i realized its not fair fer my sishtar shOoo i told lim. Yeah. i told her. But din fink she listened. naw, she did.. yeah she did =D Twinz aren so happy wit their conduct. not surprised.. this happened b4 during da primary skool yrs *yawNss* They were nvr satisfied wit da marks/grades teachers gave them. ther was once whn they scolded Mdm Noelle Wee [my fav teacher!!!!!!] a not-so-polite word bcaush she gave them a B fer pe. I gort an A =D Primary PE aint lyk Secondary PE. So i reeli enjoyed PE wit Wee bcaush she was a great teacher. WahAHhahaz~!! Now juz finkin of it, actualy seemed farnie. Imagine makin such a big deal of a B grade.??!! Hey, dun tell da twinz i told u these X| Im not even supposed to tell u tht. GahAHhzz.. imma baaAd fren. oh welssh.. Went home wit nabs. ate da sweet candy she bought. Neat =) Nice i mean.. tasty. YuMmy. uHhh.. oh yeah, we were in da bus and were larfin our heads off bcaush frm da double deck bus, we cud see rasheedi dancing!!! GahAHahHAz~! WeeHEhehs>. He was bobbing his head and stuff and dicky shoved him away for being silly. GAHHAhaz~!! ... Din see him today... =D but i saw my cute neighbor. WahHAhaz.. whom i nvr reeli noticed until now. Came out of da lift and nearly bumped into him. He was in his baju kurung. On da way to da mosque wit his father. WahHAhaaz~ how cute!!! how many mly boys actually go to da mosque wit his father, tell me? but arh.. nvm X) $#!T, my sista is blowing her recorder. and shes sec one. GahHAhaz.. shes good. Imagine her in 10 yrs time, a recorderist [??], runnin her own concert. GahHAhahAz~~~!!! Oh welsh.. din see him this morning. wherever u r... i hope u took ur shower this morning. X)
p.s.//fcuk my fcukin sista hu insulted evry single person in da pic... X| Blargh, u fink ur so preety wit tht fcukin noisey recorder of urs???~~!!!


Thursday, October 09, 2003?
NoboDy's OnLiNe? iS EvrYone MuGGin, ExCepT MeeeEe??

Uhh... kaesh. NuRoOl aint online. WhY?!! Im so loNely. Naw, not reeli. I haf atiah to keep me company. gaHAhaaz.. thnx, gurl =) Uhh. ATiQaH's OnLine... OmG... Kaesh. Saw him on da way back. Nana did at first. Thn Nabs, Aspho and i chased after him. Actually Nabs did. Thn Aspho. WahAHhaAz.. i DIn. i RefUsed. ThO i wanted to. GAHhAHahAz.. Nabs sHoo cute whn she ran!!!!! Oh kaesh.. din mentioned abt his ex yesterday. sorry, forgotten =D YeaH. At first, whn i first heard her name, i knew ive heard it sumwher. but u noe me, bad memory unless its sumfink worth remembering. lyk atiah's bdae. It's nov 15 ritez??? oh issit, oct 15??? FcUk. neewaysh, yarhz. ANd yeah. Saw her yesterday. and i knew it was her b4 NurOOl pointed it out! Lyk as if... got sum sort of connection gituuu.. GAHHAHaz. alamakz, mly word terselet.. whn saw her walkin down da stairs and my class goin up i was lyk, 'omg, its her....' and i was rite. it was her. and i know her!! She was a prefect and uhh we worked once together and ermsh... i stepped on her feet once and ermsh.. yaarhz. thts abt it. Hey, shes kindaf short... Oh welsh =) Kaesh. Recess.. teachin Twinz sum maths stuf caush they were absent yesterday. [pSsT: pissing atiah off. WahHAhaz. im ShOo good at this... tho she keeps insistin im not irritating. shes a nice kid.. =D] Oh yeah. UhH.. wad happened today~?!? Went home wit nabs. at da bus stop, emy and her fren were ther. wahHAhaz.. oH YEaH!! We were crossin da road, da three of ush and nabs and it wasn green yet. but we knew it was gonna b green. so we crossed. thn halfway there was this darn car and it zoomed passt us. Aspho was lyk shaking her head [r u, aunty??] and stuf. Nabs gaf a simple kindaf unsincere oi. nana .. i forgot. and i was speechless... =S I duNno wad els to blog. Oh yeah.. NeLLy iSh hOtt!!!


Wednesday, October 08, 2003?

Sumfink ish fcukin wrong wit my blog. Seems lyk i cudn access into it... nuroOl also cannot. Fcuk sehh.. dunno wads gotten into me todae.. lyk no mood today. Nana and Aspho were lyk, 'got problem tell us larh' and stuf. and hell, they were BaaAd at tht X( It jus made me more.... moodless? Depressed? Naw... i wasn. I was lyk, sumwher in a middle of.. feelingless and severely pissed... Nana and Aspho were equally pissed i guesh? caush they were lyk, 'wads wrong, lela? got problem? telll usss.' and all tht but i juz acted dumb and lied to em nuffin was wrong. YeaH. Read nurOol's letta and i cried X'| I duNNo, its lyk history repeat itself. dun wanna tok abt it tho.. furst thing i did whn i reached home was jumped on my bed and cried.. dunno y!! but i felt so much betta after i cried :) Tho it reeli freaked me out, whn i cried all of a sudden i mean X| creepy...
pSst, feelin so much betta now caush im chattin wit nUroOl =))) WaHhahHAz, yay! Thnx NuROOooLLL!!! U made me feel betta.. and u dun even no it, i bet ;) Saw him on da way home. uhh, i mean i was in da bus wit sri and umairah and i saw him walkin towards da bus stop tht goes TP. Omg, i was lyk, he's goin TP? DaRn! GahAHhaazz XP So HaPpy juz seein him.. Heard nurool is learnin howta play guitar. FreeaK!! I wANnA!! i must learn.. arrgghhh. Cuz i kindaf vowed out loud [particularly to hannan] tht im gonna learn how to play da guitar and im SoOO gonna kick his butt. bCauSH he plays guitar real well~ ScrEaMs... my mumshie tabby noes howta strum, now my sishta?!!! Wat the/?? NUrOol, must teach me!! GahHAhAz.. Wahh, im back to my usual me =)) CooOl :) Neeway, do u noe tht NeLLy iSh hOtt?? Neeone wit da nellyville cd, plsh lend me!! urmph, trust dicky to lose his nellyville..

Hidden Beauty
You are the hidden beauty

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

i am, am i not?


Tuesday, October 07, 2003?
Malay paper washa breeze!! X| I WiSh

Today was NeeEaatt! Cuz saw him da whole of break/recess/wadeva. He was wit his fwenz, revisin cheena :) WeehEhheezz.. so cute whn he rubbed his eyes wit his.. urmsh... arm.??? GahHAhaz.. Thn da three of ush, we walked near him and his pals purposely :) it was neat. AUnty ASpho said i shld be careful whn i mentioned him on my blog. She had a point. But thn again, she was the one who started it XP ShOoo, rite now im kindaf finkin of a nick to gif him. u noe, sumfinkz lyk da one we invented fer muhd. gAHhHAaz, big mAc!!! WahHAhaaz~! i've alwayz lyk tht nick =p Can i call him my big mac? U guysh got nee nice nicks fer him, plsh share!!! NuRooL, reply me la deyy!! WahHAhaz, how can u lost da letta? Urmph!! ... =) uHhh, i went home straight after skool today. and i mean, straight away. i din do my rounds. mayb caush im kindaf tired today? Yeah, probly. Oh welsh. i dunno wad to blog. nuffin neat happened today, only tht i cudn stop starin at big mac! muhd, i mean. He has a new hair cut. neat :)) i lyk it. and meishie has a new blogskin. neat :)) i lyk it. I wan a new blogskin too X) but mayb after da exams? Yeahh... My sish wan her own blog. GAHhahahaz~ and wans me to make one fer her. and i ws lyk, 'over my dead body... :)' and she was lyk, 'oh yeah? tht can b arranged' and she pretended to slap me. HEy, u cant kill sumone by juz slappin her!!! WahHAhaaz... shes so stupid. i wuv her XP My mom was practically cryin whn she reminded me this morning to cross da road carefully and wait till its da green man! Cuz yesterday she saw this guy kena knocked down by a motorist. FrEaky! I kept tellin her i can look after myself and im not as stupid as to let a motorist run me down.. SHe scolded me fer tryin to b funny.. aww mom.. i wuv u!! GAhahhA.zz. i showed mom my blog and she was lyk, 'wad a waste of time...' mOthErs!!! uHhh.... meishie reckoned i shld stick to callin him summie.. summie is a cute nick.. but it wud b too obvious wud it? NuroOl said, birdnest. WAHhHAhahahAHz~~~ I dunnNo.. HeLp?


Monday, October 06, 2003?
1. Name: -Lela
2. If there were 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you could only drink from one of them, which one would you choose? -da beauty well prolli's emptied by those self-centered peepo, shOo i guesh love?
3. Do you wish on stars? i can gif it a try..
4. Which finger is your favorite? -index finger *proud
5. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten? -Ehh, i dunno?
6. Would you kill someone? -Defnitlee.
7. When did you last cry? -last nite :)
8. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? -durhz' me!
9. What TV show or movie title best describes your life? -charmed..
10. Do you like your handwriting? -i duNno? i tend to change 'em.. X|
11. Who are you jealous of? -all the pretty people of the world. but i can live wit it.
12. What is your #1 priority in life? -rite now? GAhHahHAaz, passin all my exams wit soarin colors... and my fwenz' too =) *demure..*
13. What is your favorite lunch meat? -??
14. Do you have any bad habits? -hu darsen, ey?
15. Are you a friendly person? -i dun hafta anyfinkz *zip* XP
16. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? -yarpz. im fun X)
17. Are you a daredevil? -depends...?
18. How big was the biggest mango you ever had? -GAhHAHHAz.. kindaf lyk as big as a pomelo? gAHHAz, actually it was a pomelo..?
19. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat? -Yeahh, i haf. X|
20. What do you think is the most attractive animated character? -..da Kero guy, da one frm Sakura da Cardcaptor..? YeaHh.. X)
21. Do looks matter? -Yesshh. but it stands waayy behind 'attitude'.
22. Do you pray? -evryday.
23. Have you ever met any1 famous? -uHhh. yeah, loadsa times. whn i look at da mirror.
24. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? -WAhhHAhHAaz~
25. What are your biggest fears? -not bein able to love. X|
26. What do you do to vent anger? -punch sumone..? naw, imma nice shawtee =D
27. Are you passive or aggressive? -GAHHAhhaaz, i dunno. U tell Me?
28. Who is your idol? -my mom. whn shes sleepin X)
29. Who is your second family? -2e1 champs!!!!!!!
30. Do you trust others easily? -naw.. depends? Ermsh, no i dun..
31. What was your favorite toy as a child? -this yellow bird wit a heeyyuuugge head. Uhh.. wads da name? Teety bird??
32. What class in school do you think is totally useless? -ehhH? i duunnno? science? X(
33. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke? -uHhh?
34. Do you like sappy love songs? -sad ones :) Da one wher da one kena rejected or sumfinkx ...X) Naw, it depends on my mood.
35. Do you think your life so far has been good? -Yarhz... life's cool. but i cud do wit more money.. XP
36. Which was your best Halloween costume? -Halloween?? i dun do halloween.
37. Have you ever been on radio or television? -sadly, no.
38. Do you keep a diary? -Yeah.. wher i crap all day long.
39. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? -nvr. no way ho zay.. at least, i try not to..
41. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? -wazzat??
42. Are you an overall happy person? -yEah!! Happy! sha lala! evrybody shld be happy!!
43. Do you feel understood most of the time? -cant make up my mind //?
44. Do you drink milk? -evryday. milk gives u strong bones!! .... *blink blink*
45. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? -sore throat. kindaf make u sound sexy.. GahHAhAz..
46. Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? -only dumbasses do tht. excludin me.
47. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot? -ehh?
48. What time is it? -8.10.
49. Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in separate ones? -separate.
50. Did you pay money to see "Honey I Shrunk The Kids"? -no..
51. Would you rather be hot or cold? -define 'em..
52. What is your favorite body type to cuddle with? -summie-kindaf-body. ....???!! GaGggg! wher did tht cum frm??
53. What was the best Christmas present you received? -i dun do christmas.
54. Could you be a vegetarian? -and die? WaHAhhAaz...
55. What is ur favorite word to say when u think of something cool? -neat.
56. What band has the funniest name? -uhhh... Freak-sion. thts hafiz's band and i fink its kindaf funny-cool..
57. Would you ever bungee jump? -flyin fox, done. Bungee jump, herr i cum!!!
58. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? -lazy shawtee lyk me? i dun even tie my laces, i stuff em in my shoe X|
59. Who are your favorite white rappers? -Eminem.. heshot..
60. Would you rather wear uniforms to school? -as weird as this is gonna look.. yeah. if only we dun hafta tuck in and allowed to wear reeli short, neat skirts and ankle socks and colored-hair bands... not fer guys plz.
61. Have you ever given money to a needy person? -yarhz =)
62. What are you worried about right now? -My finals... *shudders*
63. Do you ever wear overalls? -usedta!!
64. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? -yarhz. ive been thru 2 deaths in my family, ive been separated frm da coolest girlfren eva and ive been livin under da same roof wit TwO FcuKin loSer sIstas... im strong.
66. Do you hate anyone? -hell yeah.
67. Do you regret anything? -sum stufs. but i can live wit it.
68. Have you ever been in love? -define love =)

Hiee!! Hey, cud u guysh copy and paste those above stufies and put it on ur own bloggie? WAHHAHaz, thn i wud drop by sum time, yea? Great :) Neeway, wanna say happy bdae to MeiShie!!!!! Ur 14!! WahHAhAz... Went home wit Da Twinz :) They were noisy, sia!! Kept speakin bahasa melayu baku X| In da bus, this guy hu we suspect lyks summie, was ther. GahHAHaz... long story arh, fer those hu dun get i mean. Da three of ush and da twinz, we were duin our project at da library one day and tht guy was ther too. yeaH :) thn he mentioned his name X) Thn i was lyk, 'which one [thers two ernests..]?' But he wudn tell. Instead, he accused us fer lykin him, huevr this ernest guy ish XP And i was lyk, 'why? u jealous or sumfink???!' GahHAhaz.. so he was in da bus wit us, kindaf irritated caush da twnz were irritating =p I kindaf observed him frm across [we were sittin juz across.. X|] and wahHAhaz, this may sound weird, i fink hes kinda cute. No.. wrong. Hes not cute. hes jus kindaf... i dunno? not bad-lookin? X| *blushes* Wads wit me? I haf a thing fer da guy hu has a thing fer da guy i haf a thing on?!!!! *shriekssss!!!* Saw him juz now. SUmmie, lerh. AUnty ASpho and i were standin by waitin fer indian neighbor.. thn he was ther wit his fwen. shoOo cute =)) WaHAhhAz... ENgLIsh WaS onE TouGH cOokIe.. i mean, english was tough, dawg!! can dieeee!! *shrieks* Hes so CuTe!!!! Saw him again at da book shop area. I was approachin da shop, wantin to ask how much fer one flexicurve.. Thn saw him goin out of ncc room. i was lyk, 'omg, omg, shriek!!!!' and da person behind da counter at da shop was lyk, 'hello, hello, wad u wat?' ANd she kept glancin at summie whn i asked her abt da flexi.. hMmmmm... HMMmmmMMM!!!! Urmph.. X@


Sunday, October 05, 2003?
WhY aM i So grEaT? FEeL fEr Me... X)

Went online and was lyk, 'wherz evryberdie?' WaHAhHAz.. :) U guysh muggin, ey? Good, good. STudied science juz now... WaHhh, can diee.. hate science. [hear tht, jeya? I hatE ScieNce!!] Yesterday, twinz came over my house. Lets say, ther was sumfink goin on over my house and stuff =D Yesh, they came over bcaush my gramps wanted to gif em sum food and stuf. [my gramps and their gramps are childhood girlfrenz :)]howeva, both of em refuse to come in. They were lyk, standin a couple of metres away frm my door !! I was lyk, 'wassup wit u???!!' And thn i realized, theyr scared of cats. GaHAhHAHaaz~ You shld see da way they look! Sakura was lyk in a ready position to sprint off, u noe, juz in case. And sadako was waAaaeeyy behind, practically clingin to da parapet wall !! WAHHAHaAaz~!! Kaeesh, tht was yesterday. Nuffin much happened today. Noticed Aunty Aspho tagged sumfinkz in my taggie. wAhhh... SHe missed me too much, i reckon XP WahHAhHAz.. oh welsh.. tmr english paper. can say, im a lil anticipating. And scared...? YeaH.. :) Wish me luck! oh yeah, and good luck to u guysh too =) Neewayz, below r sum cool stufies to make u smile =D p.s// turn on ur speakers!!!

kitties quotables


Saturday, October 04, 2003?
geog... nEaT !!

i woke up goddamned early at arNd 5 to go thru my geog abt da million-and-one time. Kindaf planned of goin to skool xtra early.. thn Nabs called and she told me she confirmed go to skool wit me early. i was lyk, ok cool :) We were early, at da bus stop abt 6.50. wAhhh... thn nabs told me salmiah was goin to skool wit us. So we waited. and waited. till 7.10. and i was lyk, 'lets kill salmiah, detach her head and hide it sumwher...' And nabs and i actually ran after a bus!! Wahhh.. i nvr run for a bus in my whole life b4... and actually manage to get into it X| Tot we were late. We weren't .. WahAHhaAz!! Kaesh... da paper was NeEeAaT! Can do :) I wuv geog X) Dearesht sishta and indian neighbor kena scolded by Juraimi. Nuffinz muchiez.. Waited fer thm at da canteeen. SAw SumMie!! He and his dicsman XP wahahaz, lyk meeEEe alsoOO!! Qah was goin, 'he's so slenger!! [nerdy-nerdy.. XP] But i fink he's cute X) He was alone tht time... so lonely and so sad... muker buat dekk!! Went home wit Nabs.. and akmal. WaHAhhAz.. he was in frnt of us and we were walkin da same direction. he kept lookin back!! wAhHAhaz.z.. scared we were gonna rob him nakked of sumfinkz... Thn i roundin satu ang mo kio.. wahHAHAz... not in a hurry to get home. thn whn i dropped off frm da bus [eventually..], met Salmiah, Sadako and sakura. i was lyk.. hUh?? i tot by now them all were prolli at home, watchin da telly or sumfink!! turned out salmiah accompanied da twns gi TP.. thn salmiah and i, we were lyk 'yea.. uh huh.. wadeva.. rite.. tru... iyeee!!' whn twinz started braggin abt their silat stuff.. dun get me wrong, we wuv da twinz X| but they r reeli a pain in da ass.. :)


Friday, October 03, 2003?
hArlOW~!! not supposed to go online until ive finished revisin my geog but hu cares? im gonna take lyk a couple of mins bloggin and thn ill get my ass outta herr =D gAhhaAhaz... easy said thn done ritez. heard atiqah cudn resist da temptation and actually sWitCheD oN HEr friGGin ComP!! WaHHAhAaz. Way to go, aunty aspho XD GaHahAz, wher did ThT cum frm? neeewayz, went to skool kinda late juz now. and nabs and i cud still WaLK!! wAhHAhAaz... was holdin hannan's notes in my hand, i was finkin of returnin it to him since he needed it XP But suddenly whn i reached skool, all da formulas in my head gOnE! Sorry lerh hannan. if u failed da mensuration test, errr, i guesh its prolli my fault X) p.s.//Cudn go msn... dunno y! it was lyk, i went online and nuRooL was lyk 'LELA' and i was lyk, 'hieee' and thn she was offline. and thn seconds later ther was this window blablabla i clicked ok and thn i was offline ... ???// kaesh... mly class.. watched this movie. it was nice. danny's kindaf cute. KiNDaf. i h8 jeslina. as a matter of fact, i h8 most female actors/singers/blargh/urmph/gaggg.. i dunno y :s WahAHhaaz.. iM wEeEirrDDD!!!! okaesh... recess time, were at da atrium wit novi again... *yawns* thn i joined nuROoL they all b4 we hadta go. science... wrote a reply letta to nuRooOl while jeya was givin ans. wahAHhaz, now tht dearest sishta has mentioned it, passin lettas to each other WhEn WE r JuS sittinG bEHiNd/in FrOnT of oNe anOther, is kindaf dumb X) but, hey. sum stufs r juz too awkward to tok face to face yea? :) eng, lim was late. thn da class was all so havoc. thn aldric and his cute plump fren were ther fer sumfinkz.. nurool was goin, 'show middle finger' and stuff. waHahHAhazz... X) din get da chance. shld i reeeli do tht? welsh, am still pissed wit his comment da other day.. wahahHAHaz... got back our compo. gawd, i got shOOo loW! lim wrote 'see me' and i hadta see her... sigh. ME: missh lim! uhh, u wanna see me? LIM: oh yes. abt wad? ME: Compo.. LIM: oh yess. wad happened to u? its not u to write sucha short compo. ME: i noe!! i was in a hurry... its lyk this, at furst i was writin abt endangered. thn halfway got stuck. so.. yeah. i did qn 2 and had to rush thru... X( LIM: ur beginnin was quite good. thn second paragraph, and u started goin all wrong. ME: sorry, missh lim... And lim started advisin me abt thinkin thoroughly furst b4 startin to write and stuff. i reeli regretted my compo!!! urmph!!!!! went home wit nuROoL. met sharul and zam on da wayy.. DIN SEE SummiE! freEeeakkkK!!!


Thursday, October 02, 2003?
hAppY BdAe SheRri, mY siSta'S tWinniE

i saw harris!! naw, actually i saw him yesterday but ive forgotten to blog abt it. too nuts abt summie :p Neeway... yarhz i saw summie! damn. i mean harris! SHer, remember harris? *wink* He's so big already! and whn i saw him, i was lyk, is this da same guy i usedta noe 2 yrs ago? da same guy hu got me pissed so many times i felt lyk commiting suicide??? Harris is this chinese-mly guy back in my old skool. he was p4 and i was p6 whn we got to noe each other. i was kindaf drunk this one day and started larfin fer no reason at all and i was in da bus wit my other drunken fren whn harris boarded da bus wit his othe fren. tht time, he was rather nerdyish-cute lookin, wit his ugly glasses. so i started teasing him and criticizing him lyk $#!T [and stuff and he got real annoyed he dropped off at da bus stop b4 his stop WAhAHhahAz... i guesh im kindaf creepy and nasty whn im drunk... n da next day i saw him, i apologized tho i nvr planned of duin so. it was lyk so abrupt. guesh my conscience got da betta of me :) so thts how we became fwenz.. i tot he was da quiet type and stuff but actually as i got to noe him, he was actually kindaf lyk theodore [a.k.a sean paul of 2e1]. irritating lil squirt. was i glad to b leavin my old skool gahahahaz, so wun b seein his ass again. i was wrong. last yr whn i fetched my sis frm skool met him again and he was lyk 'hi, remember me?' i din gif much of a damn tht time... caush tht moment, i was totally obssesssed wit big mac [not da burger.. u noe hu im referin to]. and thn whn i saw him yesterday, i was lyk 'oMg hArrIs!! is Tht YOu????' caush he's so diff!! he wasn wearin his glasses and he looked betta, kindaf lyk justin *grinz*. he saw me [i fink] but he din say neefink... was kindaf .. i dunno.. sad?? hope we meet again, harris :) [...] din see summie. but durin mly class, we were watchin this totally not farnie movie/wadeva shit and sadako went to close da windows. cud see a class walkin pass.. thn whn she opened thm, da first person i saw was pamela! and qah was lyk, 'his class!' i was lyk, oh frrreaaak!! missed him!!!! i was lyk punchin my chair and caught akmal givin me a 'r u ok?' look... sigh. kinda mad at aldric caush he insulted summie. i dun care if he was jk or not :@ !! seen him twice but i din haf da heart to point my middle finger at him lyk i told him i wud so tht he wud noe hu i am... wad wud he fink???? wAhhAaz.. hAnnAn, sorry din return u back da notes! cudn find u after skool!! and i was in da bus already whn u were at da bus stop!!!! how u gonna revise fer math tmr??? DaMn.. neewaayz, nuroOl, sorry fer not replyin! i hadta run an errand fer my mom juz now ... *smilees* reply me tmr kaesh, dearest sista??? and gewd fer u [da whole 'maa gaf u a lolli' thing...]


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