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Wednesday, December 31, 2003?
Three things that scare me:
3:my mom whn shes on a warpath
Three people who make me laugh:
1:my homiez. u noe hu u r :)
2:my sibs. i laugh my ass off at them
3:.. okie actually evryone makes me laugh :) somehow
Three Things I love:
1:my mom :)
2:homiez :)
3:evryone hu noes me and i noe them and they love me and i love them
Three Things I hate:
1:super models
2:bills lol
3:nasty remarks and all those cruel starfs
Three things I don't understand:
Three things on my desk:
1:my phone
2:sweet wrappers :)
3:Anggun my cat, currently sitting on top of my maths txbk
Three things I'm doing right now:
1:fillin this shyt :)
2:thinkin wad im duin rite now bsides fillin these
3:still thinkin
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:go haji wit my bestiez ;) hehes..
2:make my mom proud. and i mean, reeeeli reeli proud of me :)
3:torture my sibs and show them hus boss.. hehes. show no mercy
Three things I can do:
1:crap :)
2:crap summore :)
3:starfs only shawtiz can do.. hahs. yea, crap =X
Three ways to describe my personality:
1:positive :)
2:lameass joker :)
Three things I can't do:
1:i cant cannot laugh. hahahs, noe wad im sayin?
2:i cant stop finkin of boys 24/7 :) But hey, i noe my limits laarh :)
3:i cant live w/o my homiez :) luv u guys.

Three Things brought to you by BZOINK!


Tuesday, December 30, 2003?
Hah. Cudn believe orientation is over. And look at me, im all wakie wakie so early early in da mornie mornie, finkin ther was another day. hahs.

Da orientation was a success :) We all had fun. Esp da gls. ahahas.. da sec ones? I bet they did too :)

1E1 rawcks :) We came in second, ey? So cool. ahhas.

I wanna take this oppurtunity [cheyy..] to thank all my other e1 gls :) hu had trained those e1s to b a peircean.. [lmao!!] OKie. seriously.. i am. hehes.

CaRiSa: Ur a great chef gl. eh. chief gl i mean :) AHhas.. U lead da class well. U noe whn to let loose and whn to b firm. hahas.. But scary sia, see u stressed so much. lols! Hey.. ull make a great sc, u noe ;)

HuEy Si: u burst my ear drums wit ur loud, piercing screams and cheers! But thts good :) Hawk house may not come in champion in da cheers, but hahhas, damn ur real loud. Da e1 kids prollie get along well wit u da most. sumfink im quite envious abt. hahs.

XiN YiNG!: U cute lil thing. hahhas!! :)

SaM Ann: U, arh, so blurr. ahahahs.. but ur a good gl :) Damn good.

SyAHiRAh aka SaKuRa: WAhh!! Lead on, dawg! aahhas.. ur my sidekick. no, actually im ur sidekick. WAhHAhas~ Gonna regret this but ur really fun ;) U screamed ur eyes out, tryin to teach those kids tht tepok commando shit cheer. ahhaas.. but they just dun get it!!!! ahhahas.. but ur good :)

CrYStAL: U crazy thing u. ahahhas.. i laugh whneva i see u tryna explain starfs to those kids.. hahs, in a good way, i mean :)

IVAN!: Uh. wher u gone to at da last day of orientation, dood?!! AHahas.. u kept on disappearing, sia! Ahahs.. but those boys in da class really bonds well wit u, compared to roy ;) Bcuz ur always so cool! ahahs..

ROY!!: Ur an awesome gl! ahhas.. We all r nuffink w/o u. we wud b hopeless. ahahhas.. u did most of da stuffs. da screaming and all. ahhahas.. uve got potential. hehes.. kudos! ahhas. ps, roy. u reeli 'shake tht ting' tht time whn duin the chicken dance! nana and i were rite behind u and we were lyk whoooaa.. ahhahas.. XD

I hope i din miss out nee names ;) Aiite.


Monday, December 29, 2003?
hot tea or iced tea?:depends la. but id go fer hot tea rite now :)
sweet or unsweet?:sweet :)
ice cream or cake?:cake.. u can share it! eh. u can share ice cream too. if u wanna saliva-xchange. ehhes.
chocolate milk or regular?:choco milk :)
what do you do when you're bored?:sms my frenz. sleep. ahahas..
what book are you in the middle of?:none. ahhahas..
do you ever really "laugh out loud" when you talk online?:just a lil chuckle. not reeli out loud. ahhahas.. but ther were once ;)
do you leave messages on peoples' cellphones, or just hang up?:pfft. hang up jer.
have you ever blocked someone from your buddy list?:ive blocked noratiah b4. she asked fer it. ahahhas..
am i that person?:...
do you wash your hair everyday?:this qn reminds me off summie... bachin! *hint hint*
would you rather cut your own hair?:hell no.
is this survey gay yet?:ahhha..?
did you just answer "yes" for the last question?:no. i answered, ahhha.
can i kill you?:bcuz i said ahhha?
have you ever spent an entire day with just yourself?:no :( i wanna.. ahahas.
do you believe in god?::)
are you serious?:-_-*
when's the last time you cried?:just now.. cried lyk shiat. lol whoa, freaki.
do you think it's wrong that I sometimes wear eye makeup?:0_o
well who asked you anyway?!:err.. u?
do you use public restrooms?:pfft
do you enjoy long drives on the interstate?:i enjoy long journey on da bus :) Esp whn im alone.. at da backseat... listenin to MB :)
how fast would you be driving if the speed limit was 45mph?:i dun drive. yet.
do you spend more than $20 in gas per week?:^^
do you write poetry?:ahahhas. yea.
do you draw?:draw shits, yea.
do you play an instrument?:i play da guitar. i wish.
what instrument would you like to play that you don't already?:i wud lyk to play da guitar. but i already noe howta. ahahhahs! i wish.
why are you still filling this out??:cuz i wanna..

songofabitch's Untitled brought to you by BZOINK!

Bored :) Ahahhas..


Today was da most memorable day of my life.. this yr. ahhahas.. :)

Last day of orientation.. Swell. Was pretty late. Jia Jia panicked. and got me panicked.. X| Ahahas. Hmm.. wad we did huh?

Classes got to their classes.. ehh. wadda. i mean, da sec ones got to their classrooms and starfs :) Got to meet their teachers. so while they were in da classrooms, gls were in da hall :)

Aspho, Nana and i played wit hoola hoops. Okiee.. bloggin abt it now seems pretty awkward. LOLS! HOOLA HOOPS?! wAdda.. hehehs..

So we gls crapped in da hall.. Sigh. I was lyk screaming to hans!! was lyk, 'play nelly song! play nelly songg!!' But he din hear me.. mayb i was too soft. ahahhahas..

Ncc was ther.. :)

Hmm.. after tht whn da classes got back. we played grenade thingie. Ce kok ce kok ce kok.. bang bang bang!! lOl how da heck do u spell tht. ahahhas.. My class got 2nd! hehehs.. way to go e1s!!!!~ thn tamagotchi shit.. tht was lame. ahahas.. XD

Uhh.. thn went down fer refreshments.. Saw shing! she was lyk, lelaaaa!! ahhas.. but fer a while only.. thn she disappeared.. urmph. ahahs.. HEY SHING!!!

Sadako spilt soya bean shit all over -_-'' Twice. Some got into this plate of noodles. and it got all so eewwie. ahahhas.. lost my appetite. ahahhas.

Thn got back to da hall.. played dog and bone peircean style :) lOl tht sounds weird. ahhahas.. i was no. 53. SharKs.. Whn they called my number, i ran out, got da damn rugby ball. started running back thn ther was this fat bastard and he just ran over me!! ouchh.. was a lil dazed after tht. CAN U IMAGINE!? I mean, LOOK at ME!! Im so small sized, so cute.. and hes so beeeg, so heavy.. sigh.

but u shld haf been nuroOl being knocked down by gabriel! lyk whooa!! she just bounced off him!! kedebabb.. lol.

Did more cheering. lyk shiat. In da end, hawk house got 2nd place.. issit? or third? ahhas.. dunno, dun care.. X| AHhahaS. But hawk house rawcks!

Thn we had mass dance :) Was neatt. But not so fun lyk during da training :)

Thn bla bla.. yadayada...

da next thing i knew, nurool came up to me, her eyes all tearyy. and i started to panic. Thn she started sobbing. wahh.. I was lyk, 'shit, nurool dun cry..' but tht just worsen her. U see, i suck whn it comes to comforting and all. so she started crying, and i just stood ther lyka dumbass.

Thn shahina came to da rescue.. Darn, i tried not to cry, marnss!! i was reeli lyk, .

Thn took a heeeuge picture X)

Thn Mr yeo accounced sumfink.. X| Nurool was dragged up to da stage. thn they started playin this song. Thn we got our arms around one another, singing to da song.. Mr yeo started singing. valencia meisy they all started screaming, 'we will miss u, nurool!!!' And nurool started crying..

They all got up to da stage and started hugging her.. thn nana, aspho and i ran up and more huggings.. X| Shit. I cried, marns. Sadako and Sakura cried too.. X|

Thn went down fer refreshments.. sigh. lotsa huggings. and :)

Thn da four of us went town :) Ate at bk. Were all gawking at this so damn hot guyy. hehes.. Thn we walked summore, hand in hand :) So sweet. Accompanied nurool all da way to Yew Tee.. crapped in da mrt. ahahhas.. so sweet.

So after nurool left, da three of us, hehes.. were lyk crapping and all. we did da grenade thingie :) Nana and aspho cudn stop teasing abt my 'cekok cekok cekok bang bang bang' thingo.. urmph. sharhdurp! ahhaas.

Aspho did da care bare staree!! thn i 'mwack, mwack, mwack!' Hhees. i lurv nana's grenade, bomb!! TAKE COVER!!!!~ Ahhahas.. cekok cekok cekok.. bang bang bang! SIAM SIAM SIAM! AHahas.. [okie. how da hell do u spell those shits..]

Ahh.. ahhas :) Okie. im tired. hahas. butt hurts. owshd.. odsfhsdfh dhopqwi jff'f ms :) Neeway, WELCUM BACK, GH!!! ;)


Sunday, December 28, 2003?
iT SeEmS tO mE i cAnNoT BreAthE WhN uR ArOunD..
u LeAvE ME tHEr iN ThE CoLD oF LoST ANd fOUnD...

Heyya.. put a song in my blogg. hehes.. NeW DiREcTiOn bY S CLuB 8. Hehes.. not reeli a fan of em -_-'' buncha pretty girls and cute boyss. hehes. not tht i mind those cute boys. but da girls just arrgh. Shld haf seen their vid, marns! as swell can b. ahahs.. how cum they dun sell their albums here in spore? all their songs rawcks.. but i hate those girls. damn thm hos.

whoops. wher did tht come frm.


u guys, if u dun haf a clue waad shawty means, here's sumfink i found :) Check it out. ahhas..

define shawty :)

therz a couple of shawtiz i came across too :) See.. shawtiz rule.


ask shorty

shorty the squirrell AHHAHhAHS!! Can u believe it?! .. i can ..

ahahhas.. this one is farnie.. okie. mayb not. mayb im just being racist.. o_0

shawty/shortie/shorty may b common.. :) But therz only one shawty tht evryberdie lurvs. Me, of courz. bWhHAHHAhas!! aaeeshyy. hehs.


Saturday, December 27, 2003?
Your future occupation by meteoric
Your name
Your future occupationStripper
Yearly income$426,879
Hours per week you work71
EducationVery little
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Wadda.. im cool wit a stripper [i gueshh]. but an uneducated one?!! X|

I checked my mailie, sumfink very rare. And came across these cool links :) Click on it!! it's real cool! Hehes..

ThE eNd iS cOmIng!
PaSsIoNaTe LuV LeTTeR!

Day too.. it was fun :) LEts see..

Assembled kat parade square. hehes.. ther was ncc!! saw ernest! wEee~! AHahhas. Thn after tht got back to da hall. A wee bit of confusion here and ther. Thn did mass warm-up :) Justin has a gf.. 0_o WhAd HAppENeD tO ALL tHOsE CuTE siNGlE gUYSh?! AHhahas. wasshup wimme.

Thn played icebreakers.. eh no wrong.. ahahhas. tht was ytd. ahh shyt. ahahs.. we played games. cat and mouse :) It was cool. Da sec ones r so cute! ahahhas!! They were a bit blurr abt hu to catch hu. Sakura and i were lyk, 'catch her! no wrogn!! u catch him! YoU!! And ther was this guy hu literally ran over another guy! lol, dun ask me how.. ahahhahs!!

Thn played this ball thingo. hehes.. e1 has lotsa potential volleyball players :) All so good!! hehes.. Thn played this mine thingie. hehes.. ncc guys were ther! saw ethan, and ernest.. ^^ And talkin abt them, i still cudn believe ernest gave me ethan's pic! Was so shocked! and a bit thrilled too. WAhHAhahas!! All of a sudden he asked me if my phone can receive mms.. -_-'' Aahahs..

Da mine thingie was cool. ahhas.. well done, e1s! Thn we got to da multi purpose court. played this rope thingie.. :) Thn we got back to da hall.. Wher we did cheerings.. wahh. i screamed my head off. but it was cool.

Refreshments.. chicken wingss and macaroni. tho we din even touch da macaroni. whaHAHas.. we threw it away and mrs sng was lyk O.O AHHAhHAas!! CHicken wingss. wahh. roy ate lyk 5?! ahhHAhas.. gotta thank nurool fer those supplies of chicken wings. Ain't no thang but a chicken wang on a strang.

OKIE! actually ive forgotten wad we did. AHHAs. stm, as ernest quoted :) Da story sharing section was neatt :) Da singing of skool song and all those shits were neatt too. da cheerings da bestt! DA best!!

Played more games :) One of them was da grenade shiat thingie ;) Hehehs.. aweshoomeee!!!~ No mass dance today. prollie tmr :) Er, i mean, on mon. ahhas. Hhees.. noberdie's online to crap wimme. wasshup, u guysh!?!!


Friday, December 26, 2003?
Today orientation was good :) Hehes.. 1e1 rawcks! *hic* Sorry, guysh. Im hiccuping rite now lyka shiat. Very irritating. argh. anyway! yea, da orientation was pretty sweet.

ahhahas, sweet!? wth.

Was in the bus on da way to skool :) Made frens wit this girl frm a2. her name's gabrielle :) Hehehs.. But the sad thing is, she tot imma sec one too!! x_x

Lets see. We din reeli start da whole thing wit a BANG. But after sum time, we got da hang of it :) Got to know our class. E1 boys not bad, actually :) Roy did a great job gettin their spirit up. But they cudn stop talkin abt porn starfs *-* all thruout da skool tour. Esp this cute lil guy. hehes.. so cute! dunno his name tho =X The girls.. Hui min's da best! So toit! And she participated in evryfink :)

Huey Si a good GL, marns!! She reeli clicks well wit da kids :) So envious.. ahahs.

We haf this thailand guy in da class. And this girl named jacelyn [sp?], who came to skool in uh, some sort of jeans and slippers, wit dangling earrings. First impression; err..

but actually she's not tht bad. Seemed 'bo cap', lyk dun gip a freaken damn abt anyfink. But in fact, she seemed pretty interested wit da skool tour. she asked qns, tho not out aloud. Crystal entertained her most of da time :) AHahhas.. ANd at least she opened her mouth to cheer. sum girls just wudn wanna -_-''.

Da skool tour was tirign.. sigh.

B4 we went home, got my books frm yeong. aahhas.. thn helped hannan wit his books starfs. ahahas.. he was wit dicky and rasheedi. heehs.. missed them marns! Oh yea, wanna thank aspho and nana hu helped me carry those darn books. hehehs..
As soon as i reached home, i took a nap. till abt 6 :) Woke up feelin so hungry, marns! hehes.. Got our peer leader shirt. ITS ORANGE, behbee!!! So coOl! hehes.. da color is lyk so.. ORANGE! hehes..

Ahhas, yea cool. my hiccups r gone :)

Cant wait fer tmr :) Gonna b so much fun! Cuz thers mass dance.. :) OhH, macarena!! ahahhas..

My sis dah blah to ncc camp.. which means i haf da whole room to myself. its gonna b so quiet, i wun b able to sleep! i need noise to sleeep!!~ :'(


Thursday, December 25, 2003?
+ Basics +
Are you emotional ::not reeli.. i dno?
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few ::ahhas.
What about movies ::cant fink of one rite now.
What emotion do you usually feel ::happy? :) Shitty sumtimes..
+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out ::my mom's disappointment.. frenz' betrayal.
How many times have you done that ::done wad? make my mom disappointed? uhh i dun wanna fink abt it X|
Where do you cry ::sumplace wher therz privacy.. in da loo?
Do you hate crying ::no. sumtimes.. er. but sumtimes cryin helps.
Do you like it when others cry ::no. hell no. it makes me all panicky. and thn ill cry.
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty ::lmao! nvr crossed my mind
Who looks good when they cry ::i dun stare at ppl hu r cryin. id turn away. so i dunno if they look good when they cry. noe wad im sayin?
How else do you express sadness ::just scream ur head off?
Are you sad all the time ::no :)
+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad ::failure.. but ill chill :)
What do you do when you're angry ::swear and curse.. blame it on sum1. express all my anger in my blog.. or dart :)
How short is your temper ::i dun get mad tht easily :)
How long does it take you to calm down ::not long.. i hope. ahhahas..
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad ::i throw my anger at my mom X|
Do you freak out when others are angry ::unless i was da reason they'r angry.
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you ::no..
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad ::betray me.
Do you anger people ::i hope not :) ahhahas.. do i guys?!
+ Joy +
How often are you happy ::all da time :)
What makes you happy ::lotsa things. evryfink tht dun make me mad. anyfink tht gotta do wit love :)
What do you do when you're happy ::i crap :)
How optimistic are you ::very. im always tryna look on da brite side of life.. :)
Do happy people make you mad ::why wud they?
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy ::nuffink? wad worst thing can sumone possibly do whn they happy? lol. i asked u back.
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone ::YES!
Ever been so happy you cried ::no..
Do you smile a lot :::D
Kiss people a lot::kiss ppl? no..
Who really makes you happy ::my mom whn shes happy, my frenz :)
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy ::but of corz..
+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared ::i laugh to release tension? ahhas.
What scares you ::myself..
Do you like scaring people ::no. dunno?
Do you like the trill of being frightened ::scary, but yes :)
Does fear accompany anger in your case ::nupp.. too scared to feel mad
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe ::yupp..
How often do you panic ::not always. not unnecessarily, at least
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER ::my .. MOM
What do you do to calm your nerves ::sing out loud. writes, lyk u noe draw meaningless starfs on my scrap book tht kinda thang..
Do rollercoasters scare you ::yea..
+ The strongest emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going ::my immortal? lol i dunno. ahahhas.. tht song just crossed my mind.
Movie ::love actually :)
Commericial ::err..
Person ::dun reeli understand ur qn.. which person nvr fails to get my strongest emotions goin? ahha.. yea. i noe my answer but im gonna keep my mouth shut :)
Thing ::things tht make me go 'aww..' ahhas?
Sight ::baby animals :)
Sound ::shrug
Food ::wadda.. pizza?
Thing you're looking forward to/want ::lotsa :) *mouth zip*
+ What do you do +
When the emotion suck ::pour it all out to dart :) or simply just write it all down..
When the emotion rocks ::tell the whole world..
When there's no emotion ::sleep.
+ Would you rather +
Never feel again ::i mite as well b dead
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life ::if it means fer da sake of sumone i truly loved.. :)
Be happy forever and never experience bad times ::nahh.. tht wun make me wise.
Cause misery ::x_x
Feel misery ::-_-
Be alone :::)
Be with everyone you know ::just sumone i noe? how abt da rest hu wants to b my best fren?! i cant leave em!
+ Who +
Cheers you up more than anyone else ::dart.. my frenz :)
Angers you more than anyone else ::my sibs.. urmph.
Scares you more than anyone else ::my mom.
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else ::my mom :)
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think ::evryone hu has make a great impact in my life :)

Emotions brought to you by BZOINK!


Heyya.. Gonna keep this real short and sweet :) Merry Xmas, u guys!! I reeli wanna apologize fer my wrongdoings.. i noe ive been real bad.. huh? eh? whoops. wrong occasion.

Okie. Xmas is all abt giving. So i, shawty, ahhas.. wud luvta give u guysh a heeeuge fat kiss! MWACKS!!!~


Wednesday, December 24, 2003?
Went to have breakfast at BK this morning.. :) Everyone was pretty drowsy and drooly and sleepy lookin. All except me.. i was feelin so hyped! which was pretty weird, bcuz last nite was hell.

Dart/Dric shld noe wad im talkin abt :) Felt lyk poo. Okie.. not literally. sheesh, wrong usage of word. Skool's gonna reopen and look at me!

Yea, i felt like shit. thts da best word i can fink of now. All of a sudden last nite, i felt like cryin! I did cry a few tears.. and to make it worst, this fckin song by da osbournes jackass was playin on air..

We'r goin thru changess.. Wadda.. who aint! I mean, sriously, tht song is like a song u sing in da loo whn ur havin difficulties wit ur poo.. noe wad im sayin, homiez?

ANd to make it worst, ive got punk'd by noratiah!! tht biartch. ahhas.. long story, i dun wana go ther. grr.. just finkin of it makes me all steamy.

Noone was online last nite. as in, no one i cud pretty much rely on. Sadly, dart hadta go. So i was left wit dric. who was tryin his best to cheer me up.. Well, i gif him a 7/10 fer tht.. :) Thnx, aldric. We sang song.. lol. i sang this daniel beddingfield song, 'I dun wanna run away but i cant take it i dun understandd..' but he ended up singin runaway by LP.. lol wadda..

I slept at 1 last nite.. woke up this morning feelin so good! ahhaas.. first person i called, or sms i mean, was dart :) ahahs.. in da car, evryone was -_- Zzz and i was lyk, smsin him and laughin out loud at his corny replies :)

After tht went over my kuzzie's hse.. They haf a kitten in da hse, and her name's Rabbit! can u believe it? very toit. ahahhas.. lyka tiger. lol wadda.. :) Used my kuzzie's laptop. chatted wit nurool and aldric fer a while :( cuz my kuzzie had a lil row wit her mom.. and we hadta leave. it was scary, they were practically screaming at each other.

im glad i aint like tht wit my mom :) I lurv her too much. ahhas.. :)

Oh yea.. had a nitemare.. :X Of ethan. but ethan in my dream aint ethan.. it was lyk, i was wit this heeeuge group and they kept chnting and mentioning ethan. but i cud not see no ethan neeway. get it? got me freaken. wad does my dream mean?! i dun fink i wanna noe.. X|


Tuesday, December 23, 2003?
just came back frm registration shiat :) AHhas.. got tht off meishie. lol wad? u dunno wads shiat? lol pfft.

Woke up at 6. slept again. and eventually woke up half an hour later.. took a 20 min shower :) I reached skool lyk 7.30? ahahas.. and da thing was actually 7. WahHAas..

Darn, talk abt typical kiasu singaporeans. some parents came so early! lyk, wad gives?! My mom came for registration whn i was sec one, lyke around.. 10, 11. pfft. some parents were pretty cool, some were.. *rolls eyes* AHahas.. ther was one mom, who aint reeli happy abt da way we arranged da chairs.. she was pretty demanding and starfs.. lol, aspho and i were totally o_o .. ahhahas.. but we got tht handled :)

Okie, honestly, i fink i had fun. ahahas.. kindarf reminded me during teacher parent conference thingie they had :) Tho i was a, aherm, prefect tht time [lol~], it was equally fun :) I guess it was un bcuz no many prefects came to help. So we were all running around da skool, wahHAHas.. reeli cool :) I was wit Umairah, clarissa, sam ann and theodore!! so, yea. sigh.. :)

Whn i said fun, i dun mean whn we hadta stack up da chairs and all. pfft. tht was shiat. ahhahas.. poor aspho. wHAhas. she did most of it. i just stood by lookin dumb, and came up wit lame excuses lyk da chairs were too heavy, im too short, too weak, no breakfast wadeva shiat, whn aramia needed a helpin hand :)

Chairs r evil, man!! trust me. i got hurt while carrying chairs last time.. and i cried lyk shiat! so thts y i pretty much avoided duin da stacking up chairs thingie.. *shudders* I freaked whn aspho's finger got stuck sumhow, i just freaked.. :'(

lOl.. wadda..

Shortly after tht, i cabot lari downstairs :) Showed parents wher da bookshop and starfs :) It was much more .. err. cool downstairs. cuz they were no teachers [no nasim!], so we were all pretty chilled.. :)

Cindy rox! ahahas.. she brought sushi and was lyk, gettin evryone to taste it :) Yummy! Tuna sushi, oOh weE.

Okiee.. after tht, time to blah. ahhas. Aspho wanted to return this book to da bookshop cuz we dun reeli need it. so da three of us were at da gym area. I tried to get on this lil machine outside da gym.. sigh paiseh. cuz da thingo was pretty terok. wahhahas! Da seat was too high, i needed to tiptoe to get my butt on it. thn noticed this parent lookin at me. and i was lyk *blush blush*..

Oh yea :) Our boys started wearing long pants already :) AHAhas! It was lyk, whn i entered skool, i saw this guy wit long pants, lookin kindarf good. ANd whn i got closer.. pfft. it was just roy. blah. got me anticipated fer nuffink. Mly boys looked pretty 'grown up' wit da long pants *rolls eyes* :)

Nana had got da photos of us at esplanade and her hse developed :)

It sux.

lols!!! naw, i fink its ok :) Nana and Aspho reckoned i haf tht evil grin. hehes.. i was lyk, 'wadda..' pretty *-* cuz aldric finks i haf tht innocent studios look :) So.. well.

After htt, we went PH :) Nana ate alot. Aspho had tummyache. poor her. wahhaas.. Oh yea, and ther was this guy ther too. so cute! but he was playin wit his phone, so i cudn reeli see his entire face properly. so thruout da entire time i was eating, i had my eyes on him.

Thn after aspho got off to da loo, this girl suddenly approached da guy. ugh, dammit. his gf! pfft. Da guy looked up for da first time. *faints* Yea, hes hott. His smile. nice set of teeth :)

Sigh. wher r all da hott SINGLE guys?!!

So i was drinkin my pepsi, totally zoned out. a bit disappointed tho. it's always da same thign! just now at da bus, ther was this guy wit sunglasses. kindarf cute. thn noticed his gf beside him. grr.. WHYEEe!!? so again, i was lyk screaming to myself, 'wher r all da cute single guys?!' and guess wad.

as if on cue, cute single guys came into the scene.. cheywah. only tht da cute single guys r none other thn those lame mly boys, and jeremy :) i kicked nana frm beneath da table. and she was lyk, 'WAHD?!' And jeremy was lyk, 'heyhey..' while farhan tried to make a grab for nana's 5 bucks on the table.. =X

As soon as they got in.. pandemonium, behbee.. dunno who, i fink ridhuan? tripped over a chair. and evryone ther just started laughin. pfft. heard muhd's unmistakable voice, askin for more curry. and sidek joked, 'bagi jer dier satu baldi, ama' [give him one whole pail of curry]..

lol cute..

Thn at da bus stop.. sigh.. met ethan :) Din noticed him. it was nana or aspho who said, 'eh, ethan kan tu?' ANd i was lyk, 'ooh yea! ethan!!!' Darnn. Din reeli make nee eye contact, tho i noe he knows me. shy la. hu wudn? hes so hot!

So thn, aspho blah. thn nana.. purposely stayed longer. no actually, i was waitin fer a double decker bus :) I stayed ther pretty long. so did he. so obviously he was waiting for someone..

smsed dart :) to keep me company, or actually i just needed someone to share da moment wit. so, yea. thnx, dart :)

Thn ther was this amah, who sat between me and ethan.. and pfft. she started askin me lame qns. Why issit i always attract older women?! Ewwk! This thign happened b4 to me, at bishan mrt. this old cleaner started talkin to me. so, not wantin to b rude, i layan them la..

so i layan this amah.. sigh. thn noticed ethan gettin up.. and boarding 410. wit this girl, pretty ok i guess. and i was lyk, 'wher da heck did tht girl come frm?! wad is she doing wt ethan?!! nOoO!' I practically cried ther.

So i excused myself frm tht amah.. got into my bus, and just poured evryfink to dart.. sigh. poor dart. ahahahhas. i was lyk, 'eeeeethan!! geram nyer aku!!' lol! okie, honestly, i aint disappointed cuz ethan has a gf [i hope im wrong..]. im disappointed cuz i din make my move! say hi or sumfink.. ugh.

sumbody kick me in da ass, pls.


Monday, December 22, 2003?
GOod morning! Dammit. Actually i wud still b asleep if it werent fer nana and aspho hu called me, to ask if i wanna tag along wit them. pfft. ahahas.. I wAnNa. But very lazy, marns..

I dreamt of hans.. yea, creepy. *faints* ahahhas.. And i freaked out big time whn dart smsed me lyk 7 am just now and said he dreamt of me! Wahh..

Neeway, i came across these starfs. ahhaas.. i laughed my ass off. hope u laugh urs off too. ahahas.. corny :) EnjoY!

~* Yo mama so ugly people go as her for Halloween.

~* Yo mama so stupid she asked you "What is the number for 911"

~* Yo mama so lazy she's got a remote control just to operate her remote!

~* Yo mama teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles!

~* Yo mama so short she poses for trophies!

Rofl! tht one's hilarious..

~* Yo mama so ugly she made an onion cry.

~* Yo mama hair so short she curls it with rice.

Lmao! Curls hair wit rice?! Can u believe it? AHHAHHHAAAHAHASS!

And check this out.. The Random Excuse Machine.. Real cool.. ahahhaas.

Okie gtg.. :)


Sunday, December 21, 2003?
Hey wasshup?

Ive been pfft-ing lotsa times today, my whole computer screen is turning into a saliva battle area.

Ahhhaa.. im farniee.. *-*

Why am i pffting to da comp?

AHahhas.. wanna noe why? bcuz im farnie la, der! ahhahas.. *-*

U noe da smiling song? The 'And whn ur smiling.. and whn ur smieeelieeng~ Da whole world smiles wit uUuu'..

Its playin in my head now.. :)

SMiLE!!~ Or else..

AHhahas.. im farnie.. *-* cornie me.. so full of baloneyy.. pfft.


It was after the training shyt..

The four of us were in our usual 'hangout' place. Wher? Da toilet, of courz :) Thn Nurool wanted to get a drink. But i wanted to 'drop by' my 'best fren's place' to get my stuffs :) So Nana went wit Nurool while Aspho tagged along wimme :)

On our way there, we kept on teasing 'my best fren', abt her picking-nose habit :) We laughed all da way to da welfare room. Thn aspho said,

"Wad if whn we enter the room, she was in a middle of picking her nose?!"

ANd she had her finger in her nose to show wad she meant.

"And 'ur best fren' lyk, 'why din u knock on the door first?!' And ther were traces of mucus on ur books and all...'"

ANd da both of us rolled on the grnd, laughin our way to the room..

I knocked on da door and said, "Mdm Yeong! Hello! Im here to collect my books..?"

And bla bla.. she said sumfink lyke, "Oh okay. See, i stayed so dun say i din." She showed me my books..

ME: "Okay." And dgn sardine-nyer, i helped myself wit it. I got da lightest one la.. ahahs. ANd told yeong tht ill come get my books on mon. but she said she aint coming on mon.. Started whining and all at yeong. ahhaas..

So finally i let her off da hook. "Okie la. on tue thn i come get da rest of da books." Thn i asked her for another plastic, to cover my books, so it wun get wet since it was raining shits and shits.. and i added, "Make sure clean one, ah." *hint hint* *wink wink*

"Ok, ok.." yeong said.

Thn aspho and i were lyk, giggling and grinning lyka mad sheep.

Oh wait. SHeep dun giggle. AHha.. hu cares. NEEWay..

So bla, bla.. we said our goodbyess.. and Aspho said, b4 we got out, "Heppy picking!"

And yeong said, "Ok, ok~"

*laughs my blardy ass orf*

Yea, thts all abt it, i guess. ahhahas.. aspho, did i leave out neefink?!! ahahas.. Crap, this post's crap. but i put it up fer da fun of it. ahahas.. dammit, if yeong or nee teachers happen to haf a blog and is bloghopping and got into mine and read this shit, thn im dead. ahahhahass~!! CRAPPP!


Saturday, December 20, 2003?
Heyya! JUst came back fresh frm da training shit :) Yea, fresh. Da first thing i did whn i stepped into my home sweet home was switched on da comp and blogged!! :) No, actually i made myself a hot milo [kindarf tawar, tho.. X)] and hugged my behbee Nike [which im gonna give away to dart.. lmao!!!]. but thts not da point..

Weird, how i nvr reeli did describe to u how da training shyt went.. ahahas so im gonna do it now. lets home i remember. ahahs.

First day.. started off pretty cool. cuz da four of us were united. lol wadda.. ahahas.. but thn we kanna separated.. sigh. me in charged of 1e1, wit carisa, huey si, sam ann, syahirah, roy and ivan :) First day, we weren tht close. were pretty chilled, r.o.c.. except for roy, hu wudn shut his trap. ahahas.. but hes real cool. ahahas.. we were cool. we are cool.

Had test to ermsh, test our confidence in handling those sec one brats. i got crystal and prisilline wadeva shit how u spell her name. ahahhas.. i started off cool. ahahas.. i was lyk, 'okie sec ones!! squeeeeze!!' Ahahas.. but thn got pretty tensed, cuz i dinno wad to say next. fumbling lyka lame ass. ahahas..

First day was seriously a drag. i kept lookin at da clock, which kept on insisting it was just 1030 whn actually it felt like it was already 4! Get wad im sayin here, homiez?

Second day was better :) Tho nurrol wasn wit us :( Da cheers were super solid. Da games swell. ahahas.. We had mass dance. did da hookie pookie wadeva. ahahhas! Thn chicken dance.. thn macarena! we reeli shake tht thang, behbee!! ahahhas!!~ Had a 'bonus track'.. we were all freely dancing-crapping to da song Lemon Tree, which was so.. tak suitable. ahahs, yea unsuitable. But we had fun. I was havin stomach cramps, but i danced it all away! Yea, behbee!! lols :)

We played, uh.. this game. lol duunno wad its freaken called. lol, im pathetic. lol! my team was red indians.. lol. had fun, had fun. hehes.. it was cool, very cool. hehehs. X)

Saw hans.. :) Yea, and we cheered fer da npcc and da basketball. too bad it was da girls basketball team, not boys. dammit.. =X ahhas.. X)

Did i tell u Justin is so cute?! Caught Aspho redhanded fer tryna grab his butt, or legs. but wth. ahahhas!! i was lyk, 'wadda..' lol! But reeli! Justin Cheong rawks! Aspho [and prollie nana] and i spent like half da time gawking him!

Today, was DA best. Named my grp, NASI LEMAK! AHahas.. We reeli did crapped, behbee!! except fer ivan.. he was so quiet. ahahas.. he aint like da ivan chin i knew last yr. ahahs.. Joined forces wit Valencia's grp :) which consists of cons, nurool, monica and muji!! Hope i din miss a name. loL! Muji very cute!! lol! Evrybody was lyk, 'MOOOJEEE~!!!' X)

Pissed at da mly boys, hu lured/leered our boys frm our alliance. pfft.. Muji left wit them.. thn roy. thn ivan. but they din accept ivan. pfft, wad a buncha freakazoids.. ROY RAWKS, man! it was lyk, he changed his mind, and decided not to join those buttholes :) Good fer u, roy :) We need more of roys in the world.. lol but thn again, mayb not. cuz he cud get pretty noizeh. lol! but thts a good thing, rite? MAKE SOME NOISE!!~

Uhh.. wad else we did just now?

Saw ethan :) So sweet. But monica spoilt da whole thing. lol!!~ pfft. ahahas.

Played Dog and Bone. But we were fighting agianst houses :) WEeE! Justin hawk house! Awesome!!! lol! Hawk din come out champ of dog and bone. swift did :) But we had fun. I was no. 2, along wit nana, muhd and sidek. lol! Nana was lyk, knocked me away at da first round.. pfft. lol! tripped over muhd somehow, landed ouch. my shoe came orf.. paisehh.. lol! Sidek pulled down muhd's shorts. whoaa.. and i was lyk, '0_0'.. navy green. size s. lol!! its like.. can see da freaken shape of da butt! thank gawd it aint orange! or else.. hehes.

Played this game called gladiator. pfft. i suck at tht game. lol but i had fun!!~ id haf even more fun if putra hadn tagged me and made me look lyka butthole loser.. pfft. lol, kidding. lol!

Played this game.. dunno wad its called. kindarf famous sia. evrybody's playin it. nurool pro! lol! i suck. lol. pfft. lol!

It was raining whn we wanted to go home. got some books frm julia yeong :) Hehhes.. Aspho and i were goddamned mean! we were teasing her, w/o her knowing it. lol! i aint wanna say wad. its between aspho and i. lol! naw, its just tht its pretty.. diff to blog abt it. kindarf too nasty. PG. lol. crapp, crapp.. ahahs. hmm, mayb id put up wad we said to yeong later, in another post. ahahs.

Yea, so it was raining, still am. ahhas.. i was lyk, 'can we not walk in da rain yet?' But thn nana and aspho were stubborn. pfft. lol. da rain got even more heavier halfway. so we were all drenched and cold.. took turns to carry my books :) Thnx u guysh. lol.

Uhh.. da events aint in order. lol. so yea. ahhas. goin to skool on tue.. but aint on mon. alahh.. hans, looks lyk u can go keep da pic. lol! unless u wanna come on tue ;) Whch i am. lol. thers rugby too, so gonna hand aldric his belated 'prezzie'. ahhas.. shit i needa go loo. ahhas.. needa go haf a tinkle. lol, swell X)



Friday, December 19, 2003?
Gonna keep this short and sweet :) Happy belated bdae, Aldric!! :) ahhas.. too bad uve got no rugby tmr or mon.. or else ud get ur prezzie. its alrite. ill find a way. lol.

Glad to share tht Nurool's feelin ok :) oOh WeEe!!

Today training was cool. Ahahhas..

It rained shits and shits whn we wanted to go home.. ahhhas. tht was prollie da best part of it all. ahhahas.. lol not reeli. mass dance was neatt! but if only nurool was ther, it wud b even more betta! ahhas.

My shoes damn wet. Am havin a real cool headache.. dunno if i can gonna make it tmr.. and summor i cudn find my house tshirt. pfft.

HANS!!! ahahhas.. see u on mon. ahahhas.. u noe wad im sayin. shhh!

Okie. thts it. im gonna buy myself a guitar. Nike behbee still freaked, marn! so thers only one thing to do.. Nee cat lovers out ther wanna cat?


Thursday, December 18, 2003?
Feelin shitty rite now :(

Feel lyk crying!!!~


No mood to blog

So tired..

Freaked out whn nurool said she tasted blood whn she coughed. Got me off my whole guitar-accident thingie :'( Stupid, u shld haf called ur mom!! but she reckoned shes ok, so she shld b :) So now, im gonna wait for her call :) Accompany her thru da nite. ahas. since shes alone.. :) Neeway, i reeli do need to get my head off da accident.. :( CHillin out wit nurool will def help me chill :) Its lyk, im scratchin her back, shes scratchin mine :) cool.. ahahs..


Feelin less shitty =X Oh farks.. michelle branch on air.. just hearin da guitar bein played at da backgrnd makes me feeel all teary.. :'(


Fate darsen wan me to play guitar.. scary but tru.. X| ahhas..

Sweet sis of mine cooked noodles fer me :) Swell.. and thnx nurool, aspho and hans fer listening :) Nurool calls, gtg now.. turraz


Wednesday, December 17, 2003?
[[mood: feelin lame-isyh]]
[[music: jamie yeo melalut ;)]]

Actually i planned to come like after 11. hahahas. so wad and why am i doing here?

Ill tell u .. whn ive figured it out why myself.

Aramia called to inform abt tmr training.. *rolls eyes* Ahhahs.. 8 to 6? Wadda~!? But its ok, i gues. Since thers gonna b ncc tmr ;) WeEe~! ahhahas..

Hhees.. Was in a middle of smsing ernest, whn aldric called =X Yikes. Wrong timing, la bruddarh! AHahhas.. But its sweet of him to call ;) hehes..

Err.. :)

For ur info, im typing this standing up. Cuz my evil sister has taken away da chair.. hmm.. evil sister must b up to sumfink. shawty me must keep a lookout!! arrgh..

Hans writing me a testie :)

Have u?

If not.. i reckon u go jam ur head in the tumble drier --

-- and switch it on.. Bwahahahhas!!~

*runs into the wall*


Tuesday, December 16, 2003?
Thers reeli nuffink to blog abt atcually. My life's pretty cool da way it is.

Write testimonials for me, please!!!!~ Ahahas.. please? :)

Uhh.. its 10. Okie thn. buh buaiz!!


Dunno why, im feelin sumfink's missing..

Oh yea!!


Hell yea. wait one more..

Ahahas.. fer aldric frm me. ahahhas!! okie cya. ahhas :)


Monday, December 15, 2003?
i reeli shldn b doing this actually. not rite now. whn dart is lyk crackin his brain tryna help me out wit my math rite this min ;) thnx dart.. :) u BURN!! ahahhas..

lela bunny. hehes.. cute, ey? lols.. aaeshyy. sardine jer. ahahhas.. K^|nG Aldric got tht name fer me :) hehehs.. his blog rawks.. esp fer those hu has been straining ur eyes tryna read small fonts.. lols. his fonts are heee-uge!!! lols :)

Math sux. Its killin me. its so complicated!!

No, mayb i suck. havent touch da math txtbk for ages.

I suck. Sucker me.

Talkin abt sucker, ahahhas.. got his addie!!!! thru friendster. friendster rawks :) tho i dun get it as much as he does. we were lyk, 'u add me. i dunno how to add..' lol crap. ahahhas.. lols.. ahahhs.. hes sweet :) [My 'he' can refer to many other 'he's.. ahahhas.. lol wth.]

okie.. wad i just wrote in da previous paragraph are nuffink but crap =X ahahhas.. yay :)


[[mood: chillen]]
[[music: Uh-huh - B2k]] OOh!! one helluva sexayh muddah fuckas.. omarion, jbOOg!! raz-b, lil fizz!!!~ i wuv u all!~

gotta keep this real shorrt. cuz sister is gettin on my nerves now, wanna use da darn comp :) ahahs.. Okie. wanna thank dArT fARt, hu beared/bared/wadeva la da whole nite ytd. last nite. last ytd nite.. lol shit wadeva.!!~

hehes.. he aint pissed a bit abt my whinings :) u BURN, dart!! lols hehes.. be prepare fer da same thing later tonite.. bwahhHAhas~

Yea.. uh. called aldric last nite. hAiyOo. tht pigg.. it was 5 pm and he was sleeping..?!! lol kidding.. :)

Friendster's pisshing me off. i dunno a shit abt it!!!~

Had a cool dream last nite ;) Dreamt abt a whole rows of cute boys. damien's ;) one of em. i saw navin too .. *shudders* i noe it was freaky.. i was lyk on this tower and lookin down at da boys, hu were standin in a roww.. enuff.. :)

At da bckgrnd, my sisters r trading lollies wit each other. how sweet :)


Sunday, December 14, 2003?
lol im tryna get da fact tht mEiSHie reckoned my blog always has coOl starfs.. Ooh WeE.. lOls.. KembAng ey, lela? lols. Meishie, ur blog's coOl too ;) Its always neatly updated and ur taggie gets noizeh at da very rite time :) Swell.

Okie.. :)

AHhahas.. sorry. actually thers nuffink sweet to blog abt. dunno, just got da feeling to blog; abt wad, i dun haf a clue :) lols and meishie, u say ThIs cOol?!?! Lols.. :)


Good morning!! ive added a song.. Do yOur ThiNg by NsYnc. Hehees.. it reeli darsen suit da whole mysterious-look layout. ahahahhas~ but i reeli lurv da sooOng!!~

Pls comment; song stays or song goes.. kaesh? thankieww!!! hehehs.. :)

Take the test, by Emily.

youve got amanda bynes
amanda bynes

which teen actress are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thts a good thing.. rite?! :s lols..


Saturday, December 13, 2003?
he asked fer my number and i was lyk 0_o -> *L* -> ^-^ -> *blush blush* :) hehes.. *dreamy sigh*

And at da backgrnd, this slow sexy song by britney spears [shuddup, i noe wad u finkin.. wth am i listenin to SPEARS!?!! hehhes]..

He was lyk 'thanks..call me when yea bored K? Anitime..ill be there for u'..

lol wth am i writing this?!! for all i noe, he cud b readin this.. lols.. err, if u r, thn.. HIeeEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols.. :)

Okie.. hehes.. gtg 'call' him. lols wth :)


[[mood: cool]]
[[music: this song we used fer pm :) - Dido]]

Aqilah, Fasihin, Liyana [sp?] and their lil bro came over today :) They called at arNd 2. but they came at 6 :) Reeli cute. Reeli cool buncha guys. They clicked well wit my nenek, sumfink which to me, is very impressive. I mean, my nenek talks alot and they werent even a bit irritated. they laYaN her kaReNah.. [i fink thts how u spell it. i dunno.. my mly sux :)]

Hey dart!!~ hehhes.. Whn u come over me housie, lets see how well u mix wit my nenek. hehes.. :)

Finally got into friendster.. ahhahs.. lyk, meishie introduced me to tht thing fReakEn mOnTHs ago. Wudn gif a damn X| Thn turned out my sis has a account ther. And she bragged abt how many frenz shes got *rolls eyes* lols.. so ahhahhas.. u guysh out ther, ADD ME!! :)

Blogspot got me pissed this afternoon.. And to make it worst, he aint online!!! BoReD outta my shits :) Ahahhas.. but im cool now. I fink?

Got probs wit my math assignments.. Gonna stay online fer a while. Till abt 10? AHhahas.. Hope he gets online SoON!!~

Rmb i told u this layout's aint permanent. But i fink im gonna stick to it :) Meishie reckoned it mAkEs hEr FeEl myStEriOus. WhEe!! hehhes.. So my pharrell darling, sorry ey? lols :)

You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you
could be the next Einstein.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
I LikE tHE SoUNd oF thT: tHE NeXt EinStEin.. buT ScIenCe rEeli AinT My ThAng.. SciEncE DuN FLoAt mY BoAt

Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a
good communicator. Incredibably loving and
loyal when your trust is gained and you are
fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is
in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river
but nobody truly knows you.

What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
nOBody tRuly nOes Me.. nOw AinT ThAt sCary..?


Friday, December 12, 2003?
People like you becuase you're funny!
What attracts people to you?

brought to you by Quizilla

im feelin better, yay!!! *runs into a wall* lols.. :) Life's great :)


hiya!! changed my layout. its just temporary. it suits how im feeling :) lol i noe im weird. i may b cool one minute and pretty moodless da next. ahhahas.. its alrite. nuffink drastic. im still as crappy as i am :) ShOo yea..

sigh.. hes gone.

was gettin witty while he was arNd. hAiyOo why do u hafta LEAvE?! oh well. lookin forward to tmr :) hopin ur online. ahhahas.. sheesh. am i love sick?!! *L*

i dunno. but wadeva it is, im loving it.

Fer now :)


[[mood: ...]]
[[music: I Begin to WOnder - Danii Minogue]] wadeva shit..

Hiya.. feelin lyk shit today. Was feelin cool lyk a second ago, cuz was chattin wit him :) But thn he hadta go and so, yea. Lina is pissing me off wit this weird noises shes making, which she keeps on denying. hu does she fink i am? hEr?!

Chill, shawty. wads all da fuss abt? its just stupid irritating noises.. why so fcuked up?

Started duing math assignments for the very first time. ahhaas.. forgotten all da formulas and starfs. Im at qn no 8 now. Ahahhas.. taking a lil break. Im gonna blog and thn gonna go and continue.

Im hunrgy.

maybe im gonna blog, eat thn continue.. yea. tht sounds cool.

Or mayb i shld wait till he finishes his game. thn gonna chat wit him. cuz he rawkss!! lol. yea..

No. maybe not. yeah. gonna stop hurr.. :) Hope i feel less shitty later.

Were you born?:toa payoh hosp.
Do you want to die?:dunno. but im prollie gonna die on my comp table..
Were you happiest when you were little?:whereva wit my mom and my dad :) Tht was whn my two sibs werent born yett :) ahhas.. those were cool.
Were you happiest during your teenaged years?:ermsh. whn im wit my cool frenz :) And cute guysh.
Are you happiest now?:wher im pretending to sleep at nite wit da radio on..
Do you fear being?:wher do i fear being...?
Is fancy bred? In the heart or in the head?:im assuming fancy means crush. so crushes breed in da head. ur only physically attracted to sumone :) love and crush r 2 diff starfs, which i cant b fcukd explainin it to u.
Would you go if you could go anywhere?:whereva my dad is now. ahhas.. tht means lyk whard, i haf to go kill myself? ahhas, crap.
Would you go if you could go anywhere in the continental US?:neeway wit cute hunks.
Do you want to be married (if you do.)?:wher? in da jungle.
Can you concentrate best?:on my bed.
Do you like to eat most?:neewher wit cute guys. no, on 2nd tot, just neewher.
Do you like to be touched?:eewwk.
If you're touched, causes you to freak out?:eewkk.

Where... brought to you by BZOINK!


Thursday, December 11, 2003?
[[mood: ]]
[[music: this weird song by jay chou.. check it out at AsPhO's blogg.. :)]]

this is my life, its...:now or nvr. i just wanna live forever~!!
i should warn you...:i can crap till u drop dead..
since the moment...:u came up to me whn i showed u my middle finger, i had this wild tot; 'if i can make u do tht wit one finger, imagine wad i can do to u wit 5..'
caress my...:middle finger
we could make...:u wish u were my best fren..
are you mad because...:ur ass is not blardy enuff?
i wanna be the...:ruler of all assholes
all i need...:is lurvv.. wher is da lurv.. wher is da lurvv??
you make every day...:da best day of my life... u make me look forward to tmr :)
down with...:love *L*
the only time i think about you is...:whn im not thinkin of other boys..
i dont need...:u to tell me tht ive missed a spot whneva im mopping or sweeping the darn floor
i'm losing my...:grip and im in this thing aloone..~
somewhere in a private place...:shawtiz [and cute guys] run wild
if love is red...:anger is even redder.. lol wth :)

finish this up.... brought to you by BZOINK!

Hi.. i dunno wads gotten into me today :)


Wednesday, December 10, 2003?
[[mood: tiredd..]]
[[music: The Trouble With Love - Kelly Clarkson]] *check it out in aSpHo's blog!!*

AHahhahas.. so tired :) Went jln rayer wit them homiez :) It was cool. i gues. ahahhas. had fun. esp. at nana's hse :) wher evryone left and it were jsut da 3 of us again. mayb i shld start frm da beginning, ey?

Woke up at arNd.. 10? ahhaas. took a shower--

OkAee.. mayb not frm thurr..

First hse: hannan's hse. Had a hard time lookin fer his hse. it was lyk, we were all, 'wher is his hse?? wherr?!!' And it turned out we were just standing outside his freaken door!!!~ lols! Harry POtter da first movie was showing in da living room [?!!]. Watched a wee bit. ahahas.. and i fink im hooked? cuz was lyk, 'wahh. ok. not bad. daniel radclfife's kindarf cute..' Aspho, tell me whn u wanna go catch da next potter movie!!!~ lols.. Hannan's mom wasn around. he ended up giving us da $$. AhahhAs.. we were lining up lyk idierts. lols wth.

second hse: AsPho'S hOuSe!!~ Nurool reckoned her floor was at da third floor. and we were knocking on this door at da third floor, pressing da bell and all. noticed da shoes outside and nurool went, 'this is not nana's shoes...' and we got da heck outta ther. turned out it was actually da fifth floor.. lols. ate at her house :) cool. aspho spilt water on farhan and da boys were lyk, 'farhan's too handsome lerr..' lols.. more water spilt.. :) AHahhas..

third house: sharul's hse. wher we met twinz..

fourth house: forgottenn.. lol wtf ^haiyak dush^!! it was my hse; da fourth hse!! lol yea.. twinz reeli reluctant. hehes.. so yea. u guysh met my cats already ey?! Nike's rawks darsen he? aspho, nana and nurool were in my room wher my cats were and we were screaming and all.. :) my cats rule. thn my nenek was lyk, 'oeik, ela. kawan2 kau yg lain kat luar, kau kat dlm..' lols.. AhHAHs. nike lurvs sharul.. he was lyk at his feet..>!?! and muhd carried nike :) lol wth.. so whard.. sheshh. oh yea. twinz were lyk, as soon as my cats were out, they got their asses out either. lol, u guys noe wad i mean ;) My mom and my nenek goddamned generous sia.. gaf them all 5 freaken bucks!!~ wad a freaken waste of freaken moneyy!! their moms only gave us, whard, 2 bucks?! lol sheeshh, shuddup lela.. u freako.

fifth: twinz :) Cudn get to see their bro. da last time i saw him was.. lyk whad, yrs ago?!! he was over at my hse, lookin good.. ahahhas.. tot he's kindarf cute. nana got to tok to him!! lol kindarf.. and she reckoned his voice was sexy.. *drops dead*

6th: Farhan.. this guy frm my former skool. he sucks big time. nvr reeli did lyk him; tht blardy ass. but he has cookies :) thts cool. ate lyk.. 4, 5?

7th: sAlmIAh!!~ AGgaAHas.. got a wee bit crazy at her hse.. dunno. started larfin fer no reason. freaked u guysh, din i. tht was whn we called up dart ;) tot of cuming over his hse. but wth, bEdOk?! lols

8th: nAnA's hSe!!!!!~ cool. da journey sucks tho. it was drizzling and we were freezing in da bus.. [smsed ernest ;) missed his ass..] Aspho and nana left us. they went off first. urmph wth. and those freaken Loser-boys got us pissed at them blardy fat asses. oUr bOyS aRe SuCh LaMe-AsSes. Wher r all da sensible, dropdead gorgeous, sweet, kind, sensitive new aged typa guys?! probably born as girls, i assume.

okie.. nana's hse rawks. lols. ate mee soto :) Thn stayed fer a while wit aspho. listened to jay chou. he rulz. i fink im beginnin to lurv his songs.. lols!! took pics. lotsaferm. hehhes.. AspHo, nAnA; i LurV u GuYs!!! lols.. Thn went home.. took bus. hehes.. sorry aspho cuz i din take mrt wit u. bus better. tho i missed my 169 and hadta wait lyk 15 mins?!!! nurool called, hannan smsed, so i din feel too bored :)

reached home 9 30 :) got time fer charmed!! today's episode's cool :) Leo is kindarf hott.. lol wth?!?!?!!!!!!!!!! neeway!!~ lookin forward to tmr.. im gettin my guitar!! which my kuzzie agrres to lend it to me.. lol but hu cares. and Dart's coming over tmr ;) lol cOol!! tho its gonna b pretty weird.. cuz imma shy shawty. and i dun do guests very well. lols :)


Tuesday, December 09, 2003?
[[mood: feely shnazzy-iesh?]]
[[music: i feel it in my fingers.. i feel it in my toess!!]]


furstly wanna thank my dearest sishtar-fren, nurOol, hu woke up goddamned early this morning :) at around 1030, bathed and dressed lyka flash, met me at usual spot :) wher she accompanied me to skool :) to get my free text books :) to help me carry it home :) but in da end...

we cudn find julia in skkol anywherr...

was pretty pissed. cud tell nurool was. a wee bit :) but after tht we chilled. Went to BK fer lunch, tho ive lyk wad, eaten thosai [sp? lols] and leftover delifrance chicken baguette. lols.

Thn brought nurool home :) Cuz she badly wanna accompany me go see eye check up :) Lol. So she've met my wacky family.. :) Ahahhas. she's lyk da first fren ive ever had to actually meet them :) Glad she was. wad its sumfink to b glad of, i dun haf a clue. lols. nurOol, my cats r cute, arent theyy?!!! lols :)

Okie. so i went to get my eye check wit her :) Ahahas.. but da guy who's supposed to check my eye aint ther; went out fer lunch. so da both of us went off to guy sum henna starfs :) And this thingie fer da nails. Nurool wasted 50cents on cotton buds. lols. fer da nails thingie, tht is. ahhahas. while she was strugglin to open it, got a call frm da guuy who's supposed to check my eye. so da both of us went back to da place.. which we had a hard time finding it. cuz nurool dunno which is wher hurr in amk cuz shes frm bishan lols, and my sense of direction just sux.

Ahahhas.. da thingie they used to check my eye are just so cool. rite nurroOl? da guy was lyk, 'okie which is clearer; 1 or 2? ... 1 or 2? .. 1 or 2?' lOls!! Ahahas.. freaked out whn they told me i was to pay $15. Cuz i did not bring me extra cash. and sweet nurool said shed pay it first for me :) But da even sweeter lady in charged gave me free of charge :) lols.. life's so cool.

ermshh.. thn got books frm salmiah fer my sis :) Ahaha..

Went back home. Did henna on nurool's wrist :) How is it, sish? darker now? ahhas.. mumsy tabby wans henna too!! WhEe~ will gif u one! lol, wth. give u henna?? lols. i mean ill paint one sumwher on u.. okie tht sounds awkward. lols.

Nurool used my comp. chatted wit emy. damn u emy!!! i hate u! lols.. ahahhas. she cracks me up..

thn accompanied nurool home. our bus came at da same time!!!~ but, nurrool sorry if i was a wee bit distratced just now. i mean, whn u said bye and all i was lyk, 'err, yea ok..' Cuz was in a middle of smsing hannan and his reply got me freaked. lol but its nuffink freaky. im just a freako :) lol wth.

in da bus on da way home. sat wit this guy. dunno if hes cute. but he smelt pretty good :) lol okie. tht was completely unnocessary. lols. but sumfink 'cool' happened rite after tht. da bus was raching my stop. thn was walkin down da aisle. thn ter-trip over this mly guy's feet. din fall, just fall-tak-jadi gitu. lol th. thn i was lyk, argh shit *makes weird noises* sorry! thn felt stupid bcuz it wasn my fault. it was his!!! and was pretty embarrassed. cuz it was embarrassing. and to make it worst, bcuz of it, i forgot to press da darn bell and da bus just freaken drove passed my stop.


but overall im cool :) ahahhas.. seth green is shOo cute. hes so short!! Ahahhas..


Monday, December 08, 2003?
[[mood: *grins lyk a mad sheep*]] lols wth
[[music: Love Me Like That - Michelle Branch feat. Sheryl Crow]]

ahhahas hallo :) wher do i start? ermshh.. lol.

Met nana and aspho dunno-wad-time but definately after 1145 :p lols.. Wth, nana said i appeared outta nowher lyka toyol??!

lOls.. Okiee. thn went cine to watch love actually. awesome movie. thers farnie bits hurr and thurr and romance evrywher. lol wth.. Love actually IS all around. lol am i rite? cudn reeli remember. lols :) yupp, agree wit aspho; hugh grant is hott. he has a pair of sad-looking eyes which is just so sexy :) kindarf reminds me of my cat Anggun. lol wth. Ahahhaa. and kyle/carl/karl guy is cute too!! And da Bill/Billy sumfink, da one who sings i feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toess... thingie, i fink hes kindarf sexy too. lol, wth. shuttup shawty.. get a grip lols. i esp lyk da kid, sam. hes so pale, kindarf scary.. wahhahas.. okie enuff. u guys better go catch it!!! ahahhahas.

Yeaahh. after da movie, hehehes.. ther was this green-shirt guy wit his guy pal bubbles-powerpuff-girl-keychain fren in front of us walking.. yes, bubbles opwerpuff girl keybhain. i aint pullin yer legg!! honest! aspho was lyk, 'is tht bubbles i see?' and i was lyk, 'omg it is bubbles!!!' hehehs. Da fren's kindarf cute. but da green-shirt guy is def. cuter.. :) wait, i havent get to da best part.. [if uve read aspho's blogg, ud prollie noe. but this is MY version of da story. so hell yea. stay and read on.. lols wth..]

Headed for da toilet.. da two guys were too. boys toilet la, i mean.. lol durhz. sheesh, lela, ur lame!! oh yea. girls toilet was crowded. so we stayed outside. one of da twins called aspho and yea, while she was on da phone wit her, i had my eyes on da cute guyss.. hehehes.. okie so i saw them entered da toilet [boys and girls toilets are just opp, how cool is tht??!!! they shld build sumfink lyk tht in skool. lmao!!] okiee.. thn da bubbles-powerpuff-girl-keychained guy walked out. noticed, hes def. cuter. thn looked out fer his green-shirt fren. after a couple of mins thn he appeared.. realized, yup, this one's cuter thn da fren..

green shirt guy, i can tell, was lookin round for his fren. i can tell. i noe. lols. thn he entered da toilet again, finkin his fren's still in da loo. thn he came out again.. by this time, i was lyk hoping aspho cud hurry.. thn we walked out, saw da green shirt guy dialing his phone, prollie to call his fren. and thn we were lyk, 'alermak.. dier carik kawan dier laa..' and we walked summore, i fink abt 3, 5 steps and we saw his fren [da bubbles keychain guy, in case ur confused..]. and nana and aspho kindarf wanted to tell him his fren's lyk rite thurr.. lols [i lyk tht word, thurr..]. but tot better of it.. lols. hhehes.

thts not da end of it, homiez.

walked slowly out of cine, so tht da guys cud catch up. lol.. rite. and they were inside, we were outside.. nana's a wet blanket, marnn!! lols. she was lyk kindarf not in a mood for boys lyk aspho and i [???]. sighh.. we walked opp. ways. i fink da guys suspect we'r eyeing em. lols.. let them b. id rather they noe.. wahhahas.

okkie. thn went esplanade.. chilled and crapped.. [ lol chilli and crab, chilli crab!! lol lame, lela..] snappe pictures :) Da waves got me all drowsy :) but it was a nice feeling :) Thn got hungry again.. [we had long john silver b4 da movie]. bought a drink cuz was pretty thirsty :) Aspho bought peanut butter m&ms :) Yummy.. nana refused to taste one.. but in da end, i got her to eat one; green color summore, her fav color :) Wahhaahhs.. we crapped alot :) Missed crapping wit them :) Wahhahhas..

Okie.. thn bla bla.. next thing i know, we were ibn da mrt on da wayy home :) Aspho, hope u aint pissed wit us ;) u noe abt whard.. lol i dunno howta say it hurr.. lols :) Were quiet in da mrt. Pretty tired i gues? ahhahahas..

Went home; my mom went jln rayer wit my sibs :) Put henna on my rite feet :) AHahhahas.. im good at henna painting and i cannot deny.. lols naww. wahhahas :) lols, i put lotsa :) todayy..

OkiE enuff blogging!! lols.. :) ahhahas. over and out :)

Act your age:act my age? wad, u wanna noe my age? issit? lols.. i dun get this qn.
Born on what day of the week:lol i dunno...?!
Chore you hate:i dun do chores.. lols :) i always get away wit chores. but i do wash my dishes after i eat. hell, wad do u fink i am?!! lols
Dad's name:mohamed ismail bin dollah :)
Essentail make-up item:i dun do make up :)
Favorite actors/actresses:'i dun do favorism' - aspho
Gold or sliver:silver, behbee
Hometown:hometown? amk..?
Instruments you play:recorder.. and guitar. hopefully :D
Job title:job? im still a student.
Kids:0_o ahhaha. cute. im dreaming of having 3 kids.. lol wth
Living arrangements:live and learn.. and eat. and crap.. lol i dun get ur qn
Mom's name:rosnah bte ahmid :)
Number of socks you own:lots..
Overnight hospital stays:nupp. nvr.
Phobia:ermshh.. lotsa. im scared of heights. but im not tht phobiac [???!!!!!!!!] abt it. as in, not reeli scared-outta-my-shits abt it. *confused* wth
Quote you like:live and learn :) at least fer now.
Religious affiliation:huh? imma muslim.. is tht wad u meant? lol
Siblings:2.. *yawns*
Time you woke up today:0930??
Unusual habits:i observe/stare/gawk/eye/scrutinize/oogle/oogie/boogie[lol wth..] ppl.. and sumtimes it freaks me out.
Vicious thing you've done:vicious?? uhh..
Worst habit:i lurvta stare/gawk/hurr we go again/boom behbee at cute guysh :) sumtimes it gets outta hand. lol. boys beware.
X-rays you've had:nupp..
Your favorite season:we dun haf seasons in singapore..
Zodiac sign:cancer :)

[the alphabet survey] brought to you by BZOINK!


[[mood: fresh :)]]
[[music: Sephia - Sheila on 7]] again.. lols :)

If you were an animal, what would you be?:a domestic cat living wit a dropdead downright gergoeous master :)
If you were a food, what would you be?:pizza.. ethan by a dropdead downright gorgeous guy :)
Will you ever own a Guinee Pig?:i did own one..
If yes, Why so?:wads wrong wit owning a guinee pig? hehes.. i call it GP :)
If No, Why Not?:stupid qn.. or am i da stupid one?
If you could marry ANYONE who would it be?:lol id probably b dead wit exhilaration if id noe i cud marry ANYONE.. hehes. ermsh, i can gip u a list. jtt, seth green, nicholas saputra.. summie, se'ah.. lol kd. seriously, id lurv to marry sumone of my dad's personality :)
Do you smoke?:nupp.
Have you ever eaten Buffalo Meat?:0_0
Would you ever WANT to eat Buffalo meat?:issit cheap? wher can i get buffalo meat?
What's your best Quality?:uhh.. im always tryna look on da bright side of life...? lol.
Why is this?:why? uhh bcuz i aint wanna b lyk most ppl, hu complains abt life and thn gets all depressed abt it. thn ends up druin sumfink stupid.. :)
Can you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while eating fifteen crackers?:nvr tried. ill gip it a shot, once my nenek refills da cracker box.
If not, why so?:lol if u cannot sing twinkle lil star wit eatin crackers, why???! wad kindarf qn is it? lol, or am i da stupid one hu darsen geddit? lols
Do you think this Survey Sucks?:nupp. i fink this survey's nifty :) wadeva tht means.. lols

Randomness brought to you by BZOINK!

Blogger aint working last nite. was pretty frustrated. cuz i reeli needa blog. and now ive forgotten wad i wanted to blog abt. urmph..

Neeway, today was supposed to go skool collect my books. but you noe my mom, shes reeli sumfink. keeps chngin her mind. so we'r goin tmr :) I reeli wan my books asap!! i wanna start revising!! lols. and yea, ive got eye appointment.. which is today but mom says its alrite, we'd go tmr. sumtimes i dunno if havin a fickle minded mom is a good thing or bad..

later at 1145 im goin out wit nana and aspho. abt time!! lols. i missed em lyk shits!!! lols. nice adjective to use, ey? lols.. we'r gonna watch da earliest movie preview and thn will head for esplanade. thts exactly wad nana told me :) Hehhes..

now ive remembered. mom bought henna frm benut. lols and i did one henna tattoo arnd my wrist ;) Did it by me myself and i. kindarf senget tho. lols. im sortarf worried if nasim sees it and will go all farked up abt it. so from first day of skool onwards, im gonna wear my watch on my left wrist, to cover da henna thingie. tok abt awkward. i usually wear my watch on my rite.. :) naw, actually i fink by shcool reopens, da henna will fade away :)


Saturday, December 06, 2003?
[[mood: 'moodless']]
[[music: Sephia - Sheila on 7]] *dun usually listen to mly songs.. lol but this song is just sOo stuck-in-my-head :) Duta of sheila on 7 is kindarf cute ;)*

eat sheep crap::eww..?
eat a cow eye::am i on fear factor? if i am, mayb id gif it a shot ;)
be in a homosexual porno flick::read my words; N-O no :) lol
be in any porno flick::eEek~
skinny dip in your grandma's pool::grandma's pool? no prob :)
be in a threesome::o_0 wad u mean?
paint your body a color then go out in public...with just the paint on::thts da same thing as being stark naked.. so no wayy. unless i haf a figure lyk jlo or sumfink.. lol
streak across a football field::lol thtll b neatt
get into a fist fight over a member of the opposite sex::fist fite? me? noOo..
bungee off the sears tower::lol i dun do heights. but mayb ill do it, just to get a hang of it. lol, get it? hang?? bungee, hang?!! lols..~ wth
ditch your true friends for a member of the opposite sex::hell no
eat dog food::wads in a dog food?
swallow a goldfish::oh nO!! poor lill fishie
give a member of the opposite sex head::gif a member of da opposite sex head?! huHs?
cheat on an important, life changing test::if i get da chance, y not? *shrugs*

Would you ever...? brought to you by BZOINK!

Came back frm msia :) Pretty tired.. lOong journey. cramped into ashraf's dad heee-uge carr; plus da rambutans, bananas, irritating ants, leaves nenek plucked off one of da relatives' [in benut] house, and lotsarf other starfs.. ANd da ride was bUmpy.. and i was havin stomach cramps, and ashraf's voice singing along wit this mly crappy song in da background just made it worst...

lemme start rm da beginning :) lol, wher u goin?! stay!! and read on :) bear wimme. miss lim once wrote in my journal; 'dun worry. continue writing. whateva u write will nvr bore me :)' Hhehe. so she lyks wad i crap. so if she likes wad i crap, i bet u guys dun lyk it, u guys LURrrV it ;) lols.. yupp.. :)

We all reached msia at arnd.. lol i dunno whn. in da car, most of da time, i was either asleep, or totally stoned. but it was 10 mins b4 12 whn we finally reached our destination :) This very distant relatives of ours [atuk's side :)] living in benut. She has a reeli coOl name; Noi. lol wth.. cute rite? lols.. she has lotsa kids. 3 teenagers, 5 kids [4 smallie boys and 1 smallie girl] and 1 baby boy :) LoTs! and they all look lyk da same to me!! lols..

this teenage guy reminds me of dicky. tall and lanky and he has dimples too! real sweet :) Da 4 boys r shOo cute!!!~ but they seem pretty hostile. except for this one guy [lol i haf no idea wad his name is] hu keeps tossing insects att us girls. really freaked me out, cuz this grasshopper got stucked sumhow to my kain and i was lyk, 'get it off me!!! get ir orfff!!' And da kids just roared wit laughter. embarrassing. and one of da 4 smallie boys [da youngest[, was running around da house stark naked.. He kept trippin and gettin himself all dirty. Da smallie girl, damn shes nasty. we were lyk, 'oooh so cute!' and Lina wanted to pinch her cheek and guess wad she did. she slapped lina's hand away and was lyk scowling at us. sheeshh..

Da toilet.. oh man. da door wasn workin rite. thers no lock. instead, they put a brick to make sure da door stays closed whn sumones using it. chickens evriwher. whn thers chickens, ther ought to b chicken shits. and ther was this decomposing hen and it was reeli gross.. ickk. lol..mosquitoes. ants.. irritating. we played mercun. tht was fun. lol.

thn bla bla..

went to my ex-neighbor's house :) lol her house rawks. its hee-uge!!!~ its not lyk a typical kampong house. it lyks a terrace house and its real neatt :) Da toilets r neat. lol, ther are altogether 2 washrooms and 2 toilets wit working locks and working toilet bowls wit flush!!!! awesome.. real windy. lotsa windows and lotsa fans. and no irritating kids tossing insects or neeone naked.. but -embrace urself- thers cute guysh!!!!!~ *drops dead*

altogether, i counted... 6 boys ;) All cute!!!~ lol reeli!!~ 3 teens, da other one around 10? and da last one, pretty young :) Its lyk, whn we arrived, all da boys kindarf disappeared to play sumwher else. din noticed thm until i went to da kitchen to help out wash da dishes whn i realized half a dozen boys squeezed in da small but neatt tidy kitchen, watchin tv [a tv in da kitchen, how convenient :)].. gort all red fer no reason and changed my mind and totally ignored da dishes. lols.

thn whn we were gettin ready to go, the boys reappeared at da verandah and i had a good look at them all :) lol cant wait to cum over again next yr. or mayb during hari raya haji? lols.

okie. so hurr i am :) Kampong's cool. but its da mosquitoes and ants and nasty kids tht kindarf ruin it. oh yea.. while in da car on da way, mak was lyk gawkin at da rambutan trees and kept on bablin on how cool it wud b if she actually got to pluck them all and eat em. so as soon as we got off da car, she practically ran to a rambutan tree and started peeling those red juicy sweet rambutans off them and eatin them at da spot. i was fascinated ;) very.

ahhaha.. had fun :) but it was pretty tiring. and my stomach cramps aint going away. ahahahas~ i hope my neighbor wud cum over my house one day fer hari raya and kindarf brought along those guys :) thtll b shOo cool. ill show them around mayb ;) lols!!!~

:( wassup wit u guysh?! did my usual blog-visits, and i dun lyk wad i see. aspho aint taggin in anee taggie neemore. bcuz sumhow it pissed hans off, seein da same shit in evry tags. therfore yea, aspho aint gonna tag no more. dart din wanna tag either, and thn now hans too! nurool!! r we da only sensible ones hurr?!! wassup wit u guysh?!!! :'(


Friday, December 05, 2003?
[[mood: ]]
[[music: More Than Words - Westlife]]

thought::i was finking; whard was my last thought?
dream::dreamt of justin :) we were da class monitors and we were lyk wokrin 2gether and starfs :) neatt
taste::oreo cookies wit milk :)
touch::da keyboard?
sight::da comp screen.. ahhaha
song::a duet gareth gates and rachel stevens; you are everything.
kiss::mom, b4 she left fer work :)
cry::this evening..
wave::this morning
smile::rite now? :)
word::'im gewd'

What Was Your Last... brought to you by BZOINK!

hiya.. woke up at 10 this morning. slept again at 1. whn i woke up again later at arNd 7, da whole house was lyk sHOo empty. thn it hit me lyk a shit. i missed my dad.


[[mood: ]]
[[music: The Long Goodbye - Ronan Keating]]

Hello. came back frm aunt's hse. tired.. had fun tho :) Da food, ooh yea behbee. of course it was yummy, i cooked em. i helped to, actually. no, err.. actually i just helped to past da ingredients.... hehehs. oh welsh, but it was tasty. i cant deny tht.

tired!! so i aint gonna blog much.

twinz called. wanted to cum over wit salmiah and co. but din make it. cuz i had other plans.. hehehes :) Oh well, sum other time? ahahass..

this sunday, umairah's open house slash birthday party slash food, fOOd, FOOOD!!~ hehehs.. but thn on saturday, before sunday [durhs, need i say tht too??!!], aku balek kamPonG!!!~ this whole balek-kampong thingie wasn planned.. i mean, we just tot abt it this evening. one of my uncle was lyk, 'kampong sekarang nie musim durian eh?' and thn da next thing we knew, we were discussing when we'r gonna balek kampong :) sOo.. i hope i aint too tired after da kampong trip!! or.. i hope they'r not planning for a sleepover!!!~ nOoo!! pretty lookin forward to da open house at umairah's place!!!~ FOoD, fOod!! frenz!! cUte Guys!! if she invited ant of her guy frenz/cousins/relatives.. lol, shit. hurr i am sleepy and i can still talk abt boys..

heard cikgu rahim's havin open house too... issit?


Thursday, December 04, 2003?
[[music: Me Against the Music - Spears and Madonna]]

[ series 1 ]
Name:Nurlela Bte Mohd Ismail :) lol amek kau. fullname wa bagi sama lu
Birthday:05 July 1989
Birthplace:Toa Payoh Hospital
Current Location:Ang Mo Kio
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:black
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:Cancer
Font:wad font is this? yea.. i lyk this font :)
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
Music:hiphop, r&b, pop
Cartoon:fav cartoon?? err.. powerpuff girls r cute...? lols
Color:OrANge.. u shld noe this by now ;)
Slushy Flavor:slushy flavor? slushy?
Magazine:i dun do magazines cuz they make me feel ugly.. unless any cute guys r innit :)
TV Show:Are You Hot??! lol hell yea, behbee
Song at the Moment:anyfink by michelle branCh :)
Language:fav language?
Spice Girl:emma :)
Food & Beverage:evryfink's my fav whneva im hungry
Subject in School:math's cool. i fink. but its reeli da teacher which makes it cool.. chengz rawks ;)
Weekend Activity:chillen
Frozen Yogurt:strawberry~ i lurv frozen yogurt :)
Roller Coaster:err dun wanna.. i hate rides
[ series 3 - what is ]
Your most overused phrase:lols.. lols!! :)
First thing you thought when you woke up:my cats eaten already??!
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:hope i dream of nee cute guys :) hehe, crap
First feature you notice of opposite sex:hair :)
Best name for a Butler:...
Wussiest Sport:wussy ish...? lol wth.
Your best feature:lol. u tell me :)
Your greatest fear:i fear god.. i fear exams.. :) i fear me.
Your greatest accomplishment:i dunno..? lol
Your most missed memory:*makes weird noises*
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke:pepsi!!!~
McDonald's or Burger King:BK
Single or Group Dates:single..
Adidas or Nike:nike :)
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers:nuggets
Dogs or Cats:cats, behbee
Rugrats or Doug:rugrats
Single or Taken:single
Monica or Brandy:they sound good together.. so both :)
Tupac or Jay-Z:pharrell lols
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:lipton
One pillow or Two:da more da better.. i can sleep w/o bed [evryone can lol], but pillows are a must.
Chocolate or Vanilla:choco
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa:cocoa
Cappucino or Coffee:cappucino.. i had a cat named cappucino and itsshOo cute! lol, i noe. thts totally out of da topic.
[ series 5 - do you ]
Shower everyday:yes, dammit
Have a crush:all da time
Think you've been in love:fink.. yea
Want to go to college:def.
Like high school:high skool? this survey is so american.
Want to get married:sooner or later
Type correctly:lol naw, not me.. not always. imma typo queen and sumtimes i dun bother to correct em :)
Believe in yourself:in the process of it
Have any tattoos? Where:nupp.. ahhaha
Have any piercings? Where:ears? ears :)
Get motion sickness:yeahh..
Think you're a health freak:nuh uh.
Get along with your parents:yupp :) lurv mom
Like thunderstorms:no. even da sound of toilet flush freaks me out usmtimes
[ series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married:i dunno?
Number and names of children:3
Where will you be at age 20:chillen wit my mom :) and my frenz.. and their moms. lols!!
Dream wedding:on a ship? or.. in a jungle ;) lol thtll b neatt
How do you want to die:whn i was born, i was cryin and evryone was smiling. now i wnna die smiling and evryone arnd me crying :)
Dream job:lol dream job is impossible :) but i just wanna job wit a nice, dropdead gorgeous boss.. lmao!!
Country you'd like to visit:oz :) ive got lotsa frenz thurr :)
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color:green!!!~
Best hair color:brown~!! darsen matter actually :)
Short or long hair:long lyk ethan's. curly's lyk ernest :) lmao!!
Best height:size darsen matter!!
Best weight:fat ass guys r cute sumtimes.. ;)
Best clothes:anyfink in black.. lol preferably sumfink lyk neo in matrix wore. lols
Best first date location:i dunno?
Best first kiss location:rite in the face of my loser sibs bwahahha~ lol, kidding
[ series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal:.. very loOng ago
Rings before you answer the phone:as many rings as possible.. not tht it matters much to me, cuz i aint da one answerin it. anyway, hus counting?
What's on your mousepad:wth?! whers my mousepad!?!
How many houses you've lived in:one :)
How many schools you've gone to:two :)
Bedroom carpet color:lotsa colors. lookin at it makes me feel weird all over
Shave your head for $5,000?:a million, yea. thn id use da money to buy da most coOlest wigg :)
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people:radio.. photos of frenz, and families :) and my cats!!!~ hehes.. cats are not ppl, so yea
Best time of your life so far:still to cum :)

Series 1-8 brought to you by BZOINK!

Heyy!! hehes. i din blog abt ytd, da outin wit them-all. lols and da lecture i got frm blardy Mr. N :p Prollie tmr cuz today's entry's ive got sumfink els in mind :) sumfink more .. lol inspirational? *rofl* hurr goesh :)

1. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

2. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. [and enuff $$ to buy me starfs :)]

3. Maybe the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart; but if it does not, be content it grew in yours.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.


Wednesday, December 03, 2003?
::15 Random Favorites::
1:lol random fav? wad u mean?
2:im still not sure wad u mean
3:wad, as in, ur fav color? fooD? all those stufies?
4:lol okie.. :)
5:orange, as in da color la.. ahhaha. well, da fruit orange not so bad too.. since its orange in color. lol shuddup, shawty
6:hiphop and r&b and pop and a wee bit of sentimental songs :)
7:michelle branch
10:my mom :)
11:my frenz :)
12:cute guys
::14 Favorite Foods::
1:aww mann.. hurr i go again
3:prata :)
4:oh yea, aspho, whn we gonna eat at prata house again?! lols
5:wher was i?
7:all my nenek's cooking :)
9:i lurv cheese
13:evryfink is my fav when im hunrgy
14:yeah, behbee :)
::13 Most Watched Shows::
1:holland v :) finished liao
2:blues clues!!!~ hehe!! its on tv now :) lols
3:lol yea, i watch a bit of kids central. uve got a prob, ther, asshole?
4:are you hot?
5:fear factor
6:i dunno..
7:anyfink's on tv?
9:especially whn thers cute, hot hunks acting on it
10:heyy, i lyk gotcha :) da guy host is cute
12:kutcher's kindarf cool
13:oh yea.. pck. it cracks me up
::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::
2:lee ryan is hott
5:oh, dammit. its 0940!!!
6:i haf lyk.. 20 more mins?
8:but thn, my sis is using my bag, damn her
9:and now ive got nuffink to put my stufs in!!!
11:haiyoo.. cant believe mdm yeong's doin this to me. gettin me to cum to skool.. sighh
12:ooh wee~
::11 Memories::
1:this whole survey thing is a baaad idea
4:of course, da memories i share wit my frenz la
5:aspho and nana :)
6:for example
7:in class, during cme.. we were talkin abt our days when we had recorder lessons wadeva shit.. lol it was fun
8:we were laughin..
9:practicing our recorder fingerings [??] on our pens
10:ignoring chia totally
11:hehes.. lol
::10 Close Friends::
5:all my kuzzies
6:my sish?
7:my mom.. :)
8:julia yeong .. lmao
10:2e1 peeps :) we rawk
::09 Things you're looking forward to::
1:meeting my best fren, julia yeong :)
2:goin out wit nurool, mumsy they-all after tht :)
3:another outing wit nana and aspho!!!~
4:get this over wit
5:cuz its running out of time
6:lol.. muse song hehehes
7:muse rite?
9:.uh. ahahha?
::08 Things you wear daily::
1:my undies
2:my unmentionables
5:this is lame
6:shldn haf do this
7:but once uve start duin sumfink
8:u must finish it
::07 Things That Annoy You::
1:aspho :)
2:lols.. kidding
3:my sibs
4:my mom
5:my nenek
6:blogger.. urmph
7:lol!! THINGS, u say? not ppl?! whoops.
::06 Things You Touch Everyday::
1:my ass
2:... my nenek's
3:okie.. mayb touch's aint da word
4:more lyk whack
6:i touch wadeva thts touchable ??
::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
1:lol no..
2:not ove and over
3:i dun waste money on movies.
4:not me
::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::
1:tweety bird!!
2:tweety bird
3:i dun haf many childhood toys
4:my barbie? which i still haf.. its bald :)
::03 People You Have Kissed::
1:my mom
2:my nenek
3:my .. nenek's husband. wads da opp of nenek?? *haiyak dush!!*
::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::
1:shake yer tail feather
2:maybe - emma
::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::
1:my mom :)

Countdown brought to you by BZOINK!

it's 0950!!! phew.. 10 more minutes :) so im gonna take this op. to blog. ytd my best fren julia yeong called me and told me to cum over to skool to get wadeva form shit frm her and tht shed b skool at 10 onwards.. and i was lyk, 'but im goin out tmr~' lol, lyk she gave a blardy damn abt it, yea? lols.. so, hurr i am, wit my pe shirt and jeans sigh.. goin to skool later.. get da damn form, gonna call nurool, hope shes awake and we'r gonna meet at amk mrt bus stop :) Thn gonna meet mumsy tabby and her 'parents' kat cineleisure, which sadly but true, we dunno how to get ther. hehes. oh welsh :) lol i took one minute to type all tht. impressive..

0951.. sigh. okie. oh yea. found my wallet! got my sibs to help me find it. actually, i bribed them. ahhahah~!! $5 liao. im very generous. to them $5 is lyk $5000 :) So they found it, okie. so i gave them five bucks, which they split it up between them.. 4 and 1. lols!! hehes. poor syak :) Oh well.. and.. time check 0953. wth? 2 mins to type tht short paragraph?!!

okie doo.. gtg.. :) blog again tmr..


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