okie so i was practically tellinn the whole world i like `him.
uve yet to see more, behbee.
2 words:
bear wimme.
thank you(:
im fine(: okie mayb im not. cuz ive been studyinn just now. hellz no? the hellz yeh. hahha. yup yup. sadly my momma din notice those coffee stained phy notes all over the place which i purposely left them to hint her tat i have been studyinn like she wanted me to. no wrong. tat i have been studyinn like she din thot i wud(: not now at least..
no more supply of pepsi cuz evryone in my hse is lazy to get their butts out of the hse to go to the nearest shop. thers only coffee. i hate coffee. but i need it. drank a cup. now my teeth is stained and my breath smells. -gaggs. but i need caffaine, behbee. or else id fall asleep in a middle of memorising formulas and the kinetic theory of matter. and a lot of other phy crap(:
wokieee.. something black just appeared frm inside my closet. jeng jeng jeng.. haha. its anggunn!!! hahha. i need to clean up my closet, munz. its overflowing. its impossible to shut it properly tats why my cats keep creepinn in and out like as if my closet is their second litter box.
haish. my youngest sis had tis performance thingiee last night. yeh. night. and i had to fetch her. last night. yesh. last night. at 10 whn i shld b at hme sleeping or lazinng around. stupid thing was, i went out too early and i practically sat ther at the busstop for 2 hrs.
feel for me.
so bored ther. summore it was at night.. drizzling. met old skoolmate rozaidi aka romario. muahaha. damn he had/has? looks and braains. evryone wanted to know him. xcept me. i din/dun do boys last time rmb.
dinno it was him cuz it was dark. bet he dinno it was me too. until the comfort bus and those brats arrived. tis lil familiar girl was like, "kakak!!" and i know she wasnt my sister. shes too cute. and skinny. my sister is fat. and my sister darsen call me 'kakak'. she calls me by my name.
yeh tat lil girl was wavinng at me. remembered she was my lil junior back thn. waved back. thn rozaidi was like pullinn her urging her to hurry.. i thn raised my brows at her bro. u know kinda like sayin, "hey, i know u." cudn tell the expression on his face cuz yeh it was dark. thn next thing i knew they were gone.
tis isn something new. evrytime i happen to see those i have history wit, id find them always in a hurry to go.. hahahh. i dno. like as if im contagious..?
thn someone whacked me on the arm wit a bottle. my sister. i was disappointed and sad. why cudn they 'forget' abt my sister and leave her at the wherever-the-performance-was-at? (hahhahaha im sucha mean sister..)
reached hme at 11. so tired. slept. woke up at 12 today.. yes. welcome to the lazy life of lela. haha. yeh. tat explains why i din go to tat poetry thingie. ahha. yeh. but i heard frm asila tat we've got a third(: cool. shld have been ther. thn ther wud b a higher chance of gettin first, hahhaha~ (riiight.)
wokie doo. gotta go cont wit my studying(:
Look at tis. pretty nifty thinng i must say. nyahahha. googlism. yehhuh. go figure.
lela is setting aside $5 million for the first phase of help teachers [ouh.]
lela is attending rabat american school [wrong-o. im attending peirce sec.school!!(:]
lela is a graduate of lincoln university school of journalism in jefferson city [insya'allah. hahha..]
lela is a 40 acre children's camp located in north central oklahoma
lela is simple [yet complicated. hahha ceh.]
lela is a division of the louisiana public facilities authority
lela is an art newspaper licensed in cyprus and is among foreign publications subjected to the censorship department at the ministry of information
lela is the mother of three children
lela is an excellent hunter with strong desire and tremendous natural ability
lela is black with white
lela is expecting [-gasps.]
lela is captivated by the aloof alaric
lela is so talented [ah-thank you.. hahah e'eh ego.]
lela is looking for help and training in lighting
lela is a very comforting [(:]
lela is the office coordinator for healthy options home health
lela is bored [XD]
lela is to look after the coastal areas of the island while kelana is to accompany datuk seri kemajaya with his men to the battlefield [ah-yaey, captain!]
lela is eight years old [no im fifteen.]
lela is the 485th most popular female first name in the united states; frequency is 0
lela is 10 to 20 minutes from northern or southern marin off the tiburon/mill valley exit
lela is having a great year in kindergarten class
lela is a registered investment advisor
lela is supportive of the artistic endeavors of her own family and many members of montana?s art community
lela is on the board of directors for the indian pueblo cultural center and the northern new mexico community college pueblos institute
lela is an avid seamstress and can design and sew most anything the home needs [not true. hahhahaha.]
lela is very cute [wahahhahahhahaaas.]
lela is not your
lela is a native of beaumont
lela is gone
lela is smart and hopes to one day to be a vet [so fuckinn tru!! well. hahha i dno abt the smart part bit hhahhaha.]
lela is frustrated
lela is spoken by about 100
lela is a painter [usedta..? loved to draw.. now i prefer to write(:]
lela is an active participant in the site?s partners in education outreach program
lela is buried in princeton in
lela is enig kind en haar ouders gebben haar altijd aangemoedigd dat te doen wat haar gelukkig zou maken [ajhf hfshfkh hajhvn]
lela is rude and stuck [-flashes middle finger(:]
lela is in the office by 8
lela is allocating $5 million to provide education loans to teachers on a first
lela is bright
lela is an artist and an art collector
lela is accompanied by two female singers and players of panduri and dayera
lela is feeling better
lela is not listed as a member of kitty?s household in the 1880 census
lela is much the same way [i like tis(: tho sure what its supposed to mean but yeh..]
lela is an arabic word meaning "born at night;" and luna is the italian word for "moon
lela is a member of her government
lela is drawn into a bitter public debate
lela is the daug of wh wolf
lela is white and jane is native indian
lela is a
lela is made from two wonderful mohair's
lela is writing up some notes and will circulate these and arrange a conference call among team members [wow..]
lela is following up with ray vlasin
lela is bubbling with creativity and is excited to share her delightful enthusiasm with our preschoolers [awwwwsh(((:]
lela is committed to providing the highest level of personal service [no promises tho. hhhaha]
lela is administrative assistant to cwp
lela is great
lela is the daughter of cornelius j [haha no im the daughter of mohd ismail bin dollah.]
lela is cool [um but of korsh. HAHAHHAH]
lela is on her own [no. i have my frens(:]
lela is a very close family friend of deja and coach don edwards
lela is my sister dana's second kid
lela is no stranger to special events and nationwide contests
lela is joined to the dax symbiont
lela is a great addition to the clique
lela is sick
lela is one of those bards who likes to leave their readers wantin? more [ahha yehh ive heard;)]
lela is a la [hahahahhahhaaass]
lela is working now and marcella
lela is
lela is best known for her breakthrough in fox's "waiting to exhale
lela is dyas wise
lela is leaving the show
lela is a novelist and short story writer [(((:]
lela is right [as always.. hahhaha no la kidddinnng(:]
lela is survived by her daughters lllion towery
lela is a danzante of ballet folclorico
lela is also an accomplished cabaret singer
lela is a libra [im a cancer :\]
lela is a strong woman more appealing than most
lela is still not doing too well
lela is buried in aspen grove cemetery in burlington
lela is shedding like crazy her short coat
lela is back
lela is an expert at defense and is able to fend off the tanks and turrets kill a few wraiths before scaring them off [wahhhahhas]
lela is also the web assistant for the youth violence project
hahhaha. hey find out what google.com thinks of u ;) click here!!! Oh hahha being a sick busybody as i am sometimes -ahermm.. hahha. i checked out `his..... and. wow. hahha. of korsh i kept it short ar, dun wanna bore u guys. well.
ridwan is largely basing his ideas on hippocratic thought? "as for the indigenous
ridwan is talking to a policeman
ridwan is killed [nooo. hahhahahha.]
ridwan is sworn in as acting governor of aceh
ridwan is a very good man
ridwan is the angel in charge of heaven [XP]
ridwan is currently working on putting together a dialogue on policing and racial profiling
ridwan is the name of the angel who is in charge of the affairs of jannah and the people of jannah
ridwan is the custodian of the garden
ridwan is the angel in charge of paradise
ridwan is an unknown quantity
ridwan is director of
ridwan is its administrator
ridwan is hosted on rootofpi
ridwan is
ridwan is also in taiping
ridwan is a huge fan of the game go and hunts aerlinthe + op if im not mistaken" faile bashere says
ridwan is logged on
ridwan is now head of the investment promotion section
ridwan is paradise and in his hands are the ways of mercy
ridwan is a retired employee from bni46 and also has an orchid plantation and sells the crops
ridwan is an asshole
whoooaa.. hahhahahhaha. an asshole huh. okie. ahha.
school wasnt tat bad as i thot it was. damn it has always been like tat!! to tink tis wud happen, but tat happened instead. u get what im sayinn? sumtimes its a good thing. sometimes it isnt. so in conclusion: life's unpredictable. .....ohkayyee. no 'oouhhhh!' or 'aaahhhhh!' or 'eureka!' or anytingg. hm. i assume evryberdie knows tat already huhhh.. ha ha.
as soon as i reached my stop, nabila dropped off her 265. damn i thot i was late. hahhaha. got up bus to skool. salmiaah boarded the bus. i was like, goshh im very late!! hahahha yes im so insulting hahha.
turned out they were the early ones. cuz they had been late for 2 days in a row and were 'caged'. hahha yehh tat multi purpose court is also a 'cage'. literally. all those latecomers end up ther(: salmon and nabz learnt their lesson. hahha. even sakura and sadako were early today(((:
rmb the orangey cardboard? yehh the one i slipped underneath the door. hahah. on the way to classroom in the morning, sriee, sakura and i were like squeezing and all, tryin to get to class first. hahha. cindy refused to give way. haha so we pushed her. and she was like, "racists!! wahhlaao! racial riots!!!!!" she started shovingg ppl abt. hahhahahah.. on and she calls me, 'mly'. hHAhah. okaaye.
miss tan lee choo rocks(: she let us go early for recess cuz she rocks. hahahha. she asked the class who hadn had their breakfast. nearly half the class raised their hands. hahha. so she let us off early(: so sweet rites!? i love her(: too bad she cant get my name right.... hahha in fact she cant get evryberdie's name rite!!! hahahha. she calls linus 'siva'. hahha. linus sivalingum whaard. haha. and she calls my fren 'waty' and my fren hates it. hHAHha.
so recess seemed scaringly longerr. ahhahhah. sitting down and reminiscing wit aspho. reminisccing and laughing. HAHhahaa. while syid and sriee were like starinng at us as if we were idiots(: which we were la i guess. hahahhah. we were laughinn for 7 mins straight..? hahhaha. ((:
emaths was postponed. to next monday. for tat moment, evryberdie just loved dennie(((: thn he started his boring lesson, and we are all back to normal.
went to the atrium to add in stufs to our maths starticafhfs jshfa poster. hahha screw tat. ahahha. thn flower girl asila (hahahhahaha!!) asked if i was goinn to the aitong ahjsd jfh thinng. no cuz i had maths stahjfsf dff poster preseanfjhtion. hahahha. go figure. turned out she and her homies aint goinn either.
was pastinnngg and stuf. thn happened to glance up. saw shanie. ..aldric happened to b ther. and happened to catch me lookinn at shanie. he was like, grinninng grinningg. bleargh. what, i cant look at him now? ehhe.
waited for our turnn. outside the t-hub. hahha. t-hub? hahha. teo said it stands for many things and whn asked what, she only gave one; thinking. thn smart-alec xianyao was like, "talkinng also." iyerr.. hahha. yeh we waited for our turn. thot it wud take hrs la. but no. hahha. quite fast. scary.
panda han got us to present first cuz sriee had band and i had aitong hagdaf thingg which i really din mind skipiing. hahahh. but yeh. we finished the presentation at 1.45pm :\ So ended up goinn aitong wit aspho and cookieass arisa. HAHhaha. dun ask. hahahhahah..
the presentation was.. screwed. at first i did fine, the introduction and all. i rmbd what mrs poh said ytd on how to speak and all those shit. yehh(: thn my part was done. it was eldwen who spoiled it. curses.
he dinno it was his turn. he was staring at the ceilinng admiring the graffitti thingies. i admit, its cool and i can just stare at it all day lonng but heyyyyy-looooo we were doinng a presentationnnn and tat is like 50% of our emaaaths ca2 maaarksss. -smashes head against the table. gently.
-calms down. okie. so i was like, "next my classmate eldwen is goin to tell u more abt the results we had collated." ther was a deadly silence after tat. i thot eldwen din hear me. so i repeated. he looked at me dumbly. more silence. sriee bside him was like, "eldwen?" very calmly and nicely but also very harsh and threatening. and thn he said, "oh."
Oh. oh. Oh!?!?
thn he started talkinn. he started mumbling. to himself. i cudn even hear him! summore he has his accent and he had his ass facing the teachers..... our hopes shattered. cehh. something else was abt to shatter too. yes. his head.
to make it worst, they all got it on video(: yup. teachers in peirce not only suck(some only arr.. not all.). teachers in peirce are also very cruel. they know we will all just make a fool out of ourselves, tat explains the camera. bet they gonna send it to some company of funniest video so they can air it or whatever equally.. lame.
as soon as we got out, i was sayinn to eldwen, "what were u doinn just now you faygit?!!" i din say faggot la. hahha. i wanted to but din. ill say it to him next week. hahh wth. enuff abt it. .. im so gonna nail his sorry ass whn the marks are out and we dun get what we deserved. hellz yeh.
went aitong. took bus. reached ther, nana, sri and tis other girl were alr ther. they were the only one. what happened to the kaurs?? gr. hahha. thn the principal was ther as well. she wasnt happy... i wasnt happy as well, whn i heard she mentioned nasim. nasim isnn gonna b very happy whn he finds out aitong principal wasn happy.....
really had no mood to teach. ahhaha like i teach:D aspho's tutee daaaamn bullshitttt man. i was sooo mad at him. not mad la. okie. mad. very. but i kept my cool. he had better pay me baaack, munz. now its impossible to use it cuz the hole is so big now :\ screw him as well. and hongsui was gettin more and more.. fat. and irritating. irgh.
went mph wit aspho. she wanted to get her books. spent years ther. hahhahah. i dun mind tho hahha. was readinng vampire diaries. lj smith. haha rocks, tat book i tell u.
bought cookie frm mrs fields. tat auntie by the counter hates us :\ HhhHAhah. cuz we were like testing/tasting the samples... and she thot we just wanted free stuf aint buying. like she aint happy wit us liddat. heloo? thn whats the samples for sehh?
we went to tis corner and ate. drank juice hahha. felt awkward. cuz ppl ther were smoking their butts off. we were enjoyinn milk chocolate jshjaff cookie and sipping orange juice instead(: hahhahaha.
went hme.
dno if imma go support umeya tmr.. some competition thingii at braddell westlake. whos goinng? nee sec1s goinn? amir's takinn part. ..eh. sec1? like as if `he'd b ther. damn keeps forgettin he takes cheena. umeya was piised off wimme just now..? i tink. i dno.
hahahha. hahhahah. dicky hensem? XD
school's gettingg more and more.. on my nerves i tell u first. 'hahh. pushing me slowly lil by lil but drastically to the edge if tat makes nee sense.. i dno what school tryna do but whatever it is its working. im not happy wit tis at all. but hells i know someone who is. i hope ur happy now, blardy nasim!
i salute jamie, munz. she was like, "peirce is not a brand! peirce sucks!" really loudly at the parade square just now whn nasim announced tat books aint allowed under the table neemore. i wasn affected by tat tho. im tryna look at the plus side...... and im still figuring out what the plus side is... ah wells. u shld have heard tabii! LOL. she was like grumbling and complaaining and cursinng and stuf. woohoos. seems like nasim brings out the demon in evryone.
yay. tis is good news, ppl(: now all we hafta do is wait for the teachers to b on our side. which, if nasim continues his `thaang, wudn take very long(: Patience, my friends. patience.
we'r gonna do some sort of a newsletter thingiie.. meyh(me.. hahhha) and winneyh, we'll b interviewing teachers and just chitchat(: get to know them. muahhaha. tis is gonna b fun(: toughh but fun. we'r still considering who tho. ezzy? nah. we'll die laughinn even bfore the interviewing starts. ahhha.
bio test.. i can see light((: Hope. ahhahha.. -crap. panda teo was nice today.. wonder what shes up to. prollie has a date. cuz she cancelled todays amaths remedial. again. hMmm.
heeesh. caught a pathetic glance at `him while climbingg down stairs for recesss.. dinno he wud b ther. dinno he was even ther! i just saw his skinny fren. din really see `him. but sriee said `he wasn wearingg `his specs. and im quoting tis frm her: "hensem gilerr. uve got good taste, lela."
muaaahhahaha.s. careful, sriee. -wink winkk. and no i know my taste. its not good. hahhahha. frm 'big mac' to summie thn se'ahh and shanie(and many more in betweens. minor ones. hahhah. sheeesh..) u nvr call tat good aite. different yehh. weird veryy. bad? well. thn again, it *is* my taste.
finished up maths proj just now. peiru cudn come down she had npcc stuf. so it was just me and good ol sriee. and eldwen. and nana helped alot. germaine too. yehh thnx loads guys. hahaha. no one din wanna bring it home. so smartass me slipped tat orangey cardboard underneath my class door(: but cudn push it entirely inside. so the white plastic is so obviously stickinn out frm the door... it looks so stupidly suspicious.. wudn b surprised if i find it missing tmr(: Ther goes 50% of our emaths marks.
astaghfirulla' al azim. im cursinng myself!!
planned to wait for aspho. she had her australian maths competition thingiie.. but thn miss lim just had to tell us tat mrs poh is gonna come teach us debatinng and first lesson is.. today. was. whatever. cudn pontengg. damn nana and i were traumatized.. ahhah so were the sec2s((: they were very. hahhah.
turned out it wasnt tat bad arh. mrs poh was pretty fun(: evryone had fun. i supposed. but yehh. hahhaha. but whn ur wit her, u must b spontaneous. we played tis game, wher evryone of us was given an alphabet. and thn one by one alphabetically, will form sentences wit tat given alphabet. ermm for example, ur A and i'm B. u will start by sayinn, "Airplaaane!!! look!!! airplaane!" and thn ill go, "boyy, havent u seen an airplance before??" and thn the next will continue wit the first letter of the sentence 'c'. and yehh.. u get me right?
lol grace was first and she was like, "Angmokio is so bigg!!" and thn after tat was peiying/lijing/im mixed up and she said, "bishan is bigger!" thn the next went like, "choa chu kangg even bigger!!" and nana was d and she said, "Denmaark biggest!!" and evryone just laughedd.
we had to walk thru bishan park cuz ther was tis farewell thingie goinn on in school for those honkieees. and ther were guest of honor and stuff. we werent supposed to in school by thn anyway and we aint allowed near it. pffffft. like we waannnnaaaaa. ehhehe..
damn im so sleepy.... tmr's a fri. wow. seems so fasttt. sighhh. i hope things can slow down a lil. im beginnnin to get all worried and stressed and worked out cuz thers still so many stuff to do yet so lil tiiime. seems like just ytd i was twelve, registering my name in tis school, goinn for sec1 orientation which was helluva funn(:
sec1 was the slackiest(: 1E1'o2 is still fresh in my head. ahhha. i was sitting bhind aspho and bhind me was nana.. bside me to my left was alann and to my right was hannan.. still rmb miss poon and her eng lessons. mrs rose ang and her funn maths lessons!!! woohoo!! hhahah. and mrs vijayy!! damn shes good. mr tan and his stupid cme.. hahha. and just next door was mt class(: HAHHAHa. wit cikku rahim!! hahhaha. nvr late for mt hhahahs.. and always lookinn forward to it..? i dno. hahhaha. and always makinn fun of akmal, dicky, rasheedi and hannan. the 3 of us used to love mockinn them(:
thn 2e1'03. awesome(: miss lim our form teacher. we knew her even b4 tat cuz shes the el teacher ic. yadayada. whn she walked thru tat classroom door, the 3 of us were like *gaaasp!!. ahhah. were like, "damnn cannot ponteng el!!" hhaha.
made new cool spunky frens. tabithaa, meishiee, sherri, liang jimm, lol gavinn.. nurooooL!!!!! hahhaha.. Theodore!!! how can i forget!!! since day one we sat next to each otherr.. hahha. fated. of all the other empty seats, he chose to sit wimme. LOL. ehheh. grp works wit him and aspho and nana damn i wud give anything for evrything to stay tat way.
but things change and people change. must accept it. move on. adapt. no matter how sucky it is. hahha.
im still adapting to 3e1'04. anypoop, tis is gonna b my class for 2005 as well.. so must get use to it la. so far so good....? yehh(: i dno. wel. time will tell yerhhs?
pleeeaase dun rain tmr.. pleeeaaase. its hard to catch `him on fridaaays. except in the morning. so dun rain in the morninng!! irgh. hahha talk abt desperate;) heyy. how is wanting what u want, desperate? i tink its perfectly fine. hahha or so tats what i keep tellin myself(: its working tho, hhaha.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004?
two words: wher's evrybody!!!? -lela gets all depressed and miserable. what to do what to do. bloggin to the air tats what im gonna do. sighh. have i been bloggin to air all these time? nahh(: But heck. u guys hu got here, pls drop a msg!! gimme a sign!! yoohoo! :D
aite. i got to school at 7.20am. as soon as i reached, i heard nasim's voice. curses. ther goes my morning. hahha. rounded us to the hall for reading period. craaap. din get to steal a glimpse at `himm. craaap.
amaaaths. -rolls eyes. oh but ss was interesting ttoday. we'r currently studyinn abt conflicts between the sinhalese and the tamils in sri lanka. miss k showed us gruesome pics; headless whatever-less-u-name-it victims): It was really sad. esp whn she got to the pic of dead kids corpses..
no one deserves to die like tat): makes me wonder: wher zee lurff, peepo?
Cmon now. Give peace a chance(: hannan drew a neat peace sign on our class noticeboard. it was nice. i drew one in evry page of my lecture notes(: ..it may not change the fact tat ppl still live in hatred and violence, but it makes a lil difference.. u dno u shudup.
busted. ther was mly test. terrible shmerrible.. X\
got down for recess. heard nasim's crappy voice. curses.. but i saw `him tho!! no not nasim la inaadeyy! hahhaha. `hiiim!! hahha. but almost quickly i looked awayy. shy. hahahha. sriee was like, "lelaaa! look!" hahahaaa. nahh. hah. -blushh. even tho i wannna. even tho i can just sit and stare all day..
but im not like taaaat to gawk at boys. ha ha ha ha ha.
phys.. no hope, munz... emaths. screw dennis. he brought a mic to class. understandable la. hahha he reckoned it made him feel like a popstar tho. ...? HahHhahha. u wish, dennie. hhahhha.
vivien strawberry tan came over for pc cuz miss k had some stuf on. irggh she has tis look on her face ud love to hate. like, so daamn irritating. hahha. even tho she did nothingg.. but pfft. din bring my jogathan card. whatever. daphne collected a bloody $109!! wher she get those bucks frm!!?
got to the ava for some girls talk. hhahhahh. syid got aroused by those graphics and shit i tink. hahhahhha. crazy bitch. hahhaha.. after tat, went tp to finish up our maths statistical proj shiett. mann. hahahhah. had fun, munz(: even tho it was just sriee and me.
thn accompanied sriee home. helped to carry her stupid books, which she shld hav left it in class but din, asshole. hahhahha. poor sriee. she had to juggle her amaths and phy textbk and tat biiig orangey cardboard.. hahhah. so i took the same bus wit her till her stopp. lightened her burden a bit arh. hahha. i feel so angelic..(((:
at the same time, kinda bad): cuz evn tho ive been good, ive been bad as well........ ahh.
reached hme at 7. mom wasn pleased. for abt 3 mins. thn she pretened nth happened. my grandmom broke her false tooth(: Now shes got one tooth missing. hahah. its the front tooth(: SHe looks damn weird. hahahhaha.
wish me all the best for tmr's bio(:
Okie. so everybody's been complaining and all. why today entry daamn borinng. sigh. i figured. ur mind wunt rest in peace w/o knowing what i did today. heyy same here. i cant sit still, i cant think straight. my mind keep goinn back to my blogg and how boring it is.....
so here i am(:
heesh talk abt ego!
today's not really tat sucky. hahah. well. i got to schoool daaamn early. hahaha. ive no idea what the fudge for. i was sitting ther at my usual place, and stoned. thn sriee arrived and joined me. stared together. hahha. ooohhhh. `himmmm.
amaths. sng interrupted. panda teo looked like she was ready to throw her pencil box at tat poor lady(: Dang. Id give anyting to see tat happened. but hey we're talkinn abt teo here. so it *cud* happen ;)
ss. hahah. miss k walked into class and was like, "lolenzo, whats tat bottle doingg ther? pick it up bfore i force u to eat it." ahha. damn unlucky sitting in the frnt... serious. once a while, miss k wud have her hand on my shoulder. tis morning, she was practically massagingg me. was like, errr... squirming and stuf. wanting to say, "aite miss khai. u can get ur hands off me now."
i dun mind if she were some cute male teacher.
eldwen and hannan seemed to b enjoying it. hahh figured.
whats after ss.. oh yehh. pe. din do anything. hahaha. me at least. so pe kinda sucked. ohh fucck he had to appear while i was blowing my nose. curses. why cudn he walk by like 7 seconds ago when i was teachinn norine how to do a proper dribble.
hahhaha. saw asila. she waaved(: Waved baack. made my dayy. Wanna expect me to make the first move? pi ahh! hahha. shy. yes. shy. im not being stuck up. im being shy. hahh asilaaa i cant even say hi to u, u wan me to sayy hi to `him? doood... hahahha. u shld know me by now. hahha.
after recess was chem. lalallala. borinnng. 2 periods summore.. oh yehh. its cindy and meiyee's 15th bdaaaaae!!! woohooos!! hahha. happy birthdaaay!! god bless.
(hahha fancy writing tat in the same paragraph.. chem. haha. yes totally unrelated.)
after tat was mt. hahha. had fun. cikgu was sooo cute, u knooow!! hahhahaha. to make it worst, she even 'layan-ed' us. laughed so much ended up not doing the assignment she wanted us to do. which is nothing new(:
eng.. mrs o walked into class and was like, "ur class is presentable todayy. except for tat bottle ther. lolenzo can u pick it up?" ehhe sounds familiar? yeh. and thn the whole class was like, "LoLO!!" hahahha.
erm i reeeally need to buck up munz.. i used to b good whn it comes to writing. hey i am good. wahsehh.. im just lazy(: Now now.. ther shldn b tat smiley face ther..... it darsen look right.. im not proud tat im lazy. but its really not my fault. its my mom's /:
i used up sriee and sadako's tissue. hahha. mental note: bring my own tmr. yeh. nose running like a tap. gross.
granmom's worst thn my mom. she made teh tarik today. but she knows very well i have throat infection. she was ther wimme.. so i told her, "u know i cant drink tat." and she was like, "...i know..." ..huh.
i hate my sis. i hate the way she gets a way. ... err. yeh. she wanted badly to cut her hair today. i dno why. but she hadn got nee moneyy. all she did was put on her infamous sulky face and got 20 bucks for tat. who wud b so generous (and stupid)? my granmom. u cant get money frm my mom. well. unless ur not her daughter la.
lucky, yall.
i hate my sis. now she has a hot haircut. and 12 bucks change.
yeh okie tats all. i wanna go get sis to teach me how to put on a sulky face. yeh. yeh.
People | Your name: | lela wyaaaatt. or leela bhansali. whichever makes u happy. | Future Husband(or who you wish would be): | ehheh. ahermm. gareth gates. hhahahhah. | Maid of Honor: | sriee. HAHAHHAHA. tat is if shes free on my weddding. hahahahhah. if not ill get sakura. LOL. | Number or bridesmaids: | ermm plenty enuff...? haha. | Best man: | vanessa? hahha. vanessa!! hahahhahahah. | Flower Girl: | awww.. ermm. hannan. LMAO. nahh. ill get asila(: | Ring Bearer: | someone reliable... hmmmmm. cant tink of neeone. hHAHhahah.. | Place | Where do you want to get married? (church, beach, ect.): | jungle? hahaha. wit all those creeepy animals roaming freely. ahha. or anywher wit nature. | Why?: | imma nature person...? i dno? ahhah. | Other Details | Age you want to be married: | ermm dno? | Age now: | 15. | What time would the wedding be?: | LOL. time???! ermm. early morning((((: | Your dress (white, off white, other): | orange! ahhahahhhha. | Wedding colors: | orange. | Bridesmaid dresses: | orange. loL. nah. red. and green. or else aspho and nana wunt wanna wear em. hahahha. | Special Requests: | sisters and relatives not invited. | Songs | To walk down the asile to: | unchained melody. by none other thn my husband himself; gareth! LOL. | First Dance as couple: | erm dno? | Dance with parents: | like i can get to choooose for them!!!! hahahha. | DJ or band?: | baaand(: Imprunt's band? LOL. | Post wedding | Honeymoon place: | on the mooon. | Length of honeymoon: | a month? | will people be able to contact you: | hells yeh! | Will you be a virgin or not: | ahhahh. tats for me to know and for u to erm dun bother to find out. | first time as couple. How do you want it to be like(romantic,wild,slow,ect): | heeesh. we'll see. |
Wedding for girls brought to you by BZOINK!
hahaha.. daaamn cute(: Anypoop. whaaadup peepo!? tue suckyyy. dun like tues. shldn have come to school today also. daang. but ive nvr been absent two days in a row : so itll b pretty awkward.. summore ive got social studies todayyy. and thers always a lot to do. so being the responsible kiddo as i am, i din wanna miss it.
ahHAHHA riight on, bitch.
nothing much happened todaay. yada yada. borinnng. whats happening? tue used to be soo much funnnn. went straight hme after school.. pffft. ahh.
i swear tis is by far the most boring entry in my whole blog history(:
its a monday. its nearly one. im still in last night's clothes, last night's hair. last night everythng. hahaa! im listening to music blasting frm the stereo in my living room, im cuddling delfy. ive just finished half a dozen of pancakes and granmom's tasty chicken porridge.
but the best thing is tat i am here at home in my cozy (and messy) room, blogging awayy.. while yall in ur stufffy classroooms, shifting ur asses in ur crazy chaaairs and listening to teachers preach.
life's good.
dun get all jealous of me now.. cuz it shld b the reversed!!! CUrSEs. Im not having a good time here honestly. im shivering badly despite the weather. my nose is running. my throat is as dry as parchment. my eyes are red. and im running a stupid fever. i shld b in bed but i cant sleep in peace cuz ive still got tat bitter taste medicine lingering in my tongue.
careful of what u wish for, huhh.
doc said ive got throat infection. doc gave me 2 days mc. pffft. i dun care. im goiin to school tmr! .. or not.. ehhe doc reckons peirce is a good school(: Oh and he knows mrs pohh!!!! HAHAHHAH. i dinno mrs poh has friends.
i dno what to do now. -sniffs.
oh crap. hahha. i just had a major sneeze. now ive got mucus and germs and shits all over my delfy(: I shall put my delfy on my sis' bed and will wait for nature and science to take its course.... if u get what i meant;) Now i wunt b lonely(:
wonder what my homies doinn now. wonder what `hes doing... not tat it matters.. but . yeh.
if you wanna go and take a ride wit me, we three-wheelin in the fo' and the gold D's oh why do i live tis way? hey must b the moneyy! if u wanna go and get high wit me, smoke a L in the back of the Benz-y oh why must i live tis way? heyy must b the moneyy!!
hahha hells yeh. aspho!! -kicks butt. tat ones fer ya homiee. cehh. the chorus first. haha. get tat one right. ooh yeh nelly rocks my world and rocks it good. u guys shld listen to 'splurge'!! spunkyy!! hahha.
anyypoop. how yer doinn?! beautiful sundayy? yeh i thot so too!! i dun wanna go school tmr. or the day after tmr. or anyday at all. -sulks. suddenly i feel so irrrghhhh lazy.
hahha. riiight. suddenly? ive *always* been lazy. but yeh. today im very very the lazy. im as lazy as lazy. so lazy tat just changing batteries in the remote suddenly seem sucha major work to do. last nite i was so lazy to climb up my bed, i just slept on the floor. tis morning, sis was cleaning the hse arnd me, like i was just another furniture. said she din wanna disturb my sleep. hah right. she was using the vacuum cleaner(:
my mom and my sibs are out. apparently i din tag along. even tho i wanna. why? cuz the sky so high.. (sikai tot me tat!! hahahaha!!! haha!! hahahah..hahaaermm whatt, i was just tryinn it out. comng frm him it sounded hilariously cute.)
i brought back my bio. tot of revising for test. i have it on the table now. highlighters and blank papers for mindmap all ready. wahh seh. goddamned enthu(: Or so YoUuu thot. haha. now im feelinn so unmotivated.... like, wth. was like, wher did *tat* come frm? -checks underneath the table.
so lil tiiime so much to dooo. i wanna spend my daays wit uuu.... tat is if im not lazy.
i had one really disgusting dream.. -shuuudders. im sooo gonna look at hannan different now. im prollie gonna run away and hide.
think i shld go now..? erm nahh later.
ur hungry. ur waiting for u food to come. ur sleepy. what ur gonna do. i asked my mom. she said, "ill have a drink." ... i asked my sis she gave me grandfather stories. i asked my other sis and.. till right now she still hasn gimme her ans.
know what id do? i wud take a small nap. lets say, half an hr? if the food still hadn come, id go up to the cook or whoevers preparing the food and .. and ......... and put on a very very very hungry sleepy face. (tat is if im not lazy to get my butt off the chair.)
tats what i did tis morningg. while waiting for tat mamak. seriously how long do u need to make ermm lemme recall... 6 prata kosong and 4 egg prata?!
my guitar is collecting cobwebs and dusts. poor thiing): Wanna play also cant play. still havent get the d-string. shafiq starts poly life already and i cant get him to get it for me. wanna ask mom for moneyy. but shes already reminded me b4 hand, tat she darsen want anything to do wit my stuf. she says i shld start being independent and do stuf my own. i tink shes just being lazy.
haha yeh. kinda like me(:
okie so i gtg now. must force myself to study bio. study not enuff. must understaaand. must. endure. must. pass. or else.. i can see jeya right now.. screaming in my face: "u fail bio, ur digging ur own grave!" uhhuh jeya. while im at it, mayb i can dig one for you too.
ah-thank you ;)
i blogged one whole crap last night. but my comp fucked up on me. i swore and cursed with all my might. but i realized, heckk. let it be.
the Village People, Iced Earth. a couple of bands Imp worships. all, ive nvr heard b4(: and he cud even offer me to b in his band. honoured, really. but i told him, "u play weird music." ... hahah cant blame a girl for being honest.
yesterday was the passing out parade. wished i had been ther...? sriee said it was great. reckoned summie looked good. der. hahahha.
hannan was considerate last night(: there wasn the usual "i met this hot chick downtown..".hahah. we talked abt *my* stuffs. muahaha he said ive got good taste. he wasn the only one to say tat on tat same day.... creeepy.
he was tellin me how he beat up tis china guy back in pri skool.. i find it hard to believe. thn i remembered he punching suhandy right in front of everyone. but tat was understandable. evrybody wud love to punch suhandy's face(:
i said to him, "honestly? what was ur prob? u were racist back thn?" "i was hot tempered. and i was bad." "hah. was. so what now ur good?" "i am bad:). ppl hate me for tat. i dno y. ppl hate me for being me."
the hell i agree wit him. its always so hard to make ppl pleased wit u. no matter what u do. u try to be u, ppl hate u. u try to b different, ppl hate u. sickening.
he added, "its no wonder why world peace is nvr possible." "hahh says the guy who beats crap outtarf his foreign classmates." "hahahha. i was bad as bad."
"u keep sayinn was. what are u now?" "someone else." "dun sound very happy there." "haha. sometimes the old me just gets control of me. whn it does, i shout." "yeh. shout is good. shouting is fun." "haha but its embarrassing. in frnt of ppl."
"its better in frnt of ppl, hannan. whn u get too outtarf control, all uve gotta do is punch whoevers closest to u(:." "hahahhaha! and ur sitting next to me. hahahah!" "shit. haha."
had to go thn. wished each other all the best for tmr. tat was whn my comp fucked up on me. i need a new comp.
i din thot of him the whole to ytd. and today. yayy. sriee does all the 'ooh ahhh wee' for me(:
aitong ytd was like hell(: i had 2 more brats under my wings. hongsui definitely din like the idea of sharing me wit those two. hahahahahha. i can see it in his face. i was loving it.
one of the brats was ong si kai. he's si min's lil bro!! ahha. water taank!
sucha sweet fella. looks so much like his sister. whn he smiles. loving his dimples. hongsui was jealous(:
the other one was shit. what a bastard, munx. michievious uncontrollable lil bastard. i asked for his name, he said his name was Pangsai. not sure of the spelling but yeh. he asked for my name. told him to just call me 'jambu'.
he called me baboon. totally unrelated.
they did maths. si kai one smartass(: i cudn do tis sum pangsai wanted to do.
and he was like complaining to the teacher. "this kind of tutor, dno how to teach one!!" so i said to him, in frnt of the teachers, "but im better in eng(((:." -demure smile.
pangsai kept on playin wit his balls. pingpong balls. he had six of them. he did the most disgusting thing.... corrupting innocence minds. (not mine included hahha.)
i tried many ways to make him stop his clown act. 1st: "sit down and behave or ill cryy.. -upset look." 2nd: "come do ur work. ill buy u a pony." 3rd: "pleeeeeaaase do ur wooooorrrkkk!!!!!!"
still not effective. so i did what i shld have done. i stole one of his balls.
he wasnt please. he tried many ways to get the ball frm me. first he demanded for it. thn he threatened. and he started to plead. thn he saw my bag. and ran off wit it.
screw tat bastard.
thn he saw the signatures on my bag. impressed. changed of plans. he wanted to sign on it as well. whn i refused to let him sign, he sat on my bag. i cud hear my dicsman cryin in agony.
si kai came to the rescue(: he grabbed my bag frm pangsai. .. thn he slamdunked it on the chair. thanks alot? i cud hear my dicsman last cry.
ahh wth. decided to let them sign on it anyway. pangsai drew shit. figured. he drew shit. upside down. thn he signed his name. Loh Kay On. sucha cute naaaame!!!
"Mr On?"
"Mr Loh la!"
sikai signed my bag as well(: but he said not to show her sister. ahh heck hahha.
"u sec 3 right?" he asked. "yup." and pangsai was like, "sec3?! u look like pri1 neh."
im at tat stage wher im pretty used to those remarks(: but tat coming frm a pri4 kid, it buggs me like fuck.
hongsui gave me a call just now. HAHAHAH. i was scared. HAHAHAHHAHA. wth he just wanted to say hi. wokie.
im not gonna talk abt oral. it basically suck. ): ate at ph after tat wit sriee and nana. it was raininggg irgh. my handsome shoes got all wet. i need new shoes.
aunt mia bought me a book(: 1st to Die by James Patterson. rocks, i tell u. i finished reading it btw(:
why am i running away?
instead of doingg my amaths,
i was drawing graffitis and robot transformers.
aactually just lil bunnies
hopping over dull deformed stars.
ive got really sad news.
i swear these news gonna break many male's hearts out ther.
i tink im turning into a lesby.
lesbian la.
and lesbians not ppl who live in Lebanon.
tat was funny.
yehh im turning into a lesby.
i dun get turned on by guys neemore.
except for `him la.
and tats just gross.
cuz hes blardy 2 yrs younger than me.
i got my hands on his ex book.
very very very
reminds me of my lil small cousinn(:
am i freaking u guys?
yeh? yehh???
yay my work is done(:
mission accomplished.
i bet vanessa's dumbfounded(((:
shes very gullible.
im not turning into a lesbian la(:
in case u dno.
i hate pretty girls.
dun believe me?
ask hannan.
and i dun like mags.
they make me feel ugly..
all those slim pretty female models
in evry single paaage.
id rather get asila to shove chopsticks in my eyes(:
imran "imprunt" darsen watch oc.
someone like me(:
i find oc crap.
typical american teen drama.
and the female actors ther.. makes it all worst.
ive nothing against oc.
ive nothing against pretty girls.
they just amuse me.
and amuse is good.
gets me thinking.
most of my girlfrens are pretty..
eh i mean, all of my girlfrens are pretty(((:
they amuse me.
i hate them too.
hahha no la.
tats a whole different story.
i *wud* hate them if i dunno them.
but sadly i do.
and i know them.
and i love them(:
what am i talkinn.
im just bored la.
this is the result of boredom.
total crap(:
i got down the eqn for u:
bored + blog = crap.
i count to 3, u guys better laugh.
imprunt wanted to send me lame songs again(:
i told him to give it a break.
(i can b very direct.. haha)
but reaally!!
his songs are laame.
poor imp.
he listens to weird songs.
tis is my 2nd entry today.
promise i wunt blog tmr(:
i know a guy named daniel.
daniel tis deyi sec morbid guy fren of mine..
and hes a really fucked up person.
he hates evrything. he used to hate me.
yeh. taaat bad. yerhs.
except literature..
he loves lit. he reads alot.
and actually hes really nice la.
i like him.
hes a great thinker.
and he tot me tat
life is all about passion.
"live it. love it."
something the both of us
agree on..
believe me or not,
we are like worlds apart
dan and i.
a lil cute but stupid birdie crapped on me,
id prollie go, "thaaank god cows dun fly."
dan wud go, "muthafuckaa blardy bird."
and prollie try to hit it wit his shoe.
hes gonna kill me if he happens to read tat.
but hahha nahh, hes more professional than tat.
hes gonna invent tis lil cool machine
tat will wipe out the whole bird species in the world :D
mannn.. (((:
we learn something new evryday!
thurs kinda.. boring.
irghh haaate the hall!
early in the morning
and sadako was already pissing me off.
damn winneyh rocks, munz.
like, she sleeps in class
but can still do her workk.
me, on the other hand,
attentive in class (sometimes)
but always end up screwing evrything.(everytime!)
panda teo was so sweet just now(:
teo. sweet?
ezzy chan brought company.
sijie frm his form class 3a2.
ehheh he rocks.
he provided entertainment for us.
made lesson much more livelier and fun(:
bird man.
ezzy is so lame.
i like.
din bring my geog textbk(:
tan lee choo din punished.
mayb cuz.. i din tell her?
i passed geog diagnostic 55 qn test!!!
wow so funn.
after school,
thot there wud b amaths remedial.
din have. lerhhh.
but stayed back anyway.
chilled out wit sriee and germs.
they had band.
but tat instructor who looks like a cow,
aint wit them.
so ther.
studied bio while they blew their hearts out.
eww. i learnt another new thing today. eww.
thers tis lil thingie which u have in ur trumpet,
and cuz whn u blow, u tend to blow ur saliva out as well,
they provide u this thingie,
which will collect all ur saliva,
and keep it practically inside the trumpet.
so whn u pull the thingie,
all ur saliva will flow out.
u get what im sayin?
sriee pulled hers.
water flowed out.
i was impressed.
"wher tat came from!?"
told me it was her saliva.
thot she was kidding.
thn germs pulled hers out.
hers was like a water tap, i tell u!!!
"saliva? u kiddding me?!
u cant just let saliva flow out like dat,
all splashed all over."
and germs was like,
"thn what u wan me to do?
get a pail? its saliva la dey!"
i was so grossed out.
got to the band room
wher nurul j was practicingg ther.
i was bored.
tired of bio.
started opening evry single
cabinet and drawers ther :D
went home at arNd 4.
wanted to wait for sakura.
waited for abt 3 mins.
thn decided to go home.
tink im gonna just.. give it up?
okie. wunt say give up ar.
just gonna.. pause.
hahah cehh.
but yeh. gonna pause.
itll b easy peasy lemon squeasy.
not like i get to see him much anyway.
aite gtg..
ive got amaths hmwk to complete.
dun wanna let panda teo down.
wahh sehhh.
learnt anotherr thing:
dicky is very
very the weird.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004?
happy racial harmony day!
tat feels weird.
today seems weird as well.
dno just does.
maybb cuz aspho and nana aint in school.
(who knows wher they were doinng at hme..)
so it felt different.
esp during mt class.
and during recess.
and after school.
the whole day la.
it was raining in the morning.
so chilly and windyy..
screw tat.
got to class.
saw ken and yuping tryna break into the classroom
thru the window : cuz sharon wasnt there
and she had the class key.
i got up to them, yo whadup.
they were too engrossed.
heard yuping goinn, "ehh. can arh. get someone small.."
at the same time they looked at me..
and ken said, "hello lela. good morning.
what do you think of windows?"
-jaw drops.
cool (:
but cindy did it instead..
tat girl arhh.
changedd.. blabla.
went to the hall... blablaaa.
crampedd. irghh.
he wore blue(:
sriee wore bluuuee!!
hers was niiiice!!!!
i wanted to kill her!!
sakura's one daaamn pretty(:
everyone's costumes pretty!
u shld have seen clairence!!!
she only wore the top of the baru kurungg!!!!!
and carisa.. ohh -thumbs up.
meishie looks sweet(:
lolo's costume daaaamn nice.
half of the boys in our class
wore sarung neeway((:
got to claaass.
did the collage thingie.
hannan drew.
drew a human pyramid.
we dinno what it was actually.
so we anyhow added in colourss..
only whn we stick it up together,
we went like, "ooohh!! humaan pyramiiiid!!"
we din win tho.
but kudos 3e1 :D
wahhahh im so sweet.
lol riite.
normal lesson after tat.
15 mins of social studies.
thn mt.
we waited for 15 mins for cikgu.
thn sharul announced sardinely tat cikgu was absent.
went to the atrium.
ther werent any chairs or tables ther ..
turned out cikgu had forgotten all abt us.
if i wud have known.......
screw tat person who went lookinn for cikgu.
recess was weird.
chilling at the atrium.
ther was tis 'showcase' thingie
if tats what u called it.
ther was tis section on mly stuf.
saw something on that tabble
and it wrote 'keluarga saya'.
i was like.. oh no cud one of them b mine?!
dragged sriee ther.
thn guess whard.
cikgu appeared out of nowher
and got ther first.
she started packing them.
"no!! cikguuu!! waaait!.. can i see?"
cikgu seemed pissed off.....
was tryinn to get rid of me.
not easy(:
heyyy all i wanted to see was if
mine was therr.. wasssup cikgu??
turned out it was sec1 and 2 work.
cikgu added sarcasticall,
"wanna expect u sec3s to do? pi ah!"
okie la. she din really said, pi ah.
but i understand how she felt(:
physics weirder.
emaths.. crazy.
dennis goh wore philippines(:
and it was transparent.
and it looked like a raincoat.
he had S.H.E thingie in his laptop(((:
insisted it wasn his tho.
was like, "no la. its not mine.. no.. really."
give it a break, dennie.
dun bother to convince us.
this is the 3e1, for cryinn out loud.
assembly was funny(((:
those performers were awesome!!!!
count on meee singapoorree!!!
after tat went lunch wit sriee and nurul j.
thn popular to get blank cd...
the book sriee wants, sold out!!!!
mine's still there.. sitting on the shelf,
waiting for sriee to get it for me...
went home.
.. todays weird.
i feel weird.
no. this has nothing to do wit him.
well. mayb?
im not hiding stuff.
frankly im like wanting to tell the whole universe.
but some things are so difficult to express.
some things are better not expressed.
i dun open up very easily to ppl.
i dun open up very well either.
i can open up to sriee tho.
cuz whatever i say, she darsen really care.
it sounds mean. but its good(:
in another (better)words,
sriee darsen judge.
she keeps her mouth shut.
she listens.
im not implying anything..
so u guys dun go twist the whole thing
and come up wit some lame assumption
tat im badmouthing ppl.
yeh pls dont.
we'r human and its tempting i know.
-bites lip.
i just hate wednesdays.
ridz shmidz.
what is ridz shmidz?!
like, u can find tat scribbled all over my txtbks.
even have tat as my msn nick.
first it was tabiii.
thn nabilaaa. who reckons
i always come up wit coool nicks.
i love to brag(:
oh right. movingg on, pls.
no one.
no one.
no one. knows what ridz shmidz means.
but evryone.
everyone. likes it.
they find ridz shmidz very spunky.
i agree.
der. i came up wit it.
i dunno whats spunky tho.
it just sounds very cool. hahah.
wokie doo.
hi(: how was ur tues???
mine was terrrible.
started off really --> ):
but it ended --> ((((: i like.
panda teo was on leave today.
the whole class was like 'hell yeh!!!'
dennis goh took over. -pouts.
he seemed... pretty shocked at how we reacted.
he seemed even more shocked
whn valencia walked in after her duties,
saw him, instantly knew teo was absent,
and went "yes!!"
evrybody hates teo lee loo(:
pity her monitor ;)
got to know our honkey studentts.
one is mandy and the other is connie.
the mandy person damnnn sweeet(((:
she gave me tis lil silvery thinggie.
winnnie said its something u pin ur shirt to.
aspho said its a bookmark.
i dno.
but tat was really nice(:
we had group discussion during ss.
we talked abt 'conflict'.
whn asked to give an example,
clairence went like,
"3E1 versus Teo Lee Loo!"
and the whole class chorused in together(:
everyone hates teo(:
god bless her.
i was feelin kinda sucky during pe.
(thnx sriee and sakuraaaa
for being there for me((((:
love yaaaall to bacon bitts.)
thn ryan came along and
pinched my cheek.
honestly, i cudn b bothered much(:
okie tis is gonna b a lil "r(a)" but hahahhah.
boys, dun read the following paragraphh.
the more i ignore ryan,
the more she will continue.
she tried to tickle me tummmy.
thn suddenly she gasped...
tried another attempt.
thn, "wah! lela! got abs! so hard aye!"
and thn she lifted my shirt up.
yes she did.
i was too stunnned to do anything.
tat was the last straw.
but nahh i kept my cool..
"ahhh! got packs.." she said.
she seemed impressed wit my abs.
i on the other hand, was grossed out.
i grabbed my bagg and got my ass outta ther.
soooo ma-loooooooed.
ryan can b really scaryy.
hahahha but she rawwqks(:
our class had a photo takenn.
poor valencia(:
she was like screaminnng abt,
gettinn us together as a class
but ther was always one of us tat spoilt the whole thing.
hannan refused to b in the pic.
he offered to b the cameraman.
valencia was pissed off.
hey me too :D
chem test after recess :T
watched this ermm mly movie
on leftanan adnan during mt.
had to do kefahaman after tat.
one of the qns was,
"what can u learn frm the movie?"
of course it was in mly la.
i translated it for u. ahhaha.
and aspho and i were like the last to hand in.
so anyhow tikamtikam.
i wrote,
"kita mesti ada keyakinan diri dan mesti mahu
berjuang. tapi, kalau tetap gagal, itu sudah takdir."
"we must have determination and the will.
but thn, if u still fail, thn tats fate."
cikguu majidahh will cry whn she reads tat.
mrs o told us this story frm tis book,
"primal fear" by something Diehl.
i waaaan taaat boook!!!!
i havent pick up a book and seriously reading
since... p6.
tis is sad. cuz i love books.
stayed back to wait for aspho
who stayed back wit arisa
to print out stuf for emaths statistical proj.
aspho din do much(:
and sriee and i were ther beign xtra.
went comp lab.
thot he wud b therr.
i mean practically his whole classmates were.
but no.
bought lotsa lotsa .. stuf to stuf my face wit.
bus arrived unusually late(:
ehhe. i understaaand. hahah.
-winkks at aspho.
cudn stop makinn fun of tis sec1 guyy.
cudn stop laughiinn.
esp whn he went up to get the bus to stop.
166 bus i tink.
and he forgot all abt his bag(:
almost forgot. hahahhaha.
so i was like stifling a chuckle.
but thn guess whoooo had to b theeerr
to see me on succh embarrrasssing staaate?!
not tat i mind tho.
i was like, dreeeamyyy siiiiiiigh.
so i went home a happy girl(:
i wud b happier if he kinda like
gimme a sign b4 appearinng.
cuz it has always been like *thaaat*.
appearing out of nowher.
scarinng the shitts outtarf me.
not tat i mind tho.
pssst yo asila. :D
cant believe u found out his name so soon.
hmm ur a good source......
hhahhahaha.. ;)
i scaaared ya?! hahah cooool.
din thot tat mite get neeone fooled.
hahahah. anyway
how come i dun see u online neemore?!
studies huh? ): Oh'wells.
Text me whn u get online or sumfink.
ive got loaaads to tell yaa ;) ehhe.
moving on.
actually school wasnt so bad.
another day has paassed.
yeh school aint so bad(:
Monday actually rocks.
hopefully not just this mondayy.
cuz mondays usually suck.
3e1 is the only class
which has extra lesson on monday.
school started out fine(:
middle was kinda cool.
end was better. nyehehe ;)
the 8
honkeys hk gurls introduced themselves today.
not tat i heard anything they said...
i borrowed one of my clothes to one of them(:
mrs o talked for one whole period.
i dun mind(: As long as she darsen yell.
some teacherss!!
jeya screams, i tell u!!!
winnie and i were like.. crying down there,
pleading her to stop screamminnng!!
irghhh jeya is so irritaaatiiinnng!
her lessons suuuccck.
including the fact tat i can nvr sleep in her class nemore):
i was so bored,
i started cutting up tiny strips outtarf the pages of my bio book.
and the scissors i was using is pink.
i hate pink i dun use anything tats pinkk.
i even wore winnie's pink watch,
took it off, and wore it all over again.
see how bored i was?
i felt like slashing jeya using those scissors.
haha a lil violent ther but heckk.
i hate it whn she goes like,
"sit up straight! later what if mr nasim or the hods
walk passed and see y'all sleeping?"
"mr juraimi shld b making his rounds
right abt now. e1, pls behave!"
all those shitts.. -rolls eyes.
shes not reminding us.
shes reminding herself.
u get what im tryna say?
she warns us not cuz she darsen wan us to get into trouble.
she warns us SO THAT SHE darsen get into trouble.
i find that really amusing.
u shld have seen the fear on her face
whn mrs sng interrupted the class.
turned out she wanted the replies for the ppsg thingiee.
jeya scared of hods!!
-sticks out tongue.
jeya is soo annoying.
our extra period lasts only for 20 minutes.
so our dismissal time evry monday is 2.35pm.
but tat jeyaa i tell u,
insisted tat the lesson shld end at 2.50pm.
what the fuudge?!
can u explain such behaviour?!
"i'm doing tis for ur own good, class.
im not doing tis for myself.
darsen make any difference what time i let u off,
i still have the same pay!"
and suhandy went like,
"darsen make any difference right?
so let us go early! u still have the same pay."
and she was like, a lil quiet and thn,
"suhandy. that was insulting."
yeh. u screaming is insulting my ears too!!!
u must b thinking we're always giving jeya a hard time.
have u ever wondered;
mayb its more of the other way round?
ive got to get costumes for:
songzhi, amanda, norine and liling.
-sighhys. hahha.
sriee reckons i can open up a boutique(:
hmmm.. shld have loan it to them actually....
hahahha dennis goh was
looking forward to see our new honkey classmate.
b4 he left the class, he said to the boys,
"you boys very sian neh.
make sure make a good impression.
tuck in ur shirtt."
i tink i may turn out to like tis fella.
sometimes i pity him. other times ...
i feel like just sitting back and laugh at his clumsinesss.
went home..
just sriee and me.
sakura has jcrc.
oh yeh.
sakura's baaaack!!! hahahha. woohoos.
jst as the both of us were walkinn to the gate,
he and tis skinny fren of his
came runnninng in.
i feel like replaying tat all over again(((:
saw winnie and songzhi at the busstop.
cudn stop laughing.
winneyhh rocks.
wonder why he stayed baack for.
neemind duncare.
pls make it evry monday(:
id b grateful.
woohoos tmr's a tue.
but nah dun wanna expect much.
it mite turn out to b the opposite.
kinda like todayy.
so yeh..
but im still keepin a positive minnd..
thers chem test tmr.
im ready to get bustedd.
ridz shmidz..
hiii (:
is like a puzzle.
Each of you
is a piece.
Some on the border,
some close to the center.
But every is as imporant.
Every has made me
who I am today.
Thank you
for being a piece of my life.
I know.
ive been a pain in the ass.
a stone in ur stinkkin shoee.
i meant,
a stinkinn stone in ur shoe.
hahah yess.
but hey.
u know i love you (:
awww. tat was sweet wasn it?
i was sweet wasn i?
but i mean it.
what i said.
yeh. i meant it.
frm the hearts of my heart.
anyhoos(: b4 yall start throwing up...
whats up today?
i brought back my bio.
thot of reading thru during the weekends.
i did.
but nothing went thru my heeaaad.
yiling came over today (:
shes my sister's fren.
and she rocks.
sucha sweet gal.
elena darsen deserve such caring fren!!
hahah nahh kiddingg.
yiling so sweetly as to
letting me wear her chinese costume.
it fits.
she simply rocks.
well i dun like her just cuz
she lends me her clothes.
i like her cuz she makes my sister feels inferior.
so its nice to have her around.
suddenly elena seems sooo smaaaalll.....
hahahha. jokinnng.
cant wait till tue.
hope twins doing fyyynee.
sriee and i miss sakuraaa ):
but now tat we're not sitting together,
gues it darsen make any difference...?
no it makes a beeeg difference actually.
if blardy nasim calls them out
first thing monday morningg,
i swear
im gonna burn his house down.
okie mayb not house la.
im not gonna let his kids and wife suffer
just cuz of himm!
livinng wit himm is already punishment enuff.
how abt..
im gonna set his paants on fire.
whos wimmmeee?!
cant wait till tue.
hii. its a friday(: and im missing himm.
aherm. i meant gareth gates la deyy.
i returned it to umeyaa this morning.
(ahahha riiight.)
what a wombat.
a waste of my precious time.
went to school early just to find
he was alr in school.
aherm. i meant nabilaa.
lucky i din wait for her(:
(ahahhahah riight.)
fell in love with a boyy.
fell in love once and almost completely.
had terrible cramps in the morning.
i hate cramps. theyre terrible.
eng was funn(:
we played ermm. spin the yarn game.
not sure but it was sure fun.
u know what game im talkinn abt right?
-hits your head with a donkey.
the topic was on crime.
one person started the ball rolling
by sayin well.. the first sentence of the story la.
and thn the next person will continue
tat kinda crap(:
yehh u get my drift.
we talked abt a rape case(:
an attempt rape case.
or else it wud really b 'something' hahha.
geog after tat.
ppl cudn stop teasing eldwen and his
'frost shattering'.
i mean, cuz hes indonesian and stuff,
he had a weird way to erm talking.
well, his accent la. yeh.
he emphasized on the 'r'
and it sounded like,
'frrstt shattrrrring.'
no? u dun get me?
its okie.. no one gets me la(:
but tat still darsen stop me frm...
-hits your head with, this time, a cow.
55 qns diagnostic test on weathering :
a killerrr.
what lee choo tryna do? kill us?
well, a good attempt.
cuz i nearly died ther okie!?
-breaks down cryingg.
most of the qns, i tikam2 cuz was running outtta time.
she gave us a freaken 15 mins
for 55 freaken qnss..
oh yeh. i passed physics(:
ohh hahah saw himmm at the atrium.
what was he doing ther?
u know, i dun really care la.
ahahha but he brightened up my day(:
brought henna.
'vandalized' frens' arms.
2 periods of emaths.. wit dennis goh.
the agony. ohh.
did u know what happend tt last lesson?
we were being noisy, as usual.
he just stood ther in front of the class,
looking at us. no he din look angry or anything.
his face was expressionless.
he is the poker face teacher (:
and thn arh, all of a sudden arh, he said,
"im getting married."
ther was silence for a split sec.
it was so quiet, i cud hear weijie mumble, "so what?"
and thn the class came to life
and started cheeringg for the 'groom to be'.
and thn as
sardine as ever, he added,
"i was kidding."
he did tat just to get our attention.
the hell yeh he did :
i cudn make up my mind till now
if what he did was super lame. or funny.
but i guess
coming frm him its kinda like a bit of both...?
glad to know salmiah's feeelin bettter(:
texted her last night but she dinn reply.
but as soon as she saw me just now,
she gave me a thumbs-up((:
may sound crazy and all
but i miss her like crazy..
hope things her side are all good.
after school at the canteeen....
ughh i nearly shoved sriee in tat green dustbin ther
whn she accidentally got to brush past her arm against `his.
went to the aitong thingie thingo thang. (?)
we ate ther firstt hahaha. the food ther simply .. rock.s
was abt to dine in
whn someone whacked me haard.
i turned round.. oh baloney.
my nightmare hong sui.
why arent i glad to see him.
oh yehh. he listens to holly vallance(:
went to j8 after tat.
arisa tagged along(:
haha shes gonna get me tat cookie
the one aspho ate
as a blated pressie.
or so tats what i told her to get.
she joked tat she gonna get `himm. for me.
it was stupid. but i like tat thot.
-wink winkk.
went back home.
took the bus.
hates the mrt.
u dun find tat weird right?..
arisa says im weird cuz i hate the mrt...
i dun tink its weird.. seriously.
if hating the mrt is weird....
id like to know whats weirder.
ahha bet itll b weird.
here i am.
its a friday.
have i said tat?
can i say it again?
its a fridayy.
ther. nothing to say now.
oh yeh. wait. tis is for asila.
yo, gurl! hahhaha.
how are you? hows life?
eaten dinner? i havent..
chicken chop at aitongg tasty aight?
im not sure who u, u noe..
say hie whn u see me arnd or sumfinkk
and one more thingg
-dun 'weewitt' me!!!-
hahaha. u know what im talkin abt..
hushhush abt it, yerh? ;)